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Why India must support Nasheed in Maldives row

oh by the way how many years it has been that India is supporting Maldivians govts? if you can state

Rules of law also do not give India any right to interfer if that happens in a country.

Can't really say how many years, but the count is in decades. At least three decades. His predecessor retained his chair (and life) thanks to India's expeditionary forces, which saved his life and the rule of law from PLOTE mercenaries. (Read about operation cactus).

India so far has not interfered in anything happening in their country. We are harboring a man (rightfully the president, but be that as it may) who walked into the Indian embassy, which is sovereign Indian territory. If the Maldivian forces storm the embassy, they would be flouting time honored international laws which state that a country's embassy and its premises is a sovereign territory of that country, and the laws of that country apply. But that is hypothetical, Maldivian forces are not suicidal enough to do such a thing and face the wrath of the Indian paratroopers, who will be fighting AGAINST them this time, if they do something so stupid.

Anyway, the long and short of it is this - India has not violated any law or interfered in their country's affairs so far. Harboring somebody who willingly came into our embassy is our right.
The decisions taken by this regime are not valid and what ever you are talking in favor of this current regime is also not valid. People of Maldives will decide their future but not under the corrupt military regime who came to power by a coup.

It was a military coup with the help of defense secretary. how many came out on the streets when Musharraf took over the power. It took Pakistanis 10 years to come on the street.

And the former President made a mistake by arresting the Justice and that was wrong so ..for this reason India did not interfere. If he went by law and then got thrown out by coup only at that time India would have directly intervened.

We dint came on roads because we supported Musharraf.

We came on roads for reinstatment of CJ not removing Musharraf.

even in that case India does not have any right to interverne directly.
We dint came on roads because we supported Musharraf.

We came on roads for reinstatment of CJ not removing Musharraf.

even in that case India does not have any right to interverne directly.

Where did the article state India should intervene directly ??
Can't really say how many years, but the count is in decades. At least three decades. His predecessor retained his chair (and life) thanks to India's expeditionary forces, which saved his life and the rule of law from PLOTE mercenaries. (Read about operation cactus).

India so far has not interfered in anything happening in their country. We are harboring a man (rightfully the president, but be that as it may) who walked into the Indian embassy, which is sovereign Indian territory. If the Maldivian forces storm the embassy, they would be flouting time honored international laws which state that a country's embassy and its premises is a sovereign territory of that country, and the laws of that country apply. But that is hypothetical, Maldivian forces are not suicidal enough to do such a thing and face the wrath of the Indian paratroopers, who will be fighting AGAINST them this time, if they do something so stupid.

Anyway, the long and short of it is this - India has not violated any law or interfered in their country's affairs so far. Harboring somebody who willingly came into our embassy is our right.

Your Indian members here are saying India has the right to interfer and India is doing that on pretext of supporting DEMOCRACY in Maldives.

But since India is supporting Maldivian govts as you said for atleast three decades it means India was supporting undemocratic govts there before
We dint came on roads because we supported Musharraf.

We came on roads for reinstatment of CJ not removing Musharraf.

even in that case India does not have any right to interverne directly.

90% of Pakistan population did not even know who Musharraf was and supported him? My goodness this is the level of understanding. Pakistan did not support Musharraf , Pakistan supported Military intervention.

In Maldives the picture is different. The current President was already serving in the government next to the former President Nasheed. Nasheed arrested the Justice, Police and security forces detained Nasheed, till here is alright but no presidential elections were held and Military continued to support the new president under the leadership of the Defense Secretary which is wrong!
Your Indian members here are saying India has the right to interfer and India is doing that on pretext of supporting DEMOCRACY in Maldives.

But since India is supporting Maldivian govts as you said for atleast three decades it means India was supporting undemocratic govts there before

One more ignorant commet, read about Maldivian regimes and then comment here.
The people of Maldivies will themselves throw out the government.

how it gives Pakistan any right to officially or unofficially interfere in Afghanistan affairs?

We interefered only after the Afghan ruler attacked Pakistani territory Bajaur with tanks

Where did the article state India should intervene directly ??

"In fact, it should be Indians, not the MDP, that should demand that India play a decisive role in Maldives. It’s in our interest. "

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/236392-why-india-must-support-nasheed-maldives-row.html#ixzz2LXKk9hRA
"In fact, it should be Indians, not the MDP, that should demand that India play a decisive role in Maldives. It’s in our interest. "

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...pport-nasheed-maldives-row.html#ixzz2LXKk9hRA

Either way, if one of our friends are in trouble and the Govt. in that country is not a legitimate one then India should try to help him (Nasheed).

This is not like overthrowing an elected Govt. meddling in other countries policies, it is helping India's friend in accordance with the rule of law in Maldives which is correct way.
We interefered only after the Afghan ruler attacked Pakistani territory Bajaur with tanks

"In fact, it should be Indians, not the MDP, that should demand that India play a decisive role in Maldives. It’s in our interest. "

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...pport-nasheed-maldives-row.html#ixzz2LXKk9hRA
CIA has enough proofs you backing taliban and all to make pro Pakistani Afghanistan. We are not fools we also have intel agencies to keep an eye on your activities. Though such things are not told in open.

back to topic.
Your Indian members here are saying India has the right to interfer and India is doing that on pretext of supporting DEMOCRACY in Maldives.

We Indian members are saying nothing of the sort. You are drawing your own conclusions. You are free to do that, but don't put words into my mouth.

I was answering your question of how long we have supported Maldives. Decades. And we haven't installed any Taliban like lunatics there like you did in afgh, we have only helped when asked by the legitimate govt. Supporting and installing religious maniacs in neighboring countries is your forte, not ours.
The present regime is a fundamentalist and an illegal one, India needs to support the rightful president and with international support oust the present illegal regime. Let's wait and watch what happens - I guess Nasheed is coming back to power soon.
Mohammed Waheed Hassan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The guy lived nearby my gf in NY. The questions I see is why is he so quick to dilute India;s influence and enhance CHina;s? India;s foreign policy is aimed at pleasing too many like Anant stated. Time to make decisive decisions and live by it. Rajapaksa and such characters need to be put in their place. They are miinor irritiants who can become bigger headaches if unchecked.
We should not get involved in the internal affairs of other nations. The golden rule in foreign policy is "Don't do to other nations what we don't want to have them do to us" . My point is, if another country does to us what we do others, we’re not going to like it very much. If we had not intervened in sri lanka for IPKF, those soldiers who died in IPKF operations would have been still alive today. Lets not forget that sad episode and get ourselves into trouble again.
We should not get involved in the internal affairs of other nations. The golden rule in foreign policy is "Don't do to other nations what we don't want to have them do to us" . My point is, if another country does to us what we do others, we’re not going to like it very much. If we had not intervened in sri lanka for IPKF, those soldiers who died in IPKF operations would have been still alive today. Lets not forget that sad episode and get ourselves into trouble again.

Noble thoughts.

Nations have to be in control of the environment......
Looks like Anti Nasheed goverment is pro Pakistan......hmmmmm:coffee:

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