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Why I won't live among Hindus

Hindus are the most intolerant people on the planet , they have a history or mass murders and mass loot in the name of religious wars , they strongly believe that non-Hindus should either get converted or die or be heavily taxed and discriminated , they also have several terrorist groups that covertly attack innocent non-Hindus and active belligerence that challenges non-Hindu military on the front. It is absolutely unimaginable for non-Hindus to even imagine be living among Hindus. Look at India , a Hindu kingdom monarchy , that funds global Hindu terrorism , no other religion is represented here except Hinduism.

Hindus are also believed by the world civilized community to be hypocritical and believer of conspiracy theories whenever and the way it suits their hypocrisy. The also cry secular secular in nations they live in minority and covertly plan for the ultimate annihilation of the same at their temples.
@ A Rahman

Bro I m a Hindu and I want to l can not live in the Muslim Locality. Just because thoughts and other things are different. its not like hate and something but the life style etc. even in Gujarat people dont permit other then their cast if they are eating non-veg etc. even they are Hindu. it has list concern with that. If I live at muslim area and sing hindu songs loudly that would not be taken lightly by the muslims. However understand one thing No Hindu hate muslims or vice versa without reasons. I need to say both people are not matured enough to understand to live with each other with trust and the political or religious personel use it for their own benifit.

In the Godhra kand if the train was not burnt, no riots where there (sonia gandhi in one election told, whatever happened in gujarat after Godhra is not good, it is said by her in one sabha at Godhra- I think she mean Godhra is not a problem but after that what happens is not good)

In Ahmedabad at one muslim area which is known as the MINI Pakistan, my one muslim friend went their and he did not like their as that area is anti nation and anti hindus.

In ITI - Sarkhej at ahmedabad after riots one muslim teacher was supporting the hindus thought, who was killed by the muslims by tide him with rope with his bike and then burn him.

Leave it man. I think u r good at ur place. or choose right society where indians and humans are living and not muslim or hindus.........
What this Indian social issue has to do with Pakistan ? And how is related to Indian defense ?
Wow ... why a muslim doesn't want to live among hindus is a worthy thread of Indian-defense and allowed to run for dunno.. an year or 6 months or so..

But how pakistanis hate India due to false facts taught to them in school is a useless troll article..

wow.. @mods.. no wonder u guys face DDos attacks and cry foul that "we don't support terrorism and communal overtures in this forum" :lol:
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This very sad that the author had to leave his place.

1993 riots was tragic event. RIP to all who died in these riots.
Well... I guess some one had to dig little deep to dig this thread out..... May be itching to mad mouth hindu's.... Hve fun... dig more you could find out few more of it... and wait for indians to follow the same route....

Pakistanis gonna hate but we INDIAN JAI HIND

Hindus are the most intolerant people on the planet , they have a history or mass murders and mass loot in the name of religious wars , they strongly believe that non-Hindus should either get converted or die or be heavily taxed and discriminated , they also have several terrorist groups that covertly attack innocent non-Hindus and active belligerence that challenges non-Hindu military on the front. It is absolutely unimaginable for non-Hindus to even imagine be living among Hindus. Look at India , a Hindu kingdom monarchy , that funds global Hindu terrorism , no other religion is represented here except Hinduism.

Hindus are also believed by the world civilized community to be hypocritical and believer of conspiracy theories whenever and the way it suits their hypocrisy. The also cry secular secular in nations they live in minority and covertly plan for the ultimate annihilation of the same at their temples.

finally you guys come out and admit to the attrocoties committed by RSS and all the other Hindu extremest groups in India.
the first step in in fixing the problem is admitting you have one.
I hope more Hindus are like you and India can become more tolerant place.
I mean he cud go to Pakistan of he is Sunni religion. Muslims like ahmadi and shias will have problem
my dear friend iam an indian christain from bangalore, so dont take me as hindu i live in hindu locality they respect us and they respect my dad more than any one else in locality because he was an army man, infact i feel the opposite of what u think because my uncle who used to leave in muslim locality used to undergo religious taunts against our religion when ever they used to walk in public and even their daughters were being troubled by ur muslim ppl one day few of ur muslim religious men entered their home and forced them to accept islam, so we had to complain to police and do u know what police said they said , please shift to any hindu majority locality and if u get any trouble from the people their call us we will teach them a lesson.my dear friend if have taught from young age to hate hindus but infact they are more peacefull people than we muslim and christains combined,yes i do accept tht not all muslims are terrorist,but at the same time u shud also accept the fact that all hindus are not as bad as u think
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