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Why India is becoming a global darling and Pakistan getting irrelevant today


Feb 21, 2013
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The Pakistani establishment is feeling the pressure after India has started engaging with the former’s immediate neighbours as well as with the US and other western countries.

Chabahar Port, Salma Dam, MTCR, US support—Pak has every reason to feel wary
The signing of the Chabahar Port pact with Iran, inauguration of the Friendship Dam in Afghanistan, reaching out to states like Switzerland and Mexico to win their backing for its bid to enter the Nuclear Suppliers Group and finally, engaging with Uncle Sam to get the green signal to enter the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) are significant tasks that Prime Minister Narendra Modi accomplished during his six-nation visits in May and June and the net result of this proactive diplomacy of New Delhi has made Islamabad wary.

Pakistan is worried mainly because it has failed to develop an identity beyond a client state—be it of the US in the past or China in the present.

Pakistan has not acted worked on a national development goal since 1947
As a nation where democracy could never find its roots firmly placed into the ground (only one civilian government has succeeded in completing its term in its 69-year-old history) and the army has always prevailed over everything else, Pakistan offers little utility in this age of an integrated world where advancements in trade, enterprise, technology, education, business and other positive ventures matter more than things that are military.

India, on the other hand, has prepared the ground since 1991 by liberalising its economic regime
India, which will also complete 69 years of independence in August this year, has scripted a completely contradictory story. The political stability over six decades and economic course correction 25 years ago have prepared the stage for India today to achieve its potentials as a knowledge-based and enterprising economy.

India and US have come together today not just because of strategic reasons but as democracies that thrive on development and welfare
The country’s vital interests have been aligned with the US today not just because of strategic considerations like anti-terrorism or balancing China but because the pathways of these two countries overlap. This is an era when the economic interests of the two democracies complement each other like never before.

As long as India was kept a caged tiger because of the faulty economic policies of its first-generation leaders, New Delhi and Washington could not come close to realise the potential of their bilateral relation as they have today. The two countries could not move beyond the issues of non-alignment, Pakistan or Kashmir.

Pak remained complacent over its military alliance with US of the Cold War era
Pakistan had taken the advantage of India’s decision to lock its own potential in the past. Harbouring the sole ambition of defeating India on every occasion, Pakistani rulers never cared beyond acting as a client state of the US which kept on feeding its hunger by means of military hardware.

While India made advancements in education, science, technology and IT, Pak kept its focus only on procuring military hardware
Since the army is an institution which is not trained to lead a nation’s true welfare, Pakistan never thought anything beyond war rhetoric against India. For the last seven decades or so, that country has only seen how the military and then terrorism have destroyed the prospects of democracy, something which has helped India to earn global respects today.

Just like the year 1991 saw PV Narasimha Rao’s leadership sow the seeds of a brighter future for India by embracing economic liberalisation, it also indicated at a bleak future of Pakistan through the end of the Cold War. It was precisely the Cold War which had kept Pakistan relevant in a bipolar world where the lines of distinction were very clear.

Today with Cold War being a thing of the past, US has no business backing an unproductive Pakistan
Today, with the Soviet Union a thing of the past and the Chinese been increasingly seen as a competitor by the US, Washington’s best bet lies in backing the (computer) software talents of India than the generals of Pakistan skilled in using (military) hardware. Wars and tanks do not matter in international relations today. What matters is trade and exchange of knowledge.

While PV Narasimha Rao gave India a positive leadership, Pakistan lacked enlightened brains that would show it the way
Pakistan is paying the price of its complacency of remaining under the US’s shadow all these years. The problem lied in its lack of an enlightened leadership.

The army just focused on demonising India and the possession of the nuclear arms made it doubly confident about neutralising the lead that India had since 1974. But it never paid heed to the nurturing and development of the softer diplomacy and on the contrary, ruined the prospects of nurturing its softer talents by imposing strict rules internally. Today India is sending mission to the outer space and is being considered a counterweight to China in the Asian theatre. What are Pakistan’s credentials apart from possessing a nuclear arsenal?

The result is clearly seen today. While India is marching ahead despite its problems that can always be democratically handled, Pakistan has found itself on a cul-de-sac because of unhealthy politico-economic practices since birth. Narendra Modi has just reaped the benefits as the leading citizen of a better-placed country.

