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Why India is already a loser in NSA talks

You can laugh at your own jokes. Where we have chance of a victory, settling for a draw is actually a loss.
World knows about pakistan but then what can you do. they have openly said that they will bleed india thru thousand cuts, now whats your plan to stop them from doing it? they do everything to irritate India, they support, finance and train terrorists but we can't stop them. Can you attack them? can you get them declare a terrorist state by UN? Pakistan knows that it can never get kashmir either by talks or by war. their objective is simple, "we wont let you live peacefully".
Now see what India did by resorting to diplomacy in last 15 years. their economy is in shambles, they are struggling with their home grown terror, afghans have become anti-pakistan, their closest ally USA is no longer their friend, they have no option but to kneel before china for support by compromizing on Uyghurs, from india-pak tag they became Af-pak..... all this was result of diplomacy.

VICTORY in a proxy war is when we progress DESPITE the proxy war and isolate the enemy by getting the world to recognize them as a Terrorist nation.

We are slowly and steadily getting there, so there is NO CHANCE in HELL we will settle for a draw.

We don't have to stop pakistan from training terrorists, we just have to STOP THEM FROM COMING INTO INDIA. We just have to Stop them from ACTING in India. And for that we do not need paksitani help. ......... and guess what ? WE ARE DOING THAT quite successfully too.

Pakistan Objective is pretty clear, but its not our job to change their objective :lol: ........ its our job to make sure their objective is never achieved. Guess what ? we are getting there too. Pakistan is today a footnote in our country's progress.

Finally when you have already listed the victories of our diplomacy, why are you saying we are going to settle on a Draw ? :cheesy: ........ its self contradictory.
You can laugh at your own jokes. Where we have chance of a victory, settling for a draw is actually a loss.
World knows about pakistan but then what can you do. they have openly said that they will bleed india thru thousand cuts, now whats your plan to stop them from doing it? they do everything to irritate India, they support, finance and train terrorists but we can't stop them. Can you attack them? can you get them declare a terrorist state by UN? Pakistan knows that it can never get kashmir either by talks or by war. their objective is simple, "we wont let you live peacefully".
Now see what India did by resorting to diplomacy in last 15 years. their economy is in shambles, they are struggling with their home grown terror, afghans have become anti-pakistan, their closest ally USA is no longer their friend, they have no option but to kneel before china for support by compromizing on Uyghurs, from india-pak tag they became Af-pak..... all this was result of diplomacy.

Diplomacy is the only way to stop Pakistan.
For a country which boasts of fighting "war on terrorism" , pathetically runs away from having dialogue on terrorism. It simply shows which way war on terrorism is going on.
These people from across seem to be unaware of the fact that NSAs don't have any locus standii to discuss Kashmir at all. They are not authorized to do so. It is the prerogative of the Foreign secretaries/Foreign ministers!

Trying to bring up Kashmir at this stage is ridiculous! They just made a fool of themselves in the eyes of the world with their rather childish behavior on a serious issue such as this.
Ok .
Who wrote these funny article ?
A common Indian will whole heartedly suppose the brave decision of present policymakers.
Now on we have a clear foreign policy for Pakistan.All we need to maintain these strategy.
We should give them a 'take it' or 'leave it'.Two choices.Now on there is no third party or entity in Indo -Pak talks .If they dont want we will just ignore the nation on our western side.
Totally agree with your views :tup:

let me add that from now on, UFA Joint Statement will cause the most butt hurt to my Pakistani friends along with Simla Agreement and Lahore Declaration :p:
Nope, Diplomacy is ONE of the weapons to stop pakistan. There are plenty more and we will use them ALL.

Diplomacy is the only area where they have severe weakness.They have expertise in all other areas.Do not underestimate the Pakistan.Other option except diplomacy is using the economic might for our own needs.

Its a loss for India as we could not hand over the new evidences on Dawood and corner Sartaj Aziz on Lakhvi. This was a talk on terrorism only and Pakistan army did not want it so they created a ruckus and worked on a way out of this talk. To that extent they were successful and now blaming it on India.

