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Why India is already a loser in NSA talks

who the heck you are to tell us who is driving what.. you need to keep your nose with in your limits. we Pakistanies support our army and proud of them..its like My way or the highway..

i think you need to keep your eye on terrorist PM who is pushing 1.25 billion people into war for sake of ur akhand bharak dulision or call it a wet dream of RSS type terrorist organizations who give birth of killer who masscr innocent muslims and become PM.. what a crazy democrasy..

Aam shake saab u got ur land now enough of ur bargaining. We have a upper hand and we won't give u an inch. would you be brave enough to try again? but please this time CRY the war cry don't sneak in like pussies.

no wonder what religion can do to one's brain.
We know intelligence is not your obvious strength, but TRY,

Full text of India-Pakistan joint statement on PM Narendra Modi-Nawaz Sharif talks in Russia - The Hindu

The Prime Ministers of Pakistan and India met today on the sidelines of the SCO Summit in Ufa. The meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere. The two leaders exchanged views on issues of bilateral and regional interest.

They agreed that India and Pakistan have a collective responsibility to ensure peace and promote development. To do so, they are prepared to discuss all outstanding issues.

Both leaders condemned terrorism in all its forms and agreed to cooperate with each other to eliminate this menace from South Asia.

They also agreed on the following steps to be taken by the two sides:

1. A meeting in New Delhi between the two NSAs to discuss all issues connected to terrorism.

2. Early meetings of DG BSF and DG Pakistan Rangers followed by that of DGMOs.

3. Decision for release of fishermen in each other’s custody, along with their boats, within a period of 15 days.

4. Mechanism for facilitating religious tourism.

5. Both sides agreed to discuss ways and means to expedite the Mumbai case trial, including additional information like providing voice samples.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif reiterated his invitation to Prime Minister Modi to visit Pakistan for the SAARC Summit in 2016. Prime Minister Modi accepted the invitation.

In case you do not know. Sartaj Aziz was supposed to meet Hurriyat leaders before the meeting....
Now as per what you are saying. It sounds something like this. Oh since our NSAs are gonna meet. We dont want you to meet any kashmiri hurriyat guy even before meeting! Huraay! Why? I dont know man? Tell me pls?
Maybe I am missing out something? If I am, lemme know.
In case you do not know. Sartaj Aziz was supposed to meet Hurriyat leaders before the meeting....
Now as per what you are saying. It sounds something like this. Oh since our NSAs are gonna meet. We dont want you to meet any kashmiri hurriyat guy even before meeting! Huraay! Why? I dont know man? Tell me pls?
Maybe I am missing out something? If I am, lemme know.
kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi, go to sleep kid.
In case you do not know. Sartaj Aziz was supposed to meet Hurriyat leaders before the meeting....
Now as per what you are saying. It sounds something like this. Oh since our NSAs are gonna meet. We dont want you to meet any kashmiri hurriyat guy even before meeting! Huraay! Why? I dont know man? Tell me pls?
Maybe I am missing out something? If I am, lemme know.

What do you mean "suppose to meet" ? :azn:

You will meet ANY Indian citizens as and when decided by the GoI. If ever there was any confusion, it must have cleared by now. Right ?

So I guess you are missing a LOT.

Wrong .MadMan with Nuclear Bombs.And those bombs are in thousand location .Then how you are going to disarm it was that easy then nations dont need seasoned diplomats..
One bomb ,one stray bomb will do the trick .Will cause huge meltdown in markets.At the current scenarion a meltdown will only harm us .But we have an economy of around 15 trillion in nominal .Then others will do our job
Disarming an entire nations is not a joke.
Had they been thousands miles away it would have been possible .But they are under our nose .Right under our nose.
That is why I said a mighty diplomacy backed by mighty economy will do the trick.

I am first trying to figure out how 150 Nukes can be in a THOUSAND Locations :cheesy: ............ not unless it can wrap space and time.

These are Nukes, not rigged time bomb's from hollywood movies that cannot be disarmed :lol: .......... they are usually disarmed. That is their defacto mode. To be used, they first have to be armed and that is a long procedure by itself.

One "stray" bomb can only explode in pakistan........and if anything, it will make the world breath in peace and help the market rise.

The world JUST Disarmed IRAN. The ENTIRE GLOBE except for P8 Nations have been Disarmed :lol: ........ and here you are telling us that disarming ONE nation is not a joke.

Finally they are NOT under our nose, they are in a separate nation called pakistan.
What do you mean "suppose to meet" ? :azn:

You will meet ANY Indian citizens as and when decided by the GoI. If ever there was any confusion, it must have cleared by now. Right ?

