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Why having USA as your geopolitical partner is suicidal

May 13, 2022
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United Kingdom
It means Uncle Sam’s enemy becomes your enemy.

They are waging constant wars around the world and will force you to fight on their behalf.

Hasina understands this very well….

For the last ten years, Hasina has studiously worked to drastically reduce American meddling in Bangladesh’s affairs.

She has done this by massively increasing Indian, Chinese and Russian footprint in BD.

To the extent that anyone who pisses off the big three eastern beasts - will bankrupt Bangladesh.

No one can lead BD unless they have the blessing of the bear, elephant and the panda.

The bald eagle can only fly above Bangladesh and admire our flora and fauna and the massive nuclear power station and Padma bridge.


Our geniuses think YouTube videos will destroy BAL.


But you claimed Bangladeshis cannot even afford food! How can they buy expensive data from Grameen 🤣🤣🤣 to watch Pinaki dada 😂😂🤣🤣
It means Uncle Sam’s enemy becomes your enemy.

They are waging constant wars around the world and will force you to fight on their behalf.

Hasina understands this very well….

For the last ten years, Hasina has studiously worked to drastically reduce American meddling in Bangladesh’s affairs.

She has done this by massively increasing Indian, Chinese and Russian footprint in BD.

To the extent that anyone who pisses off the big three eastern beasts - will bankrupt Bangladesh.

No one can lead BD unless they have the blessing of the bear, elephant and the panda.

The bald eagle can only fly above Bangladesh and admire our flora and fauna and the massive nuclear power station and Padma bridge.


Our geniuses think YouTube videos will destroy BAL.


But you claimed Bangladeshis cannot even afford food! How can they buy expensive data from Grameen 🤣🤣🤣 to watch Pinaki dada 😂😂🤣🤣

I think it's very unfair, almost propaganda like to say "America's enemies become yours". America works with the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Africa who are not NATO. Outside of Human Rights and Terrorism, there isn't much the US asks from these nations. The sole superpower in the world is the US. I think you can have a very balanced approach with them based on trade, like India has, Turkey and Malaysia, Philippines have. But it's also very smart to be friends with everyone and have a diversified pool and grow the nation. Nothing wrong with it.
I think it's very unfair, almost propaganda like to say "America's enemies become yours". America works with the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Africa who are not NATO. Outside of Human Rights and Terrorism, there isn't much the US asks from these nations. The sole superpower in the world is the US. I think you can have a very balanced approach with them based on trade, like India has, Turkey and Malaysia, Philippines have. But it's also very smart to be friends with everyone and have a diversified pool and grow the nation. Nothing wrong with it.

I am just stating facts!

Being an American ally means fighting their dirty wars!

1. U.K. in Iraq and Libya

2. Pakistan in Afghanistan

3. South Korea versus North Korea

No way would Ukraine fight USA without American push.

Now America wants BD as a proxy against China. Pressuring Hasina for a naval base.

Etc etc

Stay away from the rich kid who always gets into fights.

Wise advice always given by parents and grandparents.
I am just stating facts!

Being an American ally means fighting their dirty wars!

1. U.K. in Iraq and Libya

2. Pakistan in Afghanistan

3. South Korea versus North Korea

No way would Ukraine fight USA without American push.

Now America wants BD as a proxy against China. Pressuring Hasina for a naval base.

Etc etc

Stay away from the rich kid who always gets into fights.

Wise advice always given by parents and grandparents.

You are CLEARLY without a full understanding of how Americans work. No, you don't have to fight their wars. Take a look at your neighborhood, India is the largest economic partner they have. The investments they've made into India, they've not done so REMOTELY for any other nation. Has India fought a war? NO and she won't either. They've made it very clear they are in it for India and the profits are sharable by both the US and India so it's economic and strategic cooperation. You could do JUST that too. With so much Indian influence in Bangladesh, you could just ask the Indians to play this strategy for you.

TRUST ME, Bangladesh has NOTHING that can be used to fight China beyond may be giving a port to the US. That's it. Don't think too much of it.

Pakistan, South Korea (in early years back in the 50's, 60's) always had a military relationship to begin with. Pakistan helped the US pick apart the Bear of USSR! No one can beat that. A war in Afghanistan means Pakistan's doorsteps and we lost 40,000 soldiers in it and thousands of men, women AND CHILDREN. So WOT was ours too. We are finally a radical free environment and another operation is about to be launched to stop these terrorist snakes at the border trained by India!

South Korea won't fight against China. They have good relations with China. The alliance with South Korea is about North Korea!
When it comes to this current tenure of bal leadership I mostly agree with you. However you are so dangerously in love with them. That if they told you drink a gallon of raw bleach you would.

I look at everything in terms of progress, analysis, growth with rational and logic. You say you come from a family of Dr's and your high educated person that hire nri so must be corporate. You don't seem it though.
It means Uncle Sam’s enemy becomes your enemy.

They are waging constant wars around the world and will force you to fight on their behalf.

Chirac refused to fight in the Bush war against Iraq. Worse than being told to be part of the "Team America World Police". US seeks to destroy allies and only wants slaves. Operation Gladio, Ukraine war are operations against Europe to make sure Europe does not rival the USA.

