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Why india has to ally with US

haha - they are not all bonding together ( their navies) they are doing themselves in their zones and are already allies of the US. the point is not everyone holds hands, each are looking for its interest, its zone of travel( as is India). But they are not powerful enough as an entity by themselves to take on china- hence ally w/ US... duh.

did vietnam ask India? yes - they invited India and said do the exploration. India was in International free waters ( do you what that means?) when China confronted it illegally. I've also provided you link on common secruity concerns discussed by each country ASEAN and eachother. Of course it would mean you would have to read it!

The South China Sea: ASEAN’s Security Concerns About China
http://www.southchinasea.org/docs/Odgaard, ASEAN's South China Sea Concerns about China.pdf

what next- you want us to grab secret diplomatic cables of conversations between them all and eachother? :D

No one has ever denied that there are territorial disputes between China and other countries. There are disputes between just about any two countries in the region. And all these countries are handling the dispute directly with China. The only external country they have approached for help is the US -- not India.

Your opening post was replete with the word 'military'. This whole discussion is about military power. Is there a military alliance between ASEAN countries against China?

Yes, Vietnam and India are engaged in economic activity in South China seas. Many countries are similarly engaged. Where is the military alliance between Vietnam and India? Where did Vietnam ask India for military help in confronting China?
And maybe JayATL can respond to this post as well:

Haha not even that, let's see him show even ONE nation in South East Asia that openly calls for an anti-China alliance.

Every single one of those countries, is openly calling for more cooperation with China. Not a single one of them has declared us an enemy.
Why not discuss peace with china and Pakistan? Why not our political leaders get together and create an EEC of Asia. Why we need outside interference. In this I am as critical of Pakistan as of India for being friendly with americans. If a nuke goes off in china Pakistan or India our entire neighbourhood will be affected. America will not,

We in South Asia and South East Asia cannot overlook the China's longterm ambition's to grab geographic territory of other nation in its immediate neighbourhood. Tibet was its first victim, being without any defence forces to protect itself. Than came the turn of India in 1962 and they still claim Arunachal Pradesh as a part of Tibet. Then they twisted the arm of Pakistan to take away part of Kashmir. Now they are flexing the muscles in SCS.

No matter how you look at it all the fire of instability in the region is blowing out of Chinese Dragons mouth. At the present time there is lot of lightning and thunder but no rain. In case of any rain starts it will bring a flood of unimaginable proportion, therefore we the nations who are under direct threat from China have to band together to protect our interest just the way Europe did that by forming alliance with USA against Germany, Japan and Italy. Three countries than and three countries (China, North Korea and Pakistan)in todays world. What we are doing in South Asia and South East Asia by forming military alliance with USA is the right way to go for long term peace in the region. Bullies have no place in todays world.

I do not how you can be critical of India, whereas that country has been at the receiving end. All you have to do is go back into history books you will find enough evidence from the recent past. I hope you will accept the facts for what they are and do not spin it into a denial game.

Trust me I want to see peace and prosperity for each and every one of you. I wish your people and nation a peaceful and prosperous future.
China can help Pakistan to become a manufacturing powerhouse, but unfortunately the current Zardari government is unwilling to provide any worthwhile economic reforms.

As I said, you have learned exactly to say what they want to hear.

What are the exact reforms that you are referring to here that prevent China to "help Pakistan to become a manufacturing powerhouse"?

As China is a "higher and deeper than" friend, would you just leave it at that or actually "help Pakistan to become a manufacturing powerhouse" despite the "lack of reforms" (actually it is rich coming from you but nevertheless)?
More importantly, I want to see evidence where anyone has asked India to help protect their 'economic zones'?

Who invited this self-appointed deputy sheriff?

Vietnam invited India to help explore the oil.

Did you miss that?

Provide a link that actually works and that shows a military alliance between ASEAN nations to counter China.

I notice you keep talking about "insecurities". Are you still hurting from my comment -- several months ago -- about Indian insecurities? Good lord, I can't believe you are still hurting from that comment..... Pathetic.

Once again, Pakistan is not the issue here, although I do understand your desperate attempt to drag it into every discussion.

The 'facts' have been addressed: Japan is not out patrolling the South China seas. Vietnam is not sending patrol boats to the Korean peninsula.

Chinese Warship Confronts Indian Navy Vessel In The South China Sea - Business Insider

India has taken it upon itself to provide 'clean economic zones for all'. Did Vietnam ask India to protect its waters? Did Japan? India is the self-appointed deputy sheriff.

India is not patroling there. You need to check the facts.

Yes, Pakistan is not the issue here. I am talking about your need to see a rift between China and India and China and USA.