@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @Stephen Cohen @anant_s

@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @ranjeet

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The Pakistani establishment is feeling the pressure after India has started engaging with the former’s immediate neighbours as well as with the US and other western countries.

Chabahar Port, Salma Dam, MTCR, US support—Pak has every reason to feel wary
The signing of the Chabahar Port pact with Iran, inauguration of the Friendship Dam in Afghanistan, reaching out to states like Switzerland and Mexico to win their backing for its bid to enter the Nuclear Suppliers Group and finally, engaging with Uncle Sam to get the green signal to enter the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) are significant tasks that Prime Minister Narendra Modi accomplished during his six-nation visits in May and June and the net result of this proactive diplomacy of New Delhi has made Islamabad wary.

Pakistan is worried mainly because it has failed to develop an identity beyond a client state—be it of the US in the past or China in the present.

Pakistan has not acted worked on a national development goal since 1947
As a nation where democracy could never find its roots firmly placed into the ground (only one civilian government has succeeded in completing its term in its 69-year-old history) and the army has always prevailed over everything else, Pakistan offers little utility in this age of an integrated world where advancements in trade, enterprise, technology, education, business and other positive ventures matter more than things that are military.

India, on the other hand, has prepared the ground since 1991 by liberalising its economic regime
India, which will also complete 69 years of independence in August this year, has scripted a completely contradictory story. The political stability over six decades and economic course correction 25 years ago have prepared the stage for India today to achieve its potentials as a knowledge-based and enterprising economy.

India and US have come together today not just because of strategic reasons but as democracies that thrive on development and welfare
The country’s vital interests have been aligned with the US today not just because of strategic considerations like anti-terrorism or balancing China but because the pathways of these two countries overlap. This is an era when the economic interests of the two democracies complement each other like never before.

As long as India was kept a caged tiger because of the faulty economic policies of its first-generation leaders, New Delhi and Washington could not come close to realise the potential of their bilateral relation as they have today. The two countries could not move beyond the issues of non-alignment, Pakistan or Kashmir.

Pak remained complacent over its military alliance with US of the Cold War era
Pakistan had taken the advantage of India’s decision to lock its own potential in the past. Harbouring the sole ambition of defeating India on every occasion, Pakistani rulers never cared beyond acting as a client state of the US which kept on feeding its hunger by means of military hardware.

While India made advancements in education, science, technology and IT, Pak kept its focus only on procuring military hardware
Since the army is an institution which is not trained to lead a nation’s true welfare, Pakistan never thought anything beyond war rhetoric against India. For the last seven decades or so, that country has only seen how the military and then terrorism have destroyed the prospects of democracy, something which has helped India to earn global respects today.

Just like the year 1991 saw PV Narasimha Rao’s leadership sow the seeds of a brighter future for India by embracing economic liberalisation, it also indicated at a bleak future of Pakistan through the end of the Cold War. It was precisely the Cold War which had kept Pakistan relevant in a bipolar world where the lines of distinction were very clear.

Today with Cold War being a thing of the past, US has no business backing an unproductive Pakistan
Today, with the Soviet Union a thing of the past and the Chinese been increasingly seen as a competitor by the US, Washington’s best bet lies in backing the (computer) software talents of India than the generals of Pakistan skilled in using (military) hardware. Wars and tanks do not matter in international relations today. What matters is trade and exchange of knowledge.

While PV Narasimha Rao gave India a positive leadership, Pakistan lacked enlightened brains that would show it the way
Pakistan is paying the price of its complacency of remaining under the US’s shadow all these years. The problem lied in its lack of an enlightened leadership.

The army just focused on demonising India and the possession of the nuclear arms made it doubly confident about neutralising the lead that India had since 1974. But it never paid heed to the nurturing and development of the softer diplomacy and on the contrary, ruined the prospects of nurturing its softer talents by imposing strict rules internally. Today India is sending mission to the outer space and is being considered a counterweight to China in the Asian theatre. What are Pakistan’s credentials apart from possessing a nuclear arsenal?

The result is clearly seen today. While India is marching ahead despite its problems that can always be democratically handled, Pakistan has found itself on a cul-de-sac because of unhealthy politico-economic practices since birth. Narendra Modi has just reaped the benefits as the leading citizen of a better-placed country.
We should ask question when was pakistan relevant & why? Pakistan is at the best a nuisance nothing more. The problem is when fools think high of themselves. Even a economically strong country like south korea does not act with such arrogance and impunity. At the best it can be described as vainglory. The westernrs wanted their work to be done hence they flattered it so much, but in reality it there was nothing special about pakistan or its so called strategic location.
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The Pakistani establishment is feeling the pressure after India has started engaging with the former’s immediate neighbours as well as with the US and other western countries.

