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Why India can’t go to war with Pakistan

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Dec 15, 2012
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Why India can’t go to war with Pakistan

by Rajeev Sharma

Indian political leadership’s upping of ante on Tuesday vis a vis Pakistan is not unlike the famous single-liner of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark: “Words, words, words.”

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid used strong words against Pakistan and both said that it can’t be “business as usual” with Pakistan after the neighbour’s brutal act in the Medhar sector of the Line of Control (LoC) last week. But they both stopped at that and declined to spell out what concrete steps they would be taking against the recalcitrant neighbour. Words, words, words!


BJP leader and former External Affairs Minister went a step ahead and demanded “controlled military response” against Pakistan. Well, being in the opposition, Sinha can say that, though neither he nor any BJP leader can explain what concrete deliverables resulted from Operation Parakram when the then NDA government had mobilized troops along the Pakistan border in the wake of December 2001 terror attack on Indian Parliament. Sinha also could not explain his idea of “controlled military response” further. Words, words, words!

Let’s chuck the political grandstanding in the ongoing India-Pakistan theater of the absurd and focus on how India-Pakistan relations may play out in the coming weeks in the current geopolitical matrix. There are three issues.

The most important question is whether Pakistan army personnel’s barbaric act of mutilating the bodies of two Indian jawans they killed on 6 January (which is nothing short of a war crime) needs to be given a military response – controlled or full blast?

War’s that way: What can India do to retaliate? PTI
The UPA government is clearly not thinking on these lines. The war drums are not beating; not yet. One may ask: if not now, then when? But then matters of statecraft are not that simple. More so, when the habitual offender neighbour happens to be a nuclear weapon power! But then does it mean that big power like India should allow itself to be bullied by a fast failing state just because it is a nuclear weapon state?

Far from it! The beheading of the Indian soldier by the Pakistani regulars was a covert operation and covert operations need not trigger an overt response. India has the option of beating Pakistan in its own game without even giving a semblance of mobilizing its war machinery. India can also put itself on a denial mode just as Pakistan has been for its sins of omission and commission in violating the ceasefire repeatedly over the past ten days.

In all probability this is what the chiefs of Indian Army and the Indian Air Force had in mind when they separately fired warning shots at Pakistan a few days ago. The LoC would unlikely remain a Line of Control in the coming weeks. It will be a live wire. The Indian Army will do well to deploy its best commandos in the vulnerable sectors of the LoC with a single-point brief: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

This is what Pakistan did on 6 January that has brought the Indo-Pak relations on the brink. The medieval age barbarism was perpetrated by Pakistan army’s Special Service Group (SSG) commandos.

After the Pakistani provocation, the Indian army should have its tail up and give a “measured” and “proportionate” response, to borrow words from the Indian political leadership’s recent lexicon. The likely scenario, therefore, would be that the Indian response to subsequent Pakistani provocations would be sector-specific and event-specific without enlarging the sweepstakes.

This is possibly what the chiefs of Indian Army and Indian Air Force indicated and this is probably what BJP leaders like Yashwant Sinha and Sushma Swaraj meant when they made those hawkish statements. Pakistan Army would be mis-adventurous if they were to mistake India’s continued recourse to the laid down diplomatic means as cowardice and carry on with their business as usual.

Two, this is not the right time for an overt response from India given the chaotic situation in Pakistan. Nobody knows who the boss in Pakistan is today. The government of President Asif Ali Zardari has become a rootless wonder. The Supreme Court has ordered the arrest of Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on corruption charges. Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani remains as indecisive and a passive onlooker as he has been for years. Gen Kayani’s perceived best bets, Imran Khan and Tahir-ul Qadri, are busily pursuing their own independent personal agendas, the former all to set to carry out a “tsunami march” while the latter a “million man march”.

Pakistan’s slide to anarchy is being hastened with each passing day. The Indian government would only be displaying knee-jerk reactions by beating the war drums. Why declare war with a state which is at war with itself? India won’t be wrong is playing the waiting game with a neighbour which has its fingers on the self-destruct button. Declaring war on Pakistan at this stage would be no less than a favour to Islamabad.

Third, and perhaps the most important factor, is the United States. The Obama administration’s major foreign policy imperative at this moment is to get out of Afghanistan. At the same time, the Americans cannot afford to exit Afghanistan today only to re-enter tomorrow. The Americans’ exit policy vis-a-vis Afghanistan has to be executed in such a manner that they do not have to stage a hasty come-back.

Washington’s Afghanistan strategic imperatives won’t allow any escalation in India-Pakistan conflict. The Americans don’t want to get bogged down to South Asia as their priority has shifted to the South China Sea region. The Americans won’t like to see even controlled aggression by India against Pakistan which may have the potential of getting out of hand.

