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Why india has to ally with US

I second Aryan..... Isn't it possible for India to co-exist with China peacefully and vice versa? Why is there confrontation looming in all options? Ozzes don't share boarder with china, they have pretty different strategy when it comes to China.

According to India, there can only be ONE Power in Asia and that's India. So China has to be eliminated.
trade relations are just fine.Military dependency will not be good in the long run.It will result in an arms race,an unwanted wastage of money and resources.
A dependency ratio measures the number of people either too young or too old to work, compared to the number of people within working age.

That explains it.

Again blame it on the one child policy. ;)

Not enough young kids and so lower dependency ratio. But dooms the future, doesn't it?

As this data shows, the old age dependency ratio is already higher in China and increasing fast and furious.

A dependency ratio measures the number of people either too young or too old to work, compared to the number of people within working age.

That explains it.

Again blame it on the one child policy. ;)

Not enough young kids and so lower dependency ratio. But dooms the future, doesn't it?

As this data shows, the old age dependency ratio is already higher in China and increasing fast and furious.


Chinese experts had predicted in the 70s that one child policy will make china "nation of sole and spoiled kids."
Actually, I (the only Chinese member posting on this thread) was very much in favour of India giving up its "independent foreign policy", and joining the US camp.

Did you even read the thread? :lol:

We all know what makes your gut rumble, and it is India - US cooperation. Also we all know why you are saying above, because you envy India's independent policy when your own Chinese bureaucrats shine USA's testicles day and night, same can be said about another adversary.

Don't forget to put pun intended when you pretended to post you expert (no pun Intended) assertions on Indian threads.

China's military spending goes almost entirely to indigenous industries. So it feeds back into our own economy.

India's economy is four times smaller, with drastically falling growth rates (around 7% now). Yet they are the largest importer of weapons in the world.

That is why they are (Chinese) crap without global reach irrespective of the spending. Your subs are toothless junk operated by warriors who have no guts to petrol with nuclear tipped BMs. Americans visit your nuclear core commands like they do visit supermarkets. Apart from that your army can not fight her war without backstabbing weak neighbours.

As far as Indian growth is concerned then we do not cook books like Chinese do, so you being a Chinese shouldn't feel welcomed when you comment about other country's growth, especially India.
India's defense spending takes a huge toll on its economy, whereas it doesn't impact China as much.

A Pakistani saying this with a straight face? :cheesy:

Btw, do read up in Indian rules of offsets for military contracts, makes for enlightened discussions.
Actually, I (the only Chinese member posting on this thread) was very much in favour of India giving up its "independent foreign policy", and joining the US camp.

Did you even read the thread? :lol:

China's military spending goes almost entirely to indigenous industries. So it feeds back into our own economy.

India's economy is four times smaller, with drastically falling growth rates (around 7% now). Yet they are the largest importer of weapons in the world.

wrong. RBI has predicted growth rate will be approx 7.6% this year.

given economic situation of US and many European nations this is obvious.

we are developing many weapons which use huge % of indigenous equipment like Arjun Mk 2, LCA , vikrant class carrier, mahindra LPV 1,LCH etc.

so huge amount of money spent on these projects will go to Indian OKBs.
Pakistan chooses its allies based on who is against India at that point in time ... Chose USA ahead of USSR only because USSR was pro and hence USA being anti India allied with it .... now choosing China ahead of USA only because USA is perceived to be pro India and China perceived as anti India by Pak establishment..... that is the only common ground that needs to exist for Pakistan to choose an alliance partner..... This seems to be a short sighted strategy which will give very little returns in terms of long term stability!

If china ditches Pakistan and chooses to Ally with India in future , god knows whom will Pakistan run towards for an alliance !!!
To get the discussion back on track, there are three assertions in the OP.

A- China is trying to replace America as the dominant military force in the region
B- Such a replacement is unacceptable to India, and
C- India should ally itself with the US to prevent that change

Assuming that A) is a given, the question arises why B) should be true. What does India care who is the local policeman? Unless India has ambitions of its own to fill that role.

Note that the other countries in the region -- Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc. -- are not particularly bothered about each other. They only care about their particular concerns vis-a-vis China. Only India seems to be volunteering itself for the role of deputy sheriff (for the US) in the South China seas.

The article, then, is an implicit acknowledgement that India has hegemonic designs within Asia, and that such aims can be achieved by convincing the US to 'outsource' its Asian hegemony to India.
Why would India want China to be eliminated, The thing to be understood is we want peace and not to be bothered. We don't want China to run its super power cr@p with us and leave us alone.

Leave you alone? That's exactly what we did prior to 1959, at which point you guys decided to host our largest separatist group.
Leave you alone? That's exactly what we did prior to 1959, at which point you guys decided to host our largest separatist group.

nothing close to you hosting maoist terrorist. the tibetains that were allowed on india's soil were never supported to do any terrorist activities. You guys will always fail ( as noticed by the world's's attitude) to paint buddhist, monks as terrorist.
To get the discussion back on track, there are three assertions in the OP.

A- China is trying to replace America as the dominant military force in the region
B- Such a replacement is unacceptable to India, and
C- India should ally itself with the US to prevent that change

Assuming that A) is a given, the question arises why B) should be true. What does India care who is the local policeman? Unless India has ambitions of its own to fill that role.

Note that the other countries in the region -- Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc. -- are not particularly bothered about each other. They only care about their particular concerns vis-a-vis China. Only India seems to be volunteering itself for the role of deputy sheriff (for the US) in the South China seas.

The article, then, is an implicit acknowledgement that India has hegemonic designs within Asia, and that such aims can be achieved by convincing the US to 'outsource' its Asian hegemony to India.

Your attempt at creating your own math fails-Because all India wants, as naturally being the one in position to have global partners and global investments and interests to keep those chances alive and kicking and importantly clean economic zones for all.

China's south sea strategy of absurdity shows that India's concerns are genuine. India is not interested in telling countries that they can't use the zone 10 miles out of their border. If you look at the the Indian ocean- many other countries have projects within, and India does not force itself on them. Also seen by India's attitude with sri lanka and its territorial waters. India in fact gifted islands to sri lanka. again shows that India is not the bully you want to paint it for your own bias against it.

Funny enough if pakistan was vietnam ( geographically placed and not friendly to china) - it would have less terrorial waters than it has now- per chinese attitudes about south China sea. Because if you support china's logic of owning it because centuries ago it belonged to them?- then India too could claim that it owns all of your waters per that same historical account.

You keep trying hard to work that “India wants to be the bully instead" line of thought all day , all night. But India's ambitions past, present and future show it isn’t so. In fact other countries in region are concerned with china have had naval skirmishes with china. even if you dimiss the obvious concerns of those countries for some weird reason or by giving a weird reasoning behind it.

you are hell bent on yelling wolf about India when not a an example of it exists. while the wolf in sheep's clothing ( china) has already bullied, cut cables on projects - and leaned heavily on a sleuth of countries around the south China sea. That shows your bias and thats all...
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