Chabahar Port, Salma Dam, MTCR, US support—Pak has every reason to feel wary
The signing of the Chabahar Port pact with Iran, inauguration of the Friendship Dam in Afghanistan, reaching out to states like Switzerland and Mexico to win their backing for its bid to enter the Nuclear Suppliers Group and finally, engaging with Uncle Sam to get the green signal to enter the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) are significant tasks that Prime Minister Narendra Modi accomplished during his six-nation visits in May and June and the net result of this proactive diplomacy of New Delhi has made Islamabad wary.

Pakistan is worried mainly because it has failed to develop an identity beyond a client state—be it of the US in the past or China in the present.

Pakistan has not acted worked on a national development goal since 1947
As a nation where democracy could never find its roots firmly placed into the ground (only one civilian government has succeeded in completing its term in its 69-year-old history) and the army has always prevailed over everything else, Pakistan offers little utility in this age of an integrated world where advancements in trade, enterprise, technology, education, business and other positive ventures matter more than things that are military.

India, on the other hand, has prepared the ground since 1991 by liberalising its economic regime
India, which will also complete 69 years of independence in August this year, has scripted a completely contradictory story. The political stability over six decades and economic course correction 25 years ago have prepared the stage for India today to achieve its potentials as a knowledge-based and enterprising economy.

India and US have come together today not just because of strategic reasons but as democracies that thrive on development and welfare
The country’s vital interests have been aligned with the US today not just because of strategic considerations like anti-terrorism or balancing China but because the pathways of these two countries overlap. This is an era when the economic interests of the two democracies complement each other like never before.

As long as India was kept a caged tiger because of the faulty economic policies of its first-generation leaders, New Delhi and Washington could not come close to realise the potential of their bilateral relation as they have today. The two countries could not move beyond the issues of non-alignment, Pakistan or Kashmir.

Pak remained complacent over its military alliance with US of the Cold War era
Pakistan had taken the advantage of India’s decision to lock its own potential in the past. Harbouring the sole ambition of defeating India on every occasion, Pakistani rulers never cared beyond acting as a client state of the US which kept on feeding its hunger by means of military hardware.

While India made advancements in education, science, technology and IT, Pak kept its focus only on procuring military hardware
Since the army is an institution which is not trained to lead a nation’s true welfare, Pakistan never thought anything beyond war rhetoric against India. For the last seven decades or so, that country has only seen how the military and then terrorism have destroyed the prospects of democracy, something which has helped India to earn global respects today.

Just like the year 1991 saw PV Narasimha Rao’s leadership sow the seeds of a brighter future for India by embracing economic liberalisation, it also indicated at a bleak future of Pakistan through the end of the Cold War. It was precisely the Cold War which had kept Pakistan relevant in a bipolar world where the lines of distinction were very clear.

Today with Cold War being a thing of the past, US has no business backing an unproductive Pakistan
Today, with the Soviet Union a thing of the past and the Chinese been increasingly seen as a competitor by the US, Washington’s best bet lies in backing the (computer) software talents of India than the generals of Pakistan skilled in using (military) hardware. Wars and tanks do not matter in international relations today. What matters is trade and exchange of knowledge.

While PV Narasimha Rao gave India a positive leadership, Pakistan lacked enlightened brains that would show it the way
Pakistan is paying the price of its complacency of remaining under the US’s shadow all these years. The problem lied in its lack of an enlightened leadership.

The army just focused on demonising India and the possession of the nuclear arms made it doubly confident about neutralising the lead that India had since 1974. But it never paid heed to the nurturing and development of the softer diplomacy and on the contrary, ruined the prospects of nurturing its softer talents by imposing strict rules internally. Today India is sending mission to the outer space and is being considered a counterweight to China in the Asian theatre. What are Pakistan’s credentials apart from possessing a nuclear arsenal?

The result is clearly seen today. While India is marching ahead despite its problems that can always be democratically handled, Pakistan has found itself on a cul-de-sac because of unhealthy politico-economic practices since birth. Narendra Modi has just reaped the benefits as the leading citizen of a better-placed country.

