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Why India cannot be replaced with Indonesia in the BRIC?

It gives different lists...
IMF says its 1.6 T, world bank says its 1.73 T, CIA factbook says its 1.8T...
Even fa china , other than IMF , world bank and CIA factbook shows less value...
Which one to believe?
I will take world bank data seriously though...

Did you even read it?

The first coloumn is IMF data for 2011.

The second column is World Bank data, mostly from 2010.

I mean, come on! How hard is it to read it properly?

Or maybe you're confused because it shows India falling two places in the rankings from 2010 to 2011? Yes, that actually happened.
It gives different lists...
IMF says its 1.6 T, world bank says its 1.73 T, CIA factbook says its 1.8T...
Even fa china , other than IMF , world bank and CIA factbook shows less value...
Which one to believe?
I will take world bank data seriously though...

The exchange rate of different time make different GDP by nominal.

China GDP in 2011 reach 47156.4 billion RMB, and exchange rate today is 1$=6.31RMB, so it is $ 7.473 trillion.
The Indian economy is crumbling before our eyes with four deficits (e.g. "the current account, fiscal, governance and liquidity").

1. The falling rupee effect will be fully incorporated into the IMF data for Indian GDP in the next 12 to 14 months.*

2. The calculation to show India's current economy is smaller than Australia's is the best reflection of the current Indian economic health.

3. Updated: 1.676 trillion x (46.667 rupees / 54.41 rupees per dollar) = $1.437 trillion Indian GDP for 2011

India 2011 GDP:

$1.437 trillion
$1.437 trillion
$1.437 trillion
$1.437 trillion
$1.437 trillion
$1.437 trillion
$1.437 trillion
Wake Up

China emerged as Indonesia’s largest trade partner
China emerged as Indonesia’s largest trade partner | Halal Indonesia

China and Indonesia seal strategic pact

LOl You chinese always jump the gun
'China has become India's largest trade partner in South Asia' - Economic Times

Keyword there is TRADING PARTNERS thats it totally different from FDI or INvestment

Ur are largest trading partner but our largest FDI is from MAuritus a back door of indian money
next is Singapore :woot: 10% of total inflow:lol:
followed by US and UK

Also know MAx Inflow out of that is in Manufacturing sector followed by Construction...HMMMM Now if India is going down why would Ppl invest in Manufacturing and Construction :azn:
India inflation jump to 7.23 %
India Food Prices jump over 10%

Food prices climbing by over 10 per cent, the commerce ministry said. The disappointing numbers helped push India's currency to a record low of 55.02 rupees to the dollar while the stock market shed half a percentage point to finish at a four-month trough of 16159 points.


India = over 7%

Indonesia = 4.5%
China = 3.4%
So china became 7 trillion $ economy soon :P
Rupee depriciation is short term...
If it comes to 45 mark economy will reach more than 2 trillion $..
Btw lamam i think u are a banned member in a new pro...

Sorry, we become a 8+ trillion economy this year, while you stuck with your 1 trillionish one. :coffee:
India inflation jump to 7.23 %
India Food Prices jump over 10%

Food prices climbing by over 10 per cent, the commerce ministry said. The disappointing numbers helped push India's currency to a record low of 55.02 rupees to the dollar while the stock market shed half a percentage point to finish at a four-month trough of 16159 points.


India = over 7%

Indonesia = 4.5%
China = 3.4%
low growth and high inflation,worst combination indeed.
Did you even read it?

The first coloumn is IMF data for 2011.

The second column is World Bank data, mostly from 2010.

I mean, come on! How hard is it to read it properly?

Or maybe you're confused because it shows India falling two places in the rankings from 2010 to 2011?
Take some basic eco classes will you ! GDP growth is measured in local currency cause the exchange rate fluctuations will make it impossible to estimate "real growth" in an economy ! This is what I've posted lots of times on PDF yet the stupid CN never some to understand this, damn it :frown:
I just laugh at people who wanna compare India with Indonesia :rofl:

But the ones laughing are not the Indians because India is in such a BAD SHAPE and that convinced people to compare her to Indonesia....a downgrade for India. And worst of all, people think that Indonesia should REPLACE India.....that means India is below Indonesia.
Did you even read it?

The first coloumn is IMF data for 2011.

The second column is World Bank data, mostly from 2010.

I mean, come on! How hard is it to read it properly?

Or maybe you're confused because it shows India falling two places in the rankings from 2010 to 2011? Yes, that actually happened.

I have written all 3 values... I have read correctly...
The matter is what standard u apply?
U prefer IMF, i on, the other hand prefer World bank data...
Personally I think India will still remain the dominant force in the BRIC, Indonesia has great potential no doubt but having been to both countries I think India's companies have more of an edge with regards to type of business they conduct themselves in.

That's my take without looking into numbers and predictions etc
But the ones laughing are not the Indians because India is in such a BAD SHAPE and that convinced people to compare her to Indonesia....a downgrade for India. And worst of all, people think that Indonesia should REPLACE India.....that means India is below Indonesia.

indonesia alongwith some super duper power nations couldnt able to help his lapdog from getting divided and you are talking about it replacing india in brics :rofl:
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