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Why I won't live among Hindus

my dear friend iam an indian christain from bangalore, so dont take me as hindu i live in hindu locality they respect us and they respect my dad more than any one else in locality because he was an army man, infact i feel the opposite of what u think because my uncle who used to leave in muslim locality used to undergo religious taunts against our religion when ever they used to walk in public and even their daughters were being troubled by ur muslim ppl one day few of ur muslim religious men entered their home and forced them to accept islam, so we had to complain to police and do u know what police said they said , please shift to any hindu majority locality and if u get any trouble from the people their call us we will teach them a lesson.my dear friend if have taught from young age to hate hindus but infact they are more peacefull people than we muslim and christains combined,yes i do accept tht not all muslims are terrorist,but at the same time u shud also accept the fact that all hindus are not as bad as u think

cool story bro :rolleyes:
finally you guys come out and admit to the attrocoties committed by RSS and all the other Hindu extremest groups in India.
the first step in in fixing the problem is admitting you have one.
I hope more Hindus are like you and India can become more tolerant place.

What atrocities have Rss done? they are a nationalist group and not banned in any country
Well Indian Muslims made their bed now they must lie in it, they could have fought for their own state as brits were to leave.
it's almost like there are two nationalities in one country.

Yet we don't massacre each other nearly as often as Muslims in Pakistan , so called one nationality in one country do to each other.

We are much more at peace with each other even though we have 1.2 billion hindus and muslims to manage while Pakistan has just 180 million muslims , yet we do a much better job at keeping them from massacring each other.

This dude is only talking about the situation in Mumbai, not the whole country , but anyway even in Mumbai i know many muslims who live in hindu majority areas and vice versa, where do all these Muslims from bollywood live ? Right among the hindus.
Pakistanis must keep nursing their insecurities and keep justifying their failed state. In the macro picture india manages our much difficult job of diversity in a much much larger scale well, whereas pakistani muslims can't stop killing one another. Well thats just a fact, now back to playing ostriches dumdums.

The basic intelligence required to understand that India does not belong to hindus alone, that india's problems and solutions belong to all her people is lacking here. Hindus are part of the problem and part of the solution, similarly muslims are part of the problem and part of the solution. Just feeding one's hateful upbringing however, is NOT that solution. But if that basic sense was present, then they would first stop blowing up their own befre worrying about us, no?
Well Indian Muslims made their bed now they must lie in it, they could have fought for their own state as brits were to leave.

If they wanted they could have left after 1947 and can go to Pakistan even today , yet they chose to live in India not Pak or Bangladesh while the minorities of your countries are migrating to India ( hindus and Sikhs) even today 65 years after independence. Case closed.
If they wanted they could have left after 1947 and can go to Pakistan even today , yet they chose to live in India not PAk to Bangladesh while the minorities of your countries are migrating to India ( hindus and Sikhs) even today 65 years after independence. Case closed.

You are going to hurt his feelings by stating facts.
I am not generalizing the things. I am talking about the distrust and fear among common man. By the way these incidents are by and far related to muslims only. There are not many hindus that live in muslim locality.

What I noticed was that if you are going for new constructions (small family builders) then you may be discriminated based on religion. The reason being that a vegetarian would not like to live with non vegetarians because of smells etc. Also they are profit motivated because if they make it exclusive to say vegetarians then make more money. My family would not let out to other non vegetarians even hindus. Most of our servants are vegetarians and they would not prefer to work in other nonveg. houses. it is also cultural thing. If you are going for flats which are say 10 years old then this issue does not arise. Because the sales are based on individuals and is not based on builders.
Though any kind of discrimination is bad I couldn't totally blame Hindus who refused to give Muslim house in their society after many bomb blasts and terror activities in city of Mumbai. Its easy to preach on Internet forum and difficult to apply in real life. Muslims and Hindu has to work on finish the trust deficit in metropolitan cities. In rural India the situation is better though.
If you are from some village in UP or you are a muslim, chances are u will have a past ;)
finally you guys come out and admit to the attrocoties committed by RSS and all the other Hindu extremest groups in India.
the first step in in fixing the problem is admitting you have one.
I hope more Hindus are like you and India can become more tolerant place.

finally a Pakistani that is intelligent enough to understand what I really meant.I salute your brain.
How much Christian has faired in Indian system? Can you give some authentic information?
There share in is also not very encouraging or promising. Christians are ahead of muslims because of the education drive that the missionaries have taken since independence. Muslim lack even in gathering the resources to educate themselves.

Why can't you emulate Gujratis, Marwaris, Sindhi's etc?? They helped each other and moved up the social ladder. Muslim leaders have to come together to uplift your communities. I don't believe that govt. will be able to uplift everybody by giving reservations to all different religions by quota based systems. It should be based on merit and maybe a small concession if your from socially backward community.

From what I gather from your thought process, you are going down the social ladder and want same benefits which are being afforded to dalit and tribal communities. Muslims were not marginalized before independence because they had their own princely states and were in fact in better position than hindus in those states. Now compare those same princely states and you will find Muslims are lagging behind in education compared to Hindus. They tend to have larger families which brings down their disposable incomes to educate them in good private schools. You will find a small number of positions in different dept. of Govt. are being filled by qualified Muslims now which was not the case say 2 decades back.
Why can't you emulate Gujratis, Marwaris, Sindhi's etc?? They helped each other and moved up the social ladder. Muslim leaders have to come together to uplift your communities. I don't believe that govt. will be able to uplift everybody by giving reservations to all different religions by quota based systems. It should be based on merit and maybe a small concession if your from socially backward community.

From what I gather from your thought process, you are going down the social ladder and want same benefits which are being afforded to dalit and tribal communities. Muslims were not marginalized before independence because they had their own princely states and were in fact in better position than hindus in those states. Now compare those same princely states and you will find Muslims are lagging behind in education compared to Hindus. They tend to have larger families which brings down their disposable incomes to educate them in good private schools. You will find a small number of positions in different dept. of Govt. are being filled by qualified Muslims now which was not the case say 2 decades back.

Funny how the downtrodden ones are always to blamed in India. Muslims are discriminated, their fault. Christians are discriminated, their fault. Sikhs are discriminated, their fault. Lower castes discriminated, their fault.
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