@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @Stephen Cohen @anant_s

@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @ranjeet


Pakistan was better then india from the 1940s right up until the 1990s

we beat india on most indictators from poverty to food security and still today we beat india on indicators like sanitation

india is steeped in poverty and a unacceptably large population indulge in practices such as open defecation, just to name a few of indias enormous problems

Pakistan has had a tough time with this war o terror nonsense mixed with poor politicians but we are today in touching distance of something special of universal power availability, we will soon enter a decade of high growth, a number of major infrastructure projects will be completed

as opposed to a india with an enormous poverty stricken population Pakistan is much better placed to take advantage of its growth and surge pass india on most indicators

There is never a end to the race, it is just ongoing and Pakistan is getting ready to start running.

India has failed to deal with us when we were in turmoil just wait until we hit major growth in the coming years
Pakistan was better then india from the 1940s right up until the 1990s

we beat india on most indictators from poverty to food security and still today we beat india on indicators like sanitation

india is steeped in poverty and a unacceptably large population indulge in practices such as open defecation, just to name a few of indias enormous problems

Pakistan has had a tough time with this war o terror nonsense mixed with poor politicians but we are today in touching distance of something special of universal power availability, we will soon enter a decade of high growth, a number of major infrastructure projects will be completed

as opposed to a india with an enormous poverty stricken population Pakistan is much better placed to take advantage of its growth and surge pass india on most indicators

There is never a end to the race, it is just ongoing and Pakistan is getting ready to start running.

India has failed to deal with us when we were in turmoil just wait until we hit major growth in the coming years
Confidence is good but over confidence is dangerous
Confidence is good but over confidence is dangerous

What Pakistan achieved on a relatively small military budget is nothing short of a miracle everything from cruise missiles to jet fighters

Pakistan has faced obstacles that 99% of countries would collapse if they faced

Indians and the world predicted Pakistans collapse in the 1940s Pakistan was never meant to be, never meant to succeed but here we are

Pakistan is on the cusp of something special and india will find its pain magnified as Pakistans economy takes off
from the 1940s
Dont make yourself butt of jokes.
we beat india on most indictators from poverty to food security and still today we beat india on indicators like sanitation
Life on earth is an accident and so is pakistan's acheivements. To drown in the same is nonsense. If we look at the muslim world (other than malaysia,indonesia) rest of them are fighting to death it was just matter of time pakistan caught up with them.
The Pakistani establishment is feeling the pressure after India has started engaging with the former’s immediate neighbours as well as with the US and other western countries.

Chabahar Port, Salma Dam, MTCR, US support—Pak has every reason to feel wary
The signing of the Chabahar Port pact with Iran, inauguration of the Friendship Dam in Afghanistan, reaching out to states like Switzerland and Mexico to win their backing for its bid to enter the Nuclear Suppliers Group and finally, engaging with Uncle Sam to get the green signal to enter the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) are significant tasks that Prime Minister Narendra Modi accomplished during his six-nation visits in May and June and the net result of this proactive diplomacy of New Delhi has made Islamabad wary.

Pakistan is worried mainly because it has failed to develop an identity beyond a client state—be it of the US in the past or China in the present.

Pakistan has not acted worked on a national development goal since 1947
As a nation where democracy could never find its roots firmly placed into the ground (only one civilian government has succeeded in completing its term in its 69-year-old history) and the army has always prevailed over everything else, Pakistan offers little utility in this age of an integrated world where advancements in trade, enterprise, technology, education, business and other positive ventures matter more than things that are military.

India, on the other hand, has prepared the ground since 1991 by liberalising its economic regime
India, which will also complete 69 years of independence in August this year, has scripted a completely contradictory story. The political stability over six decades and economic course correction 25 years ago have prepared the stage for India today to achieve its potentials as a knowledge-based and enterprising economy.

India and US have come together today not just because of strategic reasons but as democracies that thrive on development and welfare
The country’s vital interests have been aligned with the US today not just because of strategic considerations like anti-terrorism or balancing China but because the pathways of these two countries overlap. This is an era when the economic interests of the two democracies complement each other like never before.

As long as India was kept a caged tiger because of the faulty economic policies of its first-generation leaders, New Delhi and Washington could not come close to realise the potential of their bilateral relation as they have today. The two countries could not move beyond the issues of non-alignment, Pakistan or Kashmir.

