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Sir can i post some beautiful pictures of India in support of my claim.....?...:laugh:

There are threads elsewhere. Please search for it and do it there by all means if you wish. However, do not expect that mere landscape and pretty vales will change the perceptions of the people about each other. They have to meet, sit , eat and live together to realize what idiocy they have been taught for generations.

The angst that has now left generations is getting only worse. What was at the core of it an anger at "brothers" for betrayal(in each's own mind) is now becoming a hydra monster of hate where there is little cause. Because if you really think of it, you dont hate someone you barely know or have shared much with that much. Take the Chinese for e.g. India has serious cause for concern and a lot of angst.. but rarely does it cross the boundaries of sanity within the local populace when mentioned.
Bring Pakistan in though, and the eyes go red with blood. The reason which was aptly put to me by an Indian friend of mine, is because the previous generations that lived through partition and till recently still carried those memories of sharing meals and a city together. Lives together. If nothing else, a sense of shared identity together. And it is the splitting of that identity that caused the greatest pain ala "Et tu Brutus". Sadly, that hatred still had a chance of quick reversal.. not so anymore. Now that original reasons and ideals have been lost and replaced with much more foggy yet thick reasons for hate.. and those will not be resolved within this decade(or beyond).
Indian education does not cast Pakistan in a negative light. Not even for a second.

Even Aurangzeb was shown in a good light in Maharashtra schools books (where he fought his 27 year war)!!! Only personal reference about his was that he lived a very simple life and earned his living by knitting skullcaps.

There are threads elsewhere. Please search for it and do it there by all means if you wish. However, do not expect that mere landscape and pretty vales will change the perceptions of the people about each other. They have to meet, sit , eat and live together to realize what idiocy they have been taught for generations.
The angst that has now left generations is getting only worse. What was at the core of it an anger at "brothers" for betrayal(in each's own mind) is now becoming a hydra monster of hate where there is little cause. Because if you really think of it, you dont hate someone you barely know or have shared much with that much. Take the Chinese for e.g. India has serious cause for concern and a lot of angst.. but rarely does it cross the boundaries of sanity within the local populace when mentioned.
Bring Pakistan in though, and the eyes go red with blood. The reason which was aptly put to me by an Indian friend of mine, is because the previous generations that lived through partition and till recently still carried those memories of sharing meals and a city together. Lives together. If nothing else, a sense of shared identity together. And it is the splitting of that identity that caused the greatest pain ala "Et tu Brutus". Sadly, that hatred still had a chance of quick reversal.. not so anymore. Now that original reasons and ideals have been lost and replaced with much more foggy yet thick reasons for hate.. and those will not be resolved within this decade(or beyond).

When I was 5 or 6 yearls old, my mom told me two neighbors can live peacefully, but when two brother partition a home and make different homes, they will never...
Indian education does not cast Pakistan in a negative light. Not even for a second.

I have personal testaments from friends to show that in most states and institutions it is preached exactly so.
It is as simple as this: The line in the book says "Acts of genocide were carried out during the partition in the ensuing chaos".

However, the lecturer/teacher might go about it: " The Muslims/Hindus/Sikhs attacked and murdered refugees heading to Pakistan/India in a display of barbarism which cannot be forgiven in annals of history".
Sure, you may "unlearn" such ideals later... but the initial effect of them remains on 70% of those that carry these words during Childhood. It is much less within Indian education granted.. but that is compensated for in later years by a much more rabid media.

Indian trolls should stay away from what's considered intellectual debate in pakistani elite circles...
True... except our bloodthirst does not sail to Pakistani cities carrying automatic weapons...

Your first line is testament as to much penetration this senseless hatred has.
The second has more to do with a much smarter Indian establishment or "think tank" than the level of bloodthirst.
I have personal testaments from friends to show that in most states and institutions it is preached exactly so

Preached? The only line on the historical fact in my standard 8 history textbook went something like this, "...and in 1947, the subcontinent was split into 2 sovereign nations, India, and Pakistan".