It has been obvious for decades that once you join Team America, quickly the USA seeks to destroy you. Venezuela, Iran, North Korea are safer from conflicts than friends of Washington. Look at China, when China was pro-USA, and the Chinese citizens were pro-USA, that the USA hatched a plot to bring down China. After the plot went into effect and the Chinese citizens awoke and turned anti-USA, China is stronger and protected being anti-USA. China with the USA, China is vulnerable to plots and schemes, such as the scheme in Wuhan. After China realizes USA wants China in ruin, as the USA wants Europe in ruin, China is sober and lucid to defend China from the USA.

Look at the Pro-USA mujahedin, used for terrorism against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, used for terrorism in the Balkans, used to be blamed for false flags. Once you join Team USA, you get used to your own ruin. Only by opposition to the USA is there safety and security. Gorbachev sought openness and reform, USA used it to take down the Soviet Union.

The US started financial crisis in 2008 set back the EU economy for years, and Europe has not recovered to the position of stronger economy than China and USA. Because Europe trusted plotting, scheming, bullying, exporting misery USA. USA wants misery for you, success for Anglo-Americans.


Members of the European Parliament said the cia was doctoring videos and passing these off to the public as Osama videos.

Former President of Italy Cossiga said 9/11 was done by the cia.

Italians know the Republican conservative cia did terrorism in Italy to be blamed on cia political leftist enemies.

If I say the cia killed JFK. That Eisenhower let the cia form something worse than an un-elected shadow government and JFK wanted to end it, so it ended JFK. Then that is taboo. If cia asset Tucker Carlson says the cia took out JFK, with the Tucker plan to funnel the resistance to support Putin, then the cia lets cia Fox News run the Tucker Carlson segment.

Tucker Carlson is a cia asset.


Tucker Carlson: Company Man

In this video I document the numerous connections Tucker Carlson has to the CIA, an agency which allegedly rejected his application when he applied right out of college. We are supposed to believe tha...

The cia wants either the resistance to be part of 1984 Trump and Putin, or the resistance defeated and have docile neo-liberals with bans on freedom of speech against the shadow governments and securities agencies.

You see, the cia only operates with cia plan of winning and controlling both sides. The cia won't fight a major battle it can lose against a non-controlled opposition state party or player.

The goal is to have the EU between the hammer and the anvil. The Hammer is Putin. The anvil is the cia. The Hammer is saying, "if you do not accept Russian take over of Europe, only Washington can save you." The Anvil says, "I am not pounding you, my cia asset Putin is the hammer hitting you." If this is how the cia trolls are going to act, Europe obviously rejects Russian hegemony. Europe must also reject US hegemony.

I knew in February, the Republican cia are on board with the Ukraine War to, with Washington defending the cia rival EU, only with the shutting down of resistance to the cia, since most of the resistance fell for supporting cia asset Putin. This is why the usual suspects doth protest too much. The mission is to put each person opposed to the cia, make them putinites and throw them off a cliff politically. Notice how the duped fools that oppose the cia fell for supporting Russia and Putin over stupid and illogical reasoning. Cannot see that Putin is worse than Obama and Biden. Putin is worse than Bush.

You see the game is the usual alphabet soup groups only support the EU and Ukraine (support freedom from cia Russia) with the deal that freedom of thought and free speech is banned. This is the policy of the usual suspects. Before victory in Europe, are already trying to silence opposition to the cia, that backs Trump and Putin. These trolls would be supporting cia assets Putin and Trump if shutting down the resistance was not part of the plan to defeat Putin.

The Kremlin in the 90s was filled with cia agents. Yeltsin was a cia asset. Putin was picked by cia agents and assets.


Yes, Ruslan Khasbulatov is a primary source. He witnessed Yeltsin being a cia asset first hand. And later successive Russians have commented that the 1996 election was helped to be rigged by Washington.

Source from E Michael Jones, the cia wanted to destroy a unified strong Europe rivaling the USA, since the 1950s. The cia opposed the idea of Adenauer for a unified economic Europe.



Why Trump and his team want to wipe out the EU | Natalie Nougayrède

Mike Pompeo’s wooing of eastern Europe is part of a wider ideological battle, says Guardian columnist Natalie Nougayrède


The Real Deep State Is Trump

How the president has used William Barr and other officials to turn the government into his personal fiefdom
cia project hammer

Among many news sources and primary sources.
When it comes to this current tenure of bal leadership I mostly agree with you. However you are so dangerously in love with them. That if they told you drink a gallon of raw bleach you would.

I look at everything in terms of progress, analysis, growth with rational and logic. You say you come from a family of Dr's and your high educated person that hire nri so must be corporate. You don't seem it though.

I continually say BAL is utterly corrupt and so is Hasina.

I will support them so long as the economy is growing.

If the economy crashes - I am bailing out!

You are CLEARLY without a full understanding of how Americans work. No, you don't have to fight their wars. Take a look at your neighborhood, India is the largest economic partner they have. The investments they've made into India, they've not done so REMOTELY for any other nation. Has India fought a war? NO and she won't either. They've made it very clear they are in it for India and the profits are sharable by both the US and India so it's economic and strategic cooperation. You could do JUST that too. With so much Indian influence in Bangladesh, you could just ask the Indians to play this strategy for you.