Pak remained complacent over its military alliance with US of the Cold War era
Pakistan had taken the advantage of India’s decision to lock its own potential in the past. Harbouring the sole ambition of defeating India on every occasion, Pakistani rulers never cared beyond acting as a client state of the US which kept on feeding its hunger by means of military hardware.

While India made advancements in education, science, technology and IT, Pak kept its focus only on procuring military hardware
Since the army is an institution which is not trained to lead a nation’s true welfare, Pakistan never thought anything beyond war rhetoric against India. For the last seven decades or so, that country has only seen how the military and then terrorism have destroyed the prospects of democracy, something which has helped India to earn global respects today.

Just like the year 1991 saw PV Narasimha Rao’s leadership sow the seeds of a brighter future for India by embracing economic liberalisation, it also indicated at a bleak future of Pakistan through the end of the Cold War. It was precisely the Cold War which had kept Pakistan relevant in a bipolar world where the lines of distinction were very clear.

Today with Cold War being a thing of the past, US has no business backing an unproductive Pakistan
Today, with the Soviet Union a thing of the past and the Chinese been increasingly seen as a competitor by the US, Washington’s best bet lies in backing the (computer) software talents of India than the generals of Pakistan skilled in using (military) hardware. Wars and tanks do not matter in international relations today. What matters is trade and exchange of knowledge.

While PV Narasimha Rao gave India a positive leadership, Pakistan lacked enlightened brains that would show it the way
Pakistan is paying the price of its complacency of remaining under the US’s shadow all these years. The problem lied in its lack of an enlightened leadership.

The army just focused on demonising India and the possession of the nuclear arms made it doubly confident about neutralising the lead that India had since 1974. But it never paid heed to the nurturing and development of the softer diplomacy and on the contrary, ruined the prospects of nurturing its softer talents by imposing strict rules internally. Today India is sending mission to the outer space and is being considered a counterweight to China in the Asian theatre. What are Pakistan’s credentials apart from possessing a nuclear arsenal?

The result is clearly seen today. While India is marching ahead despite its problems that can always be democratically handled, Pakistan has found itself on a cul-de-sac because of unhealthy politico-economic practices since birth. Narendra Modi has just reaped the benefits as the leading citizen of a better-placed country.

@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @Stephen Cohen @anant_s

@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @ranjeet

Good to see that PV Narasimha Rao, the real architect of Economic Liberalisation Policy given proper credit. :tup:
"global darling" = US finding India useful for the moment. Pakistani irrelevance = Russia increasing cooperation with Pakistan, Turkey and China increasing investment in Pakistan, central Asia increasing economic ties with Pakistan...etc.

What a ridiculous article. A few anecdotal points don't change ground reality.
@fsayed is there a link to that article? who wrote it? an Indian? an American?

India is better placed for the time being and since the recent past - this I can agree. But things can go south pretty fast in here. One thing that India has done consistently is be better than Pakistan and convince itself that it is equal to China.

No offence, but being better than Pakistan is not a great achievement and India is certainly no where near China.

If India wants to de-hyphenate itself from Pakistan, then Indians should frown upon this article not chest thump or high five based on it. Look forward, it does not bode well to look who is behind you, be modest until you are really strong and not that you "could be strong".

On a Personal level, if India thinks it can catch up with China, Pakistan can certainly catch up with India!
The Pakistani establishment is feeling the pressure after India has started engaging with the former’s immediate neighbours as well as with the US and other western countries.

Chabahar Port, Salma Dam, MTCR, US support—Pak has every reason to feel wary
The signing of the Chabahar Port pact with Iran, inauguration of the Friendship Dam in Afghanistan, reaching out to states like Switzerland and Mexico to win their backing for its bid to enter the Nuclear Suppliers Group and finally, engaging with Uncle Sam to get the green signal to enter the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) are significant tasks that Prime Minister Narendra Modi accomplished during his six-nation visits in May and June and the net result of this proactive diplomacy of New Delhi has made Islamabad wary.

Pakistan is worried mainly because it has failed to develop an identity beyond a client state—be it of the US in the past or China in the present.

Pakistan has not acted worked on a national development goal since 1947
As a nation where democracy could never find its roots firmly placed into the ground (only one civilian government has succeeded in completing its term in its 69-year-old history) and the army has always prevailed over everything else, Pakistan offers little utility in this age of an integrated world where advancements in trade, enterprise, technology, education, business and other positive ventures matter more than things that are military.