Everything I learned about partition happened outside of the education system I was part of; take my testimony as the truth.
I Your first line is testament as to much penetration this senseless hatred has.
The second has more to do with a much smarter Indian establishment or "think tank" than the level of bloodthirst.

Dude my first line was purely in response to the troll fatwas on the thread.

Regarding the second line, then it has to be said that atleat in my case, a person who had never met a pakistani and never cared about the mess, just a young boy chasing girls in Mumbai, today has an extremely negative view of pakistan because pakistani rulers are dumb? That it was their stupidity that visited me in Mumbai and not the bloodthirst?

So in my case it has to be said its the pakistani institutions that are responsible, not indian?
For change ,drop the agenda of Kashmir and give peace a chance.

Anyway , you also know that India won't allow change in status quo along LoC, why waste your generation after generation on this futile stupidity. With time chasm between India and Pakistan are only gona widen giving India ever increasing leverage over Kashmir issue.
Preached? The only line on the historical fact in my standard 8 history textbook went something like this, "...and in 1947, the subcontinent was split into 2 sovereign nations, India, and Pakistan".

Everything I learned about partition happened outside of the education system I was part of; take my testimony as the truth.

Well, then its you against 8 other people. Perhaps your state has a different system. Your truth does not take away the truth of others.
Preached? The only line on the historical fact in my standard 8 history textbook went something like this, "...and in 1947, the subcontinent was split into 2 sovereign nations, India, and Pakistan".

Everything I learned about partition happened outside of the education system I was part of; take my testimony as the truth.

Exactly. Internet has quenched our thirst about our past.
Well, then its you against 8 other people. Perhaps your state has a different system. Your truth does not take away the truth of others.

I guess it is, and with that, you should probably change your views on how children this side of the border (or at least in MH state), are educated with regard to Pakistan.

Dude my first line was purely in response to the troll fatwas on the thread.

Regarding the second line, then it has to be said that atleat in my case, a person who had never met a pakistani and never cared about the mess, just a young boy chasing girls in Mumbai, today has an extremely negative view of pakistan because pakistani rulers are dumb? That it was their stupidity that visited me in Mumbai and not the bloodthirst?

So in my case it has to be said its the pakistani institutions that are responsible, not indian?

Whether it was or was not in response to the fatwas, you must see the repercussions it has on only enforcing these ideals.

The second gets both a yes and no. The Pakistani establishment/Think Tank is/has generally been dumber in its worldview and motives than the Indian one. But that has little effect on whether you continue to harbour a grudge.. was it not Gandhi with his "eye for an eye" statement?

I've had the fortune/misfortune/luck/whatever to have had a multitude of experience within my personal and professional life. Within this I have seen first hand the impact India makes on the Balochistan insurgency and FATA militants. Shall I now take that personally to the extent that I shall not rest till every Indian is punished for the loss of every soldier/civilian this side?

As long as the answer to that remains a Yes, as long as any hope for some sensible resolution is kept secondry to this question.. that Hydra headed hate I mentioned earlier will only continue to grow and fester. Fuelled by the media and politicians for their monetary/personal gains.
Well, then its you against 8 other people. Perhaps your state has a different system. Your truth does not take away the truth of others.

You must quote from available sources on web about your "TRUTH ” .

Otherwise your "TRUTH" will be considered as propaganda.
I guess it is, and with that, you should probably change your views on how children this side of the border (or at least in MH state), are educated with regard to Pakistan.

My views havent been effect at all. As I mentioned before.. "most states and institutions". If you had an exception then good for the people of that state that at least in their early stages they are not tainted by the hatred.
I have traveled extensively in Southern Africa, the UK and US. I have many Pakistani friends especially in Southern Africa who embrace me and call me their brother. Then I read the Indian media and I try to figure out whether my Pakistani friends are trolling me :undecided:
You must quote from available sources on web about your "TRUTH ” .

Otherwise your "TRUTH" will be considered as propaganda.

So will yours. Consider the level of discussion being held before coming up with smart alec statements. Espeically when the discussion is being held at a personal level. I have zero dents coming to my ideals or egos if you or any other cynical twerp has issues accepting what I say. So unless you have anything further to add on a personal level, I suggest you dither from posting.
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