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Why India cannot be replaced with Indonesia in the BRIC?

indonesia alongwith some super duper power nations couldnt able to help his lapdog from getting divided and you are talking about it replacing india in brics :rofl:

The "I" in BRIC stands for Indonesia and not India :rofl:
Personally I think India will still remain the dominant force in the BRIC, Indonesia has great potential no doubt but having been to both countries I think India's companies have more of an edge with regards to type of business they conduct themselves in.

That's my take without looking into numbers and predictions etc

“India's companies have more of an edge with regards to type of business they conduct themselves in.”

pl go through with above words you talk.

The "I" in BRIC stands for Indonesia and not India :rofl:

And this is based on............

One report comes along and all you trolls jump right on board. It is not a case of either or. There are other economies tht are performing better than India and Indonesia yet because they don't start with "I" they are not discusses right?? What childish remarks.
And this is based on............

One report comes along and all you trolls jump right on board. It is not a case of either or. There are other economies tht are performing better than India and Indonesia yet because they don't start with "I" they are not discusses right?? What childish remarks.

"Childish" ???

Zakaria: Is India the broken BRIC?
Zakaria: Is India the broken BRIC? – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs

Last week marked exactly 10 years since the term BRIC was coined. The catchy acronym for Brazil, Russia, India and China used to describe the new powerhouse emerging markets. But the man who invented the moniker now says one of the four has been a great disappointment. No, not Russia, with all its recent troubles; not Brazil, whose economy contracted in the last quarter; and certainly not China, which continues to power on.

Goldman Sachs' Jim O'Neill says that the country that has been the biggest letdown has been India. He pointed out last week that India's inability to attract foreign investment could actually lead to a balance of payments crisis. From BRIC to basket case, "What in the World?" is going on?

Well, some numbers tell a troubling story. Growth has dipped below 7% for the first time in two years. The Indian rupee is Asia's worst performing currency this year, falling to a historic low against the dollar.

India's deficits are soaring and funding is drying up. India received less than $20 billion in foreign direct investment in the first six months of 2011. China got three times that amount. Even Russia, with the smaller GDP, took in more.

Why is India struggling? Sadly, the real problem isn't economics. India has a very dynamic private sector - probably the most dynamic in the emerging markets. But it has a government that simply doesn't work.

And it's not for lack of knowledge. India has the know-how. The government is, after all, led by a reform-minded world-class economist, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The problem is politics. The world's largest democracy seems to be paralyzed.

Singh's government recently announced a plan to open up India's retail sector to foreign investors, a continuation of the reforms that jump started the economy 20 years ago. The proposal would have made it easier for big Western chains like Walmart to set up shop in India.

Now, Indian agriculture is hugely inefficient. Middlemen take huge cuts, and because supply chains are inefficient, up to a third of farm products, vegetables for example, rot before they reach the market. So the Walmart model would transform India's agriculture and its retail sectors. It would empower farmers, lower prices for consumers and create huge gains in productivity.

But it was not to be. India's opposition turned this into a story of the big guy fighting the little guy, Walmart versus the mom and pop. Parliament was gridlocked for days, and politicians mobilized mass demonstrations. Small stores across the country were kept closed in protest.

So, what does the government do? Instead of standing firm, it backtracked and canceled plans to reform the retail sector altogether.

This is a depressingly familiar pattern. For two years now, India's government has done nothing, hanging on to power, presenting no plans to open up the economy, raise living standards, build infrastructure or attract new investment.

In the West, India's leaders sell the story of a dynamic, "Incredible India." But, at home, they pander to populist protectionist sentiment, dole out subsidies and do basically nothing. That paralysis is hurting the economy.

India's blessing and curse is that it has a messy, chaotic, decentralized democracy. Unlike China, it has no unified sense of direction. But the prevailing view has often been that when the going gets tough, New Delhi gets its act together. That's what it did 20 years ago when it was on the brink of default and a balance of payments crisis. Well, once again, it's time for urgent reform.

New Delhi has for years expressed pride in being part of the BRICs. If it doesn't get its act together, 10 years from now people might still be praising the BRICs, except that the "I" in BRIC might stand for Indonesia, not India.
Sam Pitroda was recently quoted by IANS saying,"India's 238 million 15 to 24 year-olds equals the total population of the world's fourth most populous country, Indonesia." India's young population will increase by 136 million by 2020, as against 23 million anticipated for China.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ot-replaced-indonesia-bric.html#ixzz1vbY3g7AC

a large proportion of these people will be added to largest population of illiterate vagrants on earth - all in india!

A blessing or a curse? indians know it better!
India inflation jump to 7.23 %
India Food Prices jump over 10%

Food prices climbing by over 10 per cent, the commerce ministry said. The disappointing numbers helped push India's currency to a record low of 55.02 rupees to the dollar while the stock market shed half a percentage point to finish at a four-month trough of 16159 points.


India = over 7%

Indonesia = 4.5%
China = 3.4%

inflation on food prices hit the poor the most! strikes and protests against the crazy inflation will be forthcoming in india soon.

another important index : unemployment rate (2010)

Indonesia: 7.1%

Indonesia - Unemployment rate - Historical Data Graphs per Year

india : 10.8%

India - Unemployment rate - Historical Data Graphs per Year
I think Indians are serious thinking that they would be replaced. They just need to work hard and stop trolling in PDF and they won't be expelled.
a large proportion of these people will be added to largest population of illiterate vagrants on earth - all in india!

A blessing or a curse? indians know it better!

Mr>high IQ... Now literacy rate is 75%...
Many are kids now, expected to grow into youth into 2020...
So when these kids study literacy rate will naturally increase.....
So much for u to digest positive news on india..
Why do we care and be defensive, it foes not matter if you are the I in brics. What matters is your internal strength.
At 54.51 rupees per dollar, India's GDP is smaller than Australia's!

In 2011 (at an average exchange rate of 46.667 Indian rupees per U.S. dollar), India's GDP was 1.676 trillion.

At the current exchange rate of 54.41 rupees per dollar:

1.676 trillion x (46.667 rupees / 54.41 rupees per dollar) = $1.437 trillion Indian GDP for 2011

After adjusting India's 2011 GDP to the current exchange rate ($1.437 trillion), it is smaller than Australia's GDP ($1.488 trillion)!Martian

I don't know where you get Indian GDP numbers from.

But the official GDP numbers released for this year in April is around 101.7 trillion Indian Rupees

That is around 1.8 trillion USD with the CURRENT exchange rate of 1USD = 55 INR. Even if the Rupee goes to 60 INR it will still be bigger than the Aussie GDP at 1.6 trillion USD

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