India, on the other hand, has prepared the ground since 1991 by liberalising its economic regime
India, which will also complete 69 years of independence in August this year, has scripted a completely contradictory story. The political stability over six decades and economic course correction 25 years ago have prepared the stage for India today to achieve its potentials as a knowledge-based and enterprising economy.

India and US have come together today not just because of strategic reasons but as democracies that thrive on development and welfare
The country’s vital interests have been aligned with the US today not just because of strategic considerations like anti-terrorism or balancing China but because the pathways of these two countries overlap. This is an era when the economic interests of the two democracies complement each other like never before.

As long as India was kept a caged tiger because of the faulty economic policies of its first-generation leaders, New Delhi and Washington could not come close to realise the potential of their bilateral relation as they have today. The two countries could not move beyond the issues of non-alignment, Pakistan or Kashmir.

Pak remained complacent over its military alliance with US of the Cold War era
Pakistan had taken the advantage of India’s decision to lock its own potential in the past. Harbouring the sole ambition of defeating India on every occasion, Pakistani rulers never cared beyond acting as a client state of the US which kept on feeding its hunger by means of military hardware.

While India made advancements in education, science, technology and IT, Pak kept its focus only on procuring military hardware
Since the army is an institution which is not trained to lead a nation’s true welfare, Pakistan never thought anything beyond war rhetoric against India. For the last seven decades or so, that country has only seen how the military and then terrorism have destroyed the prospects of democracy, something which has helped India to earn global respects today.

Just like the year 1991 saw PV Narasimha Rao’s leadership sow the seeds of a brighter future for India by embracing economic liberalisation, it also indicated at a bleak future of Pakistan through the end of the Cold War. It was precisely the Cold War which had kept Pakistan relevant in a bipolar world where the lines of distinction were very clear.

Today with Cold War being a thing of the past, US has no business backing an unproductive Pakistan
Today, with the Soviet Union a thing of the past and the Chinese been increasingly seen as a competitor by the US, Washington’s best bet lies in backing the (computer) software talents of India than the generals of Pakistan skilled in using (military) hardware. Wars and tanks do not matter in international relations today. What matters is trade and exchange of knowledge.

While PV Narasimha Rao gave India a positive leadership, Pakistan lacked enlightened brains that would show it the way
Pakistan is paying the price of its complacency of remaining under the US’s shadow all these years. The problem lied in its lack of an enlightened leadership.

The army just focused on demonising India and the possession of the nuclear arms made it doubly confident about neutralising the lead that India had since 1974. But it never paid heed to the nurturing and development of the softer diplomacy and on the contrary, ruined the prospects of nurturing its softer talents by imposing strict rules internally. Today India is sending mission to the outer space and is being considered a counterweight to China in the Asian theatre. What are Pakistan’s credentials apart from possessing a nuclear arsenal?

The result is clearly seen today. While India is marching ahead despite its problems that can always be democratically handled, Pakistan has found itself on a cul-de-sac because of unhealthy politico-economic practices since birth. Narendra Modi has just reaped the benefits as the leading citizen of a better-placed country.

@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @Stephen Cohen @anant_s

@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @ranjeet

I am sick and tired of posters on PDF not having the common courtesy or honesty to provide links to the crap that they post here. Is this garbage product of your mind or sourced frrom some other third rate medium most likely Indian.

Accordingly I am giving you negative rating for failing to provide link.


but being better than Pakistan
How so? It is amazing how something peddled again and again ends up being taken as normative. I vehemently disagree that India is better than Pakistan. Both are in pretty miserable condition.

Here is your better "India" > https://defence.pk/threads/man-as-beast-india.402799/
Damn first time i am seeing a -ve rating on the first post of the thread...
@Kaptaan India is better than Pakistan in many indicators.
Both are in pretty miserable conditions but India's miserable conditions are better than Pakistan for now.
In a rational way, what is your indicator for a country to be "better" than the other? then we can see where you are coming from.

In my world, a country that has empowered more common citizens to get justice equal to the elite.
A country where democracy prevails over and over again and people reject military as a civilian authority
A country where economic opportunity and growth prospects for its peoples are more widespread are some of the criteria.

Oh - and btw.. I do agree with you for the rating to the OP. where is the original link? I dont need to comment on this if this was the OP's personal opinion. but I dunno if it is!
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