So I guess you are missing a lot
So it can b concluded that it is only the will of ur govt to not allow us to meet the hurriyat leaders and its not there in the ufa agreement....
And that is what i am saying...
That is exactly where u tried to dictate us...
How is india a loser ? What is that pakistan can do at the best ,conduct more terrorist attacks ? India has been there and seen it all. Pak sponsored terror attacks is not going to stop India growing economically. Pakistan can continue to be obsessed with kashmir and keep conducting terror attacks. We have enough muscle and money power to see them through. As pakistan rears more snakes in there backyard to bite india they will come to roost one or the other day.

Its a war of attrition keep dreaming on of coveting kashmir. Even bangladesh is in better financial state than pakistan now.

For a country which boasts of fighting "war on terrorism" , pathetically runs away from having dialogue on terrorism. It simply shows which way war on terrorism is going on.

modi's reaction after reading yr comment.

So it can b concluded that it is only the will of ur govt to not allow us to meet the hurriyat leaders and its not there in the ufa agreement....
And that is what i am saying...
That is exactly where u tried to dictate us...

India will dictate all that is within the scope of its governance. The same as ANY other country in the world :cheesy:

.... maybe with the exception of paksitan where US & china dictate terms.
India will dictate all that is within the scope of its governance. The same as ANY other country in the world :cheesy:

.... maybe with the exception of paksitan where US & china dictate terms.
So, you are finally of that accuse of ufa agreement. You are coming upto exactly why I think our delegation is justified to have taken steps it took. If we go to a country for talks on equal grounds and we wish to talk to some of their "civilians" before the talk. That is nothing wrong we are doing. But if you try to show yourself as a upper hand by arresting them and kind of trying to "humiliate" your guests. then that is what you get and as per my way of looking at it, it makes you responsible for the talks being called, or to be specific, your rude/autocratic attitude is responsible for it.
It's funny to see that India is always a part of the losing side.
Not at all. All that's happened is that Pakistan stands exposed once again as the protector and shelter for terrorists. India slammed Pakistan with the Pakistani terrorist that was caught live and who is spilling beans he was fed by ISI! Obviously Sartaz Aziz found it impossible to gloss over, so decided to surrender and run away. Not the first time.
Not at all. All that's happened is that Pakistan stands exposed once again as the protector and shelter for terrorists. India slammed Pakistan with the Pakistani terrorist that was caught live and who is spilling beans he was fed by ISI! Obviously Sartaz Aziz found it impossible to gloss over, so decided to surrender and run away. Not the first time.
Ok man... read all the replies and the whole thread, you may think a bit differently... i dun wanna repeat all of that.
So, you are finally of that accuse of ufa agreement. You are coming upto exactly why I think our delegation is justified to have taken steps it took. If we go to a country for talks on equal grounds and we wish to talk to some of their "civilians" before the talk. That is nothing wrong we are doing. But if you try to show yourself as a upper hand by arresting them and kind of trying to "humiliate" your guests. then that is what you get and as per my way of looking at it, it makes you responsible for the talks being called, or to be specific, your rude/autocratic attitude is responsible for it.

LOL...We don't give a Fcuk as to why you feel you are "justified" for doing anything. That is YOUR problem, not mine.

IF there will be to talk, you will do it as per terms acceptable to us.

Next time tell your worthless PM not to agree on terms in ufa or anywhere else if he cannot honour it. Better still pray for some dictator who can call the shots and can honour his signature.

Finally, you are not our "guests" :lol: ........ you are an enemy nations who is at war with us :cheesy:
LOL...We don't give a Fcuk as to why you feel you are "justified" for doing anything. That is YOUR problem, not mine.

IF there will be to talk, you will do it as per terms acceptable to us.

Next time tell your worthless PM not to agree on terms in ufa or anywhere else if he cannot honour it. Better still pray for some dictator who can call the shots and can honour his signature.

Finally, you are not our "guests" :lol: ........ you are an enemy nations who is at war with us :cheesy:
Neither do we give a f*ck about why you think you are justified about any of your actions. That is also YOUR problem, not mine.
If there are talks it will also be on terms acceptable to us too.
Honor... Seems good to know that there is something by that spelling in ur dictionary too... anyway, we never agreed that we wont even meet anyone before the meeting. So idc about wut u say on dat.

And finally u spoke the truth...
Just like u, ur govt jst considers us a enemy and nvr wants the talks....
Neither do we give a f*ck about why you think you are justified about any of your actions. That is also YOUR problem, not mine.
If there are talks it will also be on terms acceptable to us too.
Honor... Seems good to know that there is something by that spelling in ur dictionary too... anyway, we never agreed that we wont even meet anyone before the meeting. So idc about wut u say on dat.

And finally u spoke the truth...
Just like u, ur govt jst considers us a enemy and nvr wants the talks....

LOL..... if the terms were not acceptable to you, why did your PM sign on the agreement you dumb fcuk :lol:

Any nation that sends terrorists to kill us is an ENEMY nation. Which is why we wanted talks on TERRORISM you freaking idiot.

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