Ideally India should have kept quiet till the end, should have quietly blocked the hurriyat leaders from meeting the pakistani delegation, should have bombarded them on the issue of terror which we were ready and then would have said time is over, rest next time, lets have dinner. I think we played into pakistan's provocation. PA was upset the moment Ufa declaration was out and nawaz Sharief had tough time explaining things to his army chief. We should have anticipated all this and acted accordingly.

You have some point in there.But we cant keep up that silent approach on stuffs like that for long.
They will react.
Diplomacy is the only area where they have severe weakness.They have expertise in all other areas.Do not underestimate the Pakistan.Other option except diplomacy is using the economic might for our own needs.

To be honesty, they do not even have expertise in terrorism. What have they achieved so far ? zilch.

We broke their nation into Two using Mukti Bahini in 1/10 the the time frame.

What else ? their Military who has NEVER won a war till date ?

Their non existent science and technology ? (China gave them nukes and missiles / also NK)

Is sending couple of terrorists with AK 47 to kill civilians in Mumbai their success ? What happened to their Global Image after that ? ........ today they are a recognized global terrorists.

Their economic situation is held up by aid from the US and China.

Their political environment is propped up by the Army,

Their media is controlled by the Establishment and lives in constant fer of being picked up by the ISI.

What or which is their area of expertise ? Bending over and letting their own people be bombed by drones for a few $$$ ?

Think about what you are claiming.
To be honesty, they do not even have expertise in terrorism. What have they achieved so far ? zilch.

We broke their nation into Two using Mukti Bahini in 1/10 the the time frame.

What else ? their Military who has NEVER won a war till date ?

Their non existent science and technology ? (China gave them nukes and missiles / also NK)

Is sending couple of terrorists with AK 47 to kill civilians in Mumbai their success ? What happened to their Global Image after that ? ........ today they are a recognized global terrorists.

Their economic situation is held up by aid from the US and China.

Their political environment is propped up by the Army,

Their media is controlled by the Establishment and lives in constant fer of being picked up by the ISI.

What or which is their area of expertise ? Bending over and letting their own people be bombed by drones for a few $$$ ?

Think about what you are claiming.

Yet they survived all those worst conditions.
We should concede their capacity to tolerate all these severe beatings.We broke them in two.But still they are there as an headache to us.Even Kashmiris reject them for a certain extent yet they still keep coming.
Of Course US and China still gave them the aid even all of these bad reputation .Why ?
Because they have some adavantage because of geographical location and also bottleneck to a rising India.
They also have nukes .A direct approach is not suitable in the current scenario .
Diplomacy backed by economy(Intel ops and sabotage is also a option but due to their basic security nature that would be a limited option).
Yet they survived all those worst conditions.
We should concede their capacity to tolerate all these severe beatings.We broke them in two.But still they are there as an headache to us.Even Kashmiris reject them for a certain extent yet they still keep coming.
Of Course US and China still gave them the aid even all of these bad reputation .Why ?
Because they have some adavantage because of geographical location and also bottleneck to a rising India.
They also have nukes .A direct approach is not suitable in the current scenario .
Diplomacy backed by economy(Intel ops and sabotage is also a option but due to their basic security nature that would be a limited option).

Somalians too survived worse situations. What does that prove ? NOTHING. What does it mean ? NOTHING. Even cockroaches survive.

They exist because we LET them exist. (Till they got nukes) its because we chose NOT to break their country in three. Not for lack of abilty.

A mad man keeps repeating the same things again and again ........... you beat him and he still repeats that. If you want to admire that mad man because of his madness then I have nothing more to say.

US and China aid them BECAUSE of INDIA. Not because of their inherent capacity to beg or sell themselves to the highest bidder. Without a strong India, who would have given them aid ? Who would have given them nukes ?

You have to treat them as you treat an animal or a man man. That is when you will achieve a break through in dealing with them. Not by rationalizing their madness.
You have some point in there.But we cant keep up that silent approach on stuffs like that for long.
They will react.
It would have been a great diplomatic achievement had we got them to table under Ufa understanding. Not that we would have gained anything out of it but we let them slip away. Nonetheless now the ball is in Pakistan's court as they backed out from the talks this time after india called off the secretary level talks.
It would have been a great diplomatic achievement had we got them to table under Ufa understanding. Not that we would have gained anything out of it but we let them slip away. Nonetheless now the ball is in Pakistan's court as they backed out from the talks this time after india called off the secretary level talks.

