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Why Imran Khan Lost?

Who said IK has lost? Only fools, patwaris and jailas believe so. IK cannot be anymore popular than today.
One way or the other he will be back, if they dont want their houses to be burnt like Srilanka.
If the PDM and establishment let things play out and allowed IK to complete his term, he would have most likely the next election...

With his unceremonious and conspiratorial ouster with the support and prodding of domestic and international establishment he's reached the height of popularity arguably unmatched in the history of Pakistan...

Whenever the elections are held next and if conducted fairly he should win a massive majority.

The international establishment has now realized their blunder, hence the prospective visit of Zalmay Khalilzad where he's scheduled to meet with IK. If I were IK, I'd give him the same treatment MBS is now giving to Biden.
To put it in simple terms
statesman are shrewd and practical. He is more of emotional and ideological which is in starc contrast to world politics.. Period
To be honest, Imran Khan should not be meeting Zalmay Khalizad.
To put it in simple terms
statesman are shrewd and practical. He is more of emotional and ideological which is in starc contrast to world politics.. Period
Correct - that is his fallacy.
Ideology is fine, but you temper that with attitude.
He could still have denied bases without going “Absolutely not!”, could still have visited Russia later after visiting Ukraine too - said it was a peace delegation.
But these are statesmen decisions, not a “I know the west better than anyone” attitudes.
The west just showed him how well it knows his own countrymen
What a load of bullshit,
Yah kon baiwaqoof larka hai.
It's 'Ye' or 'Yeh' not 'Yah'.

As mentioned in the video, Imran Khan should have gracefully accepted the mandate of the members of the assembly and the Supreme Court instead of blaming it on foreign conspiracies by US, India, etc. He still has another election in a few years so he still has the opportunity to come back into power. With his government being just above majority and thus being unstable, it was always in the cards of the opposition to lure his supporters and make them go against him.
Correct - that is his fallacy.
Ideology is fine, but you temper that with attitude.
He could still have denied bases without going “Absolutely not!”, could still have visited Russia later after visiting Ukraine too - said it was a peace delegation.
But these are statesmen decisions, not a “I know the west better than anyone” attitudes.
The west just showed him how well it knows his own countrymen

Correct - that is his fallacy.
No, that's how leaders speak, knows the difference...

Ideology is fine, but you temper that with attitude.
Likhay Musa Parhay Khuda, could you please explain what do you mean

He could still have denied bases without going “Absolutely not!”, could still have visited Russia later after visiting Ukraine too - said it was a peace delegation.

See what happened when you didn't share the Intel with IK and the generals, had you told them in advance that Russians are about to attack Ukraine, please go to Ukraine first then to Russia this wouldn't have happened.
Absolutely Not was said to a journalist not to American ambassador know the difference...

But these are statesmen decisions, not a “I know the west better than anyone” attitudes.
I see where the problem is you are used to by people like Nawaz, who simply bend over and then go on to ask for a few dollars...

The west just showed him how well it knows his own countrymen

Again, you didn't share the information and told him in advance that the army generals, including the head of the army and the core commanders, are all sold to the highest bidder.
No, that's how leaders speak, knows the difference...

Likhay Musa Parhay Khuda, could you please explain what do you mean

See what happened when you didn't share the Intel with IK and the generals, had you told them in advance that Russians are about to attack Ukraine, please go to Ukraine first then to Russia this wouldn't have happened.
Absolutely Not was said to a journalist not to American ambassador know the difference...

I see where the problem is you are used to by people like Nawaz, who simply bend over and then go on to ask for a few dollars...

Again, you didn't share the information and told him in advance that the army generals, including the head of the army and the core commanders, are all sold to the highest bidder.
I do know that difference which is why Duterte who has no respect.
Your absolutely not is not to the journalist - If Imran Khan says “I will burn all fashion shows down” that is not a journalist statement it is interpreted as actual policy. Please know the nuance because otherwise the repeated “Journalist” statements of the US asking Pakistan to “do more” and accusing it of harboring Taliban would have no damage to the reputation of Pakistan. Same reason why media wars work instead of “Oh, maybe that is not what he meant” .

The rest of your post is pretty shallow repetitive statements:
1. What is the relationship of Nawaz bending over versus the west simply using diplomatic suggestions to cause the entire system of Pakistan to collapse? Is the west at fault or Pakistanis?
Also on that statement, did our Prophet also “bend over backwards” to the Quraysh? Just using your own analogy of not bending over to a larger power.

Or did they take those ten years to focus on reforms, economics, growing power and the returning? Unfortunately, everytime a Pakistani claims to do this as well they aren’t honest with it so who is to blame again?
How about Musharraf or Ayub or Zia? They wasted their “reprieve” in either self preservation or baseless reforms.

2. Share what information? Is Imran Khan an ignorant idiot who cannot even see the news and interpret where things are going after boasting “I know the west better than anyone!”?
Is he incapable of analysis and requesting alternative views even if his generals and national security advisor are saying its ok to land in Russia on the eve of it invading a country?
Takhnon mein aqal hai kya saare Pakistan ki?
It's 'Ye' or 'Yeh' not 'Yah'.

As mentioned in the video, Imran Khan should have gracefully accepted the mandate of the members of the assembly and the Supreme Court instead of blaming it on foreign conspiracies by US, India, etc. He still has another election in a few years so he still has the opportunity to come back into power. With his government being just above majority and thus being unstable, it was always in the cards of the opposition to lure his supporters and make them go against him.
LPC. Whodafug are you to tell us on our domestic politics.....do you see any pakistani people commenting on any of their neighbors local politics.. it's for us to decide when and where a conspiracy happoened..you and this child on video is a nobody.
1. IK will return to PM

2. IK isn't "the" solution.

3. Pak has fundamental problems that live in the psyche of every decision-maker, IK included.

4. We Pakistanis must develop a culture of broad-based accountability. Don't be a sucker for one party, individual or institution. Don't put yourself in a camp involving someone of power or influence. Rather, hold everyone at the top accountable regardless of who they are. Focus on the issues affecting us and be consistent. Show the entire top that they, as a whole, aren't good enough and that we can't be duped into petty partisanship.
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