Just so that you can continue extracting the rent.

Let's see if that works for you and for how long.
The reason nobody talks about Indian hegemony is because nobody outside the West takes India's rise seriously. It is only the Western media that props up the Indian ego to goad it into brash moves like the Vietnam-India oil deal. The West has India's psyche figured out to a T.

Too much convinced by your own rhetoric? ;)

In fact your own country does take India's rise seriously. Most of Asia does and most of the world does.

That filter just makes sure you can't see it.

As i have said, it is only your rent seeking that makes you want to push the Chinese into a conflict with India (or US), just so that you can sustain your unsustainable hostility by being a client state of someone or the other.

There are not too many patrons left now. ;)

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------

BTW, it was intresting to see people trying to club Pakistan with China (or more appropriately, just tag along for a free ride) as being the target of US.

US has controlled Pakistan (being the 3rd A) for decades. They don't need to do much to continue doing that. ;)

Pakistan has been a client state of USA from 1947 itself. Later Saudis and China got added to the list of patrons.
Vietnam invited India to help explore the oil.

Did you miss that?

Not only did I not miss it, I already replied to it. This discussion is about military alliances.

Pakistan is not the issue here.

You got that right!

I am talking about your need to see a rift between China and India and China and USA.

Try reading the original post of this thread by an Indian before ranting at me. If you don't agree with his thesis, discuss with him.

China to "help Pakistan to become a manufacturing powerhouse"?

Pakistan again?

Too much convinced by your own rhetoric? ;)

In fact your own country does take India's rise seriously. Most of Asia does and most of the world does.

Aside from some tiny island nations like Maldives and Mauritius, who is knocking on mighty India's door for a military alliance?

That filter just makes sure you can't see it.

As i have said, it is only your rent seeking that makes you want to push the Chinese into a conflict with India (or US), just so that you can sustain your unsustainable hostility by being a client state of someone or the other.

Like I wrote above, that is the entire basis of this thread by your fellow Indian. No point in getting mad at me.

There are not too many patrons left now. ;)

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------

BTW, it was intresting to see people trying to club Pakistan with China (or more appropriately, just tag along for a free ride) as being the target of US.

US has controlled Pakistan (being the 3rd A) for decades. They don't need to do much to continue doing that. ;)

Pakistan has been a client state of USA from 1947 itself. Later Saudis and China got added to the list of patrons.

Your obsession with Pakistan is unfortunate -- even in an unrelated thread.

No one has ever denied that there are territorial disputes between China and other countries. There are disputes between just about any two countries in the region. And all these countries are handling the dispute directly with China. The only external country they have approached for help is the US -- not India.

Your opening post was replete with the word 'military'. This whole discussion is about military power. Is there a military alliance between ASEAN countries against China?

Yes, Vietnam and India are engaged in economic activity in South China seas. Many countries are similarly engaged. Where is the military alliance between Vietnam and India? Where did Vietnam ask India for military help in confronting China?

What is your natural language? I will try to write my response in that for you- because it's apparent this medium is not doing it for you.

I keep saying just like those other countries, India to ally with US and you keep saying who asked India to ally with those regional countries military.

I say India to ally for its concerns about free economics zone. you keep saying -Who asked India to patrol the economic zones for them.

I say "it's related to India's concerns, just like the others countries in the region" - you say " which countries asked you be the Sherrif".... LOL

So here is my last attempt at a response to you because - you do not comprehend this langauge at all.

Who asked India to be a sheriff? I DID- Because I shot the Sheriff But I did not shoot no Deputy!
What is your natural language? I will try to write my response in that for you- because it's apparent this medium is not doing it for you.

I keep saying just like those other countries, India to ally with US and you keep saying who asked India to ally with those regional countries military.

I say India to ally for its concerns about free economics zone. you keep saying -Who asked India to patrol the economic zones for them.

I say "related to India's concerns, juts like the others countries in the region" you say " which countries asked you be the Sherrif".... LOL

So here is my last attempt at a response to you because - you do not comprehend this langauge at all.

Who asked India to be a sheriff? I DID- Because I shot the Sheriff But I did not shoot no Deputy!

This is what you wrote:

Because all India wants, as naturally being the one in position to have global partners and global investments and interests to keep those chances alive and kicking and importantly clean economic zones for all.

I highlighted the part in red. It doesn't talk about India protecting its economic zones, but for all. A self-appointed deputy sheriff that no one asked.

I speak English just fine. And I am quite enjoying your dance to squirm out of a full blown admission of India's hegemonic designs.

