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Why i would Pick Gripen NG for MMRCA

BEN IF CHOOSE GRIPEN , its going to unmatched by any other aircrafts in indian subcontient . so why not gripen ?

oh!please BEN DO YOU THINK CHINESE PLANES SAY J10B/C or J11 is match for GRIPEN NG ???

Man, I have to say you are the most passionate Gripen Fan i Have seen on PDF :cheers:

Just one request. GO little easy on the Gripen **** you are posting. We have seen most of them already. :D. If you have some new stuff then feel free to post.
can anyone tell me why am not allowed to make thread !? Or if some one make one 4 me ? Go to this blog asiandefenseupdates.blogspot.com and read the multiuse of indian missiles. Its nice
I have some weird Logic for MMRCA deal..
1. You don need to state of Art Weapon, you just need better weapon than your enemy.
2. You must put weapon embargo on the enemy (Virtual)..

Case1: If the enemy is Pakistan...
1. India choosing Rafael will Restrict Pakistan from access of best fighter planes... Pakistan economy won't allow them to go for EFT, Russia will not sell them MiG35, Gripen is useless as they have already F16-52, After having bitter experience with Amerika They MAY not go for FA-18....

Case2: If China is enemy..
1. EFT will be the best thing India can rely Upon, Though EFT is not war proven yet, But on paper its better than Su27 family china or India has.... It has Better Air to air capabilities than Su27 Family... Till the time We get 50+ Pak-FA. Typhoon can guard Indian sky superbly..

So My choice is EFT or Rafael.... MiG35 (MiG29 can be ugraded to MiG35 standard) .. FA18 (I seriously Doubt its capabilities), Grippen (Why do we need swiss knife when we can have Japanese katana)
Considering that our budget is already allocated. We need to go with the best of the best...the RAFALE:cool:. Radar n stuff can be modified or incorporated all new as per our requirements.

As said by another poster, if we go for Gripen JUST to save some money, that money will in no way come back for a social cause but will only end up in Politicians' pockets.

Su 30 mki

Mig series (Upgraded)

Mirage 2000 (upgraded)




Tejas n variants

IAF shall be a force to reckon with.:smokin:
Why would i pick LCA Tejas instead of Gripen..by the time of its delivery starts our Tejas will be fully operational atleast :)
If Tejas mk2 REACHES Gripen NG Before 2020 I WILL EAT MY HAT.

Joking apart guys.

India needs a relative cost effective MMRCA fighter now or by 2012at the latest.

Bearing in mind PLAAF are inducting equalivent fighters at $30m each in J10 or FC20 and PAF F16/52 on possible grant aid or half cost ie $25m each i think the indians will kill all 3 services by trying to induct $80m dollar MMRCA..

As i said (did anybody take note) IAF or India cannot afford both MMRCA TYPHOONS and FGFA between 2012 and 2025 at over $30 bllion.

China sends 4 times the INDIAN MILITARY YET EVEN THEY ARE GOING with cheaper J10 AND SO IS PAF with $15m Thunder

The TEJAS has failed to arrive in time 2018 for mk2 is 8 years away.

TyphoonOR F18 alongside nerarly 300 su30mki is a unbalanced very expensive air force that will cripple India,s FGFA particpation, even effect other projects like arihant and 3rd carrier plans.

One gripen costs half the cost of a Typhoon and will do 2 sorties in the time a flankers does one. More importantly it will cost 30% of the maintenance work.

Do you think instead of buying Gripen we could just morph the Tejas into it.?
in reply to misterme

For tejas to morph into gripen by 2018 india needs to buy the gripen in mmrca competition. This tot and experience gained by buying the gripen will give a big boost to tejas mk2.

ineffect iaf will have 250 single engined 4.5 generation both powered by ge414 engines frm usa. The cost will be shared between the 2 types but maintenance will saved.


oh!please BEN DO YOU THINK CHINESE PLANES SAY J10B/C or J11 is match for GRIPEN NG ???

Why not? Especially the J10B can be very capable!
Just like the Gripen it will have a delta canard design, but it will be a propper F16 / medium class fighter, while Gripen hardly fits into the medium class. Too much is still unknown about J10B, but with higher thrust engines, AESA (rumors also talkes also about swashplate, SC and TVC), reduced RCS, it will be more than a match.
That leaves the Gripen mainly with the advantage of western weapons and techs, but these are on offer with EF, or Rafale too, while they can offer even better performance.

The cost advantage of Gripen (at least compared to MMRCAs) is not deniable, but you have to keep in mind, that it is only an upgraded light class fighter, with a light single engine T/W. That means the performance with lighter loads will be good enough, but the more you add, the more it will suffer from lack of trust. That's why I'd prefered it India had gone for a propper medium class single engine Tejas, instead on light class only.
If look at the T/W ratio and load etc. J-10 is way ahead of Gripen
in reply to misterme

For tejas to morph into gripen by 2018 india needs to buy the gripen in mmrca competition. This tot and experience gained by buying the gripen will give a big boost to tejas mk2.



What ToT and experience will help? Selex offered co-development of AESA radar for Tejas too, so we could easily get it directly. The Swedes can't offer any ToT of the engine that we wouldn't get already from the engine selection of MK2. Most weapons, or avionics are also mainly forreign, not to forget that the Gripen E/F is also not reality and needs further developments and to mature as well. So how should we gain from an imature fighter and a vendor that can't offer us critical techs?

Saab would have been a perfect partner in the past, but not now anymore!

- they have PS 05 MMR radar, we developed an MMR too
- they can offer data link and EWS techs, we developed our own data links and some EWS parts too
- they have experience on the engine side, but no own engine available and can't help at Kaveri engine
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