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Why i would Pick Gripen NG for MMRCA

I have looked at the MMRCA from every angle. IMO

Current & future IAF fighter mix
Original MMRCA requirement
Future threat
Mix of PLAAF & PAF fleet today and the next decade
Cost of maintenance
Cost of purchase
Ease of induction

To me this baby just ticks all the boxes.

Saab JAS 39 Gripen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is a very vague analysis. Though Gripen is a good contender, Yet others have equal chances too....

EF, Rafale and F-18 are also in the same league.

Wouldn't the Gripen be competing against the LCA?

That is a wrong notion, Gripen doesnt compete against LCA. When we say LCA can be braught to a tsndard of Gripen, we talk 5-6 years from now.

LCA was designed to be the work horse of IAF, Gripen cant be work the horse. MRCA is not the workhorse of IAF. MRCA as the term states is a look out for a multirole fighter.
MRCA: We wanted to replace our Mirage 2000 with Mirage 4000, But to make the deal fair and competitive. India float MRCA Tender...

2. The Major need was/is Fighter Bomber with limited Air to air capability.. F18 and Rafael looks fit for it. F16 ToW is also impressive..

3. Grippen: She is like swiss knife. Jack of all trade master of none... LCA can be upgraded to Grippen standard...

And those who believe LCA just a fighter plane are biggest fool in world.. Its more than a plane, Its a research plane... The exerience gain on LCA can make AMCA as well...

Remember Israel earn billion of dollar from fail/abandoned Lavi project.. The sell the Technology develped for Lavi to India and other countr....
Guys, There is no doubt Grippen NG is a good aircraft with low cost as compare to other contenders. But we should not forgot that IAF will be retiring Mig-27 and dozons of Jaguars in next few yrs.
MRCA winner need to fill that gap and a striker aricraft can fullfill that role very well.. Rafale and F-18 kind of aircraft.

LCA mark-2 will be near to Grippen NG standard, why we should waste 10-12 billion dollors on some AC, when we can have simmilar platform ready in 4-5 yrs.
Guys don,t take this the wrong way.

The Gripen NG is in a different league in maturity from , ready for combat today, fully developed IN SERVICE SINCE YEAR 2000 via gripen c./d plane.

It will be ready to fly against J10/FC20 or F16/52, in 2012-2013.

THE TEJAS. is Mark 1 IS 3 YEARS AWAY from acheiving FOC cannot fire a BVR and the IAF will not trust it to carry out missions normally tasked to the basic mig21 or mig27 today.

By the time this Tejas matures to Gripen NG STANDARD we will be in 2018. ie
Mark2 Tejas will not fly until 2015-2016 and will not achieve IOC until 2017-2018.

There is a stil a good possibility it could be rejected after the first forty planes by IAF anyways.

This is why and where the Gripen NG will total production line in india at $40 m each can be such a good back up p-lan...

by 2018 india could be feilding 60 Gripen Ngs
To the poster blackbood who suggested F18 super hornets as MMRCA winner.

What good is a $70m dollar plane if the USA won,t allow IAF to use it in a war without there permission for spares.

What good is a F18 with down graded watered down weapons and radars.

Why spend $70m on a 25 tonne mmrca when the su30mki is 30 tonnes and costs $60m$70m each. as well.

Any idea on the operational cost of 126 gripenng versis the Typhoon or F18 super hornets. My guess 2-1 or 3 times as much as the gripen.
Typhoon & Rafael look good on paper but they don,t offer the variety of weapons that Gripen can handle ie both USA and european.

extreme flexibility for gripen.

Also regarding USA parts. YES it uses USA engine but this is less worrisome than the entire damn plane coming from USA which will total control to the Americans to every single screw and bolt.
The decision would go in Yankees favor - Nothing else than Super hornet will win the contest.

Oh look, the guy who in another thread said we would be nuked if we did not give up on Kashmir , is advising us on our aircraft choices. how special...:smitten:
Typhoon & Rafael look good on paper but they don,t offer the variety of weapons that Gripen can handle ie both USA and european.

extreme flexibility for gripen.

Also regarding USA parts. YES it uses USA engine but this is less worrisome than the entire damn plane coming from USA which will total control to the Americans to every single screw and bolt.

You can't fly without an engine so yeah, it's just as worrisome as the entire plane coming from the U.S.. But then again, the LCA uses American engines too, so I don't know how much India cares about that.
You can't fly without an engine so yeah, it's just as worrisome as the entire plane coming from the U.S.. But then again, the LCA uses American engines too, so I don't know how much India cares about that.

I hope MOD babus care. you cant have half of ur fleet (126 gripen + 120 tejas) sitting on the ground in case of us sanctions during war.
I have looked at the MMRCA from every angle. IMO

Current & future IAF fighter mix
Original MMRCA requirement
Future threat
Mix of PLAAF & PAF fleet today and the next decade
Cost of maintenance
Cost of purchase
Ease of induction

To me this baby just ticks all the boxes.

Saab JAS 39 Gripen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

just one point. grippen has many items from american companies. in case of embargo we wouldnt get much help from americans. hence it is better to go for rafale or eurofighter. both have promised complete TOT.

if we r going for american items might as well go for F-18 or F-16 IN wats the point in going for grippen NG. hence u r logic wont hold good. if we directly but items from america we can directly pressure america not have an embargo (if it so happens) which wont be the case with grippen. then both SAAB and IAF would be at the mercy of american state policy.
Typhoon & Rafael look good on paper but they don,t offer the variety of weapons that Gripen can handle ie both USA and european.

extreme flexibility for gripen.

Also regarding USA parts. YES it uses USA engine but this is less worrisome than the entire damn plane coming from USA which will total control to the Americans to every single screw and bolt.

But I would love to go for 200 Swedish 155mm Bofors artillery guns.
Oh!plz give me a break ,why you people comes with this kinda stup thread ?? There's already a sticky thread of mmrca running. Please mods delete this thread thanku.
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