Here is an radical ideal ...... instead of seeking diplomatic achievement, how about trying to achieve National Achievement ?
It would have been a great diplomatic achievement had we got them to table under Ufa understanding. Not that we would have gained anything out of it but we let them slip away. Nonetheless now the ball is in Pakistan's court as they backed out from the talks this time after india called off the secretary level talks.

Absolutely .It would have been a great achievement only for us.But for PA it would have been a disaster .Because of the capture of Naved and evidences against Dawood.This is just one reason .If we wouldnt have provoked in this they would have been find some other petty reason.
One adavan tage that we got from these policy is that now we have a benchmark and realistic stand .Pakistan can either talk to GoI or Hurriyat .We wont allow both at the same time.
Somalians too survived worse situations. What does that prove ? NOTHING. What does it mean ? NOTHING. Even cockroaches survive.

They exist because we LET them exist. (Till they got nukes) its because we chose NOT to break their country in three. Not for lack of abilty.

A mad man keeps repeating the same things again and again ........... you beat him and he still repeats that. If you want to admire that mad man because of his madness then I have nothing more to say.

US and China aid them BECAUSE of INDIA. Not because of their inherent capacity to beg or sell themselves to the highest bidder. Without a strong India, who would have given them aid ? Who would have given them nukes ?

You have to treat them as you treat an animal or a man man. That is when you will achieve a break through in dealing with them. Not by rationalizing their madness.
Exactly.And there is a lots of limitations in confronting the mad man that sitting next to our door.A mad man with nukes .
They dont have anything to loss and they dont care about their condition.So if they try for a suicide to destroy us then dont have any issue but that will destroy us.. And we only cares about our safety.
Of Course they need to contain India .
That is why I said a drastic move wont work here .A carefully planned diplomacy and intel ops backed by mighty economy will clamp all issues.
Exactly.And there is a lots of limitations in confronting the mad man that sitting next to our door.A mad man with nukes .
They dont have anything to loss and they dont care about their condition.So if they try for a suicide to destroy us then dont have any issue but that will destroy us.. And we only cares about our safety.
Of Course they need to contain India .
That is why I said a drastic move wont work here .A carefully planned diplomacy and intel ops backed by mighty economy will clamp all issues.

Correct Analogy is a Mad Man with Knives. So how do you deal with him ?

Invite him to your house and introduce him to your wife and kids ? or try hook or crook means to disarm him and put him in straight jacket ?

If you want to try the second option, then better collect the neighbour hood guys and then lure him into a trap and then overpower him and then do the needful.

Meanwhile strengthen the door, the locks and the bars on your window. Also make sure your wife and kids are safe, before attempting any adventure.

See ? its pretty straightforward how to deal with him. Or is it not ?

Now where would you like to start ? by inviting him to tea and introducing him to your parents ?
Correct Analogy is a Mad Man with Knives. So how do you deal with him ?

Invite him to your house and introduce him to your wife and kids ? or try hook or crook means to disarm him and put him in straight jacket ?

If you want to try the second option, then better collect the neighbour hood guys and then lure him into a trap and then overpower him and then do the needful.

Meanwhile strengthen the door, the locks and the bars on your window. Also make sure your wife and kids are safe, before attempting any adventure.

See ? its pretty straightforward how to deal with him. Or is it not ?

Now where would you like to start ? by inviting him to tea and introducing him to your parents ?
Wrong .MadMan with Nuclear Bombs.And those bombs are in thousand location .Then how you are going to disarm it was that easy then nations dont need seasoned diplomats..
One bomb ,one stray bomb will do the trick .Will cause huge meltdown in markets.At the current scenarion a meltdown will only harm us .But we have an economy of around 15 trillion in nominal .Then others will do our job
Disarming an entire nations is not a joke.
Had they been thousands miles away it would have been possible .But they are under our nose .Right under our nose.
That is why I said a mighty diplomacy backed by mighty economy will do the trick.

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