In your zeal to thump your chest about "Incredible India" you let the cat out of the bag. Oh dear!
This is what you wrote:

I highlighted the part in red. It doesn't talk about India protecting its economic zones, but for all. A self-appointed deputy sheriff that no one asked.

I speak English just fine. And I am quite enjoying your dance to squirm out of a full blown admission of India's hegemonic designs.

In your zeal to thump your chest about "Incredible India" you let the cat out of the bag. Oh dear!

congrats -- all is the catch word - you got us. None of the other countries in that corridor saw it. You caught the evil yindoo design. all hail the james bond on the forums( notwithstanding every govt involved agrees with me).

just some parting advise- go read up what an economic zone(s) is. If the path/seas from India to vietnam is not free to sail... then all involved come out losers.

One thing you got right. India is incredible...:P
Not only did I not miss it, I already replied to it. This discussion is about military alliances.

You got that right!

Try reading the original post of this thread by an Indian before ranting at me. If you don't agree with his thesis, discuss with him.

Pakistan again?

Aside from some tiny island nations like Maldives and Mauritius, who is knocking on mighty India's door for a military alliance?

Like I wrote above, that is the entire basis of this thread by your fellow Indian. No point in getting mad at me.

Your obsession with Pakistan is unfortunate -- even in an unrelated thread.


Its clear from your chopping that you want to just score cheap points here, not debate the issue.

The language and parrot like repetition (despite claims of English being your first language) of meaningless phrases like "deputy sheriff" gave your intentions away right from the beginning, so did your obsession with proclaiming that India needs some sort of "validation" and that the West is out to exploit it.

Your kind wants to assume that India can't think of its own interests and that you get to define what it should be.

Your real intentions are not so well hidden. Unfortunately for you.

They remain trying to somehow remain useful to China and continue to seek rent. Let's see if that continues to work.

I personally think that is too low an aim. But I won't decide for you if that is what you have chosen to be your aim in life.
Its clear from your chopping that you want to just score cheap points here, not debate the issue.

The language and parrot like repetition (despite claims of English being your first language) of meaningless phrases like "deputy sheriff" gave your intentions away right from the beginning, so did your obsession with proclaiming that India needs some sort of "validation" and that the West is out to exploit it.

Your kind wants to assume that India can't think of its own interests and that you get to define what it should be.

Your real intentions are not so well hidden. Unfortunately for you.

They remain trying to somehow remain useful to China and continue to seek rent. Let's see if that continues to work.

I personally think that is too low an aim. But I won't decide for you if that is what you have chosen to be your aim in life.

But but - he is " think tank" here - which surely means he is an expert :)
But if I used the word " ALL" on a forum- his thinking part of that tank immediate attributes to a " world domination policy imposed by India" :rofl: what does that make me ?

International most intriguing man- stay thirsty my friends...:P
congrats -- all is the catch word - you got us. None of the other countries in that corridor saw it. You caught the evil yindoo design. all hail the james bond on the forums( notwithstanding every govt involved agrees with me).

Kiddo--- just some advise- go read up what an ecnomic zone(s) is. If the path/seas from India to vietnam is not free to sail... then all involved come out losers.

One thing you got right. India is incredible...:P

"Evil yindoos"? Good one!

Yes, yes. India trades all over the world, so it must ensure free economic zone all over the world for all. Better dispatch a ship to New York harbor, just in case.
The world is waiting with baited breath for India to police the waterways for them.

And a one... and a two... :rofl:

Its clear from your chopping that you want to just score cheap points here, not debate the issue.

The language and parrot like repetition (despite claims of English being your first language) of meaningless phrases like "deputy sheriff" gave your intentions away right from the beginning, so did your obsession with proclaiming that India needs some sort of "validation" and that the West is out to exploit it.

Your kind wants to assume that India can't think of its own interests and that you get to define what it should be.

Your real intentions are not so well hidden. Unfortunately for you.

They remain trying to somehow remain useful to China and continue to seek rent. Let's see if that continues to work.

I personally think that is too low an aim. But I won't decide for you if that is what you have chosen to be your aim in life.

So, nothing but a predictable rant, eh?

Since you are caught out by your own words --- and your fellow Indian -- there is not much else for you guys to do now...

Your fellow Indian laid out the premise of China-US rivalry and India-US alliance to counter China. And admitted Indian hegemonic designs in the bargain.

Since you can't backtrack now, you are just fuming as usual.

Most entertaining to watch both of you in action together....

He's trying out a new desperate diversion about 'evil yindoos'. I am sure you can accomodate him and the two of you can tango into the sunset....
^^^and with that hopefully class- we end this week's lesson on how not to be the Nostradamus of the forum
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