However, the Americans are also deeply aware that New Delhi has its own political compulsions. The question is not whether Pakistan would have the gall to repeat the 6 January barbarity against India. The question is what will be the US policy if India were to have a “controlled military response” (to borrow Yashwant Sinha’s words) to play to its domestic constituency to salvage its pride?

Why India can’t go to war with Pakistan | Firstpost
Because India has occupied Kashmir already. If it goes for war, it might lose its share in Kashmir.

So if someone wants to make Kashmir independent, then either Pakistan or Kashmiries themselves have to start war.

India will not start any war ever, simple/
When Pakistan itself is suffering with an internal war why we have to go for war??

That to a nuclear one.

Even we having nuclear arsenals but there is no fear from Pakistan side ,they comitted 119 provocation at LOC so far including 2 beheadings in 2011 &2012.

SL forces killed more than 400 Indian fisherman no action taken yet , did SL possess nuclear weapons?

India can't able take strong actions against illegal Bangladesis.

Bottom line India is gutless nation , if it proceed in that way then there no future for Indian union.
Another $hit hole Indian propaganda. Stupid and Funny written all over it.
Going to war with Pakistan at this point of time will have negative effect, might unify all the factions fighting within themselves against a bigger bogeyman.

My suggestion, wait, and fuel up their internal violence, to a point when their governmental structure will fail to safeguard their nation.
Even we having nuclear arsenals but there is no fear from Pakistan side ,they comitted 119 provocation at LOC so far including 2 beheadings in 2011 &2012.

SL forces killed more than 400 Indian fisherman no action taken yet , did SL possess nuclear weapons?

India can't able take strong against illegal Bangladesis.

Bottom line India is gutless nation , if it proceed in that way then there no future for Indian union.

Go through the article and the highlighted part. Pakistan did not do the be headings by directly confronting IA, why India has to make it a full scale war??

exercising restraint for good reason is not cowardice.
RAW has already taken revenge. those how know raw know what i am talking about
Eorl ⚔;3812769 said:
Because India has occupied Kashmir already. If it goes for war, it might lose its share in Kashmir.

So if someone wants to make Kashmir independent, then either Pakistan or Kashmiries themselves have to start war.

India will not start any war ever, simple/

Losing Kashmir in a war is impossible, we have greatly improved our infrastructure in Kashmir while Pakistan is left far behind. Even in 1965 and 1971 they couldn't do anything, India is now much more strong. Their only hope lies with their nukes, otherwise their conventional military is feeble before India's.

But we don't need a war because Pakistan is being ruined internally.
It is not yet proved that this beheading actually happened. So y this rolla rappa. And it was India who first attacked and killed one Pakistani soldier and on next day when Pakistan gave a reply in same manner and killed two soldier then y this hue cry. And when does not simply go to war with a nation that is nuclear power has a professional army and means to annihilate the enemy.

But one thing thing is sure Pakistan has to solve this govt issue very soon because India is having an itch of war again.
It is not yet proved that this beheading actually happened. So y this rolla rappa. And it was India who first attacked and killed one Pakistani soldier and on next day when Pakistan gave a reply in same manner and killed two soldier then y this hue cry. And when does not simply go to war with a nation that is nuclear power has a professional army and means to annihilate the enemy.

But one thing thing is sure Pakistan has to solve this govt issue very soon because India is having an itch of war again.

It will be self-suicide by Pakistan if Pakistan ever uses nukes.
It is not yet proved that this beheading actually happened. So y this rolla rappa. And it was India who first attacked and killed one Pakistani soldier and on next day when Pakistan gave a reply in same manner and killed two soldier then y this hue cry. And when does not simply go to war with a nation that is nuclear power has a professional army and means to annihilate the enemy.

But one thing thing is sure Pakistan has to solve this govt issue very soon because India is having an itch of war again.

Evident from pakistani lack of code of conduct and utter disregard to geneva conventions

February 27, 2000, Sepoy Bhausahed Maruti Talekar of Maratha Light Infantry was beheaded by Pakistani troops in Jangad in Rajouri sector but curiously a ranking pan-Islamic jihadist, Ilyas Kashmiri of Al Qaeda, was given credit with Islamabad displaying the badge and weapon of the solider in a macabre display.
Evident from pakistani lack of code of conduct and utter disregard to geneva conventions

February 27, 2000, Sepoy Bhausahed Maruti Talekar of Maratha Light Infantry was beheaded by Pakistani troops in Jangad in Rajouri sector but curiously a ranking pan-Islamic jihadist, Ilyas Kashmiri of Al Qaeda, was given credit with Islamabad displaying the badge and weapon of the solider in a macabre display.

I think u didnt get what I said. I was talking about current situation U can go and take a dive in history and what happen in past a decade ago. We are discussing current situation not Ilyas Kashmiri I dont know even who the phock is he and I dont give phock. And please dont act like that u are saints.
This is just an LAME excuse now...theer are many other real reason why india couldn't start war with pakistan....n i think most of you are fully aware with those reasons....:azn:
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