TRUST ME, Bangladesh has NOTHING that can be used to fight China beyond may be giving a port to the US. That's it. Don't think too much of it.

Pakistan, South Korea (in early years back in the 50's, 60's) always had a military relationship to begin with. Pakistan helped the US pick apart the Bear of USSR! No one can beat that. A war in Afghanistan means Pakistan's doorsteps and we lost 40,000 soldiers in it and thousands of men, women AND CHILDREN. So WOT was ours too. We are finally a radical free environment and another operation is about to be launched to stop these terrorist snakes at the border trained by India!

South Korea won't fight against China. They have good relations with China. The alliance with South Korea is about North Korea!

India has always been suspicious of USA.

One reason why USA backed China for security council seat and opposed it for India.

Your ambivalence for USA cost you dear.

But you are better off long term.

Let’s see what price you pay if you fail to fully line up against China and Russia?
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It means Uncle Sam’s enemy becomes your enemy.

They are waging constant wars around the world and will force you to fight on their behalf.

Hasina understands this very well….

For the last ten years, Hasina has studiously worked to drastically reduce American meddling in Bangladesh’s affairs.

She has done this by massively increasing Indian, Chinese and Russian footprint in BD.

To the extent that anyone who pisses off the big three eastern beasts - will bankrupt Bangladesh.

No one can lead BD unless they have the blessing of the bear, elephant and the panda.

The bald eagle can only fly above Bangladesh and admire our flora and fauna and the massive nuclear power station and Padma bridge.


Our geniuses think YouTube videos will destroy BAL.


But you claimed Bangladeshis cannot even afford food! How can they buy expensive data from Grameen 🤣🤣🤣 to watch Pinaki dada 😂😂🤣🤣

Keep away from Amreeka if you want to progress....
It means Uncle Sam’s enemy becomes your enemy.

They are waging constant wars around the world and will force you to fight on their behalf.

Hasina understands this very well….

For the last ten years, Hasina has studiously worked to drastically reduce American meddling in Bangladesh’s affairs.

She has done this by massively increasing Indian, Chinese and Russian footprint in BD.

To the extent that anyone who pisses off the big three eastern beasts - will bankrupt Bangladesh.

No one can lead BD unless they have the blessing of the bear, elephant and the panda.

The bald eagle can only fly above Bangladesh and admire our flora and fauna and the massive nuclear power station and Padma bridge.


Our geniuses think YouTube videos will destroy BAL.


But you claimed Bangladeshis cannot even afford food! How can they buy expensive data from Grameen 🤣🤣🤣 to watch Pinaki dada 😂😂🤣🤣

Henry Kissinger once said, "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal"!!
It means Uncle Sam’s enemy becomes your enemy.

They are waging constant wars around the world and will force you to fight on their behalf.

Hasina understands this very well….

For the last ten years, Hasina has studiously worked to drastically reduce American meddling in Bangladesh’s affairs.

She has done this by massively increasing Indian, Chinese and Russian footprint in BD.

To the extent that anyone who pisses off the big three eastern beasts - will bankrupt Bangladesh.

No one can lead BD unless they have the blessing of the bear, elephant and the panda.

The bald eagle can only fly above Bangladesh and admire our flora and fauna and the massive nuclear power station and Padma bridge.


Our geniuses think YouTube videos will destroy BAL.


But you claimed Bangladeshis cannot even afford food! How can they buy expensive data from Grameen 🤣🤣🤣 to watch Pinaki dada 😂😂🤣🤣
Ok,so...the best ally is China?
They are waging constant wars around the world and will force you to fight on their behalf.
Without United State's overwhelming economic and military power and most of their interventions, this world would have been overrun with Nazis, Communists, fascists, religious extremists, ultranationalists, military dictators and all other varieties of despots and tyrants long ago. United States is not perfect, it has made some miscalculations and wrong moves, but it is still a liberal, democratic superpower that cherishes and promotes democracy, rules of law, freedom of expression, free market economy, globalization and many other positive things which helped much of the world to march towards economic prosperity, technological advancement and democratic peace and stability.

Like any other country in the world, United States also work for national interests, but their national interest aligns with a peaceful, democratic world free from tyranny and demagogues running their countries like personal fiefdoms. You only have to look at the countries that are enemies of United States and see how they run their countries.

Remove United Staes as a military superpower and a security provider around the world, dogs will eat dogs and the entire global order based on democratic ideals and UN charters would crumble down. United States withdrew from global affairs in 1930s and became isolationist, non-interventionist, result was that the World saw the rise of Hitlar's Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan attacking countries left and right and making themselves master races.
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Without United State's overwhelming economic and military power and their most of the interventions, this world would have been overrun with Nazis, Communists, fascists, religious extremists, ultranationalists, military dictators and all other varieties of despots and tyranny long ago.
What is the difference?
I am just going to say " do not punch above your weight", and you will be fine.
You can balance a relationship without getting too involved.
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