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Why is China accommodated and India marginalized in South Asia?


Dec 14, 2008
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Why is China accommodated and India marginalized in South Asia?
P K Balachandran, December 11, 2017

It is an undeniable that in the South Asian region, China is fast replacing India as the most important economic and political factor. This is generally attributed to China’s ability and willingness to finance schemes of interest to the countries of the region while its rivals are reluctant to loosen their purse strings, thinking, as they do, on conventional economic lines.
But the critical factor is not China’s financial ability or its financial daring, but its avowed policy of not interfering in the internal affairs of these countries.

It is the realization of this that made Bejing goout of the way to state it as its policy in the Joint Communique issued on December 7 during the visit of the Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen to China.

The communiqué said that China “adheres to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and supports Maldives’ independent choice of a development path which suits its domestic features.”

But the critical factor is not China’s financial ability or its financial daring, but its avowed policy of not interfering in the internal affairs of these countries.

Through this Joint Statement, China had sought to reach out to all countries in the South Asian region on this critical issue.

China’s statement was manna from heaven for the Yameen regime which is under pressure from the West to deliver on human and political rights, apparently as part of a campaign to bring about a regime change with the help of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

As of now, countries of the South Asian region see China as a “benign benefactor” while Indiais not seen as such. These countries automatically assume that Indian aid has strings attached and that is part of a scheme to shape domestic politics to suit its exclusive interest which, according to them, is perpetual dominance over a region which India considers its “backyard”.

This is the main reason why Chinese aid is welcomed and Indian aid is viewed with suspicion. Even the best Indian schemes get rejected or remain unimplemented because of the lurking suspicion about India’s political intentions.

Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa saw India as being the key partner in a West-led coalition to throw him out of office for following an independent (in this case a pro-China) policy. The present regime led by President Maithripala Sirisena began by welcoming India and the West sidelining China, but within two years reversed the policy. It has been keeping Indian projects on the shelf while forging ahead with the implementation of Chinese projects.

As of now, countries of the South Asian region see China as a “benign benefactor” while India is not seen as such. These countries automatically assume that Indian aid has strings attached and that is part of a scheme to shape domestic politics to suit its exclusive interest which, according to them, is perpetual dominance over a region which India considers its “backyard”.

The Sri Lankan government is forging ahead with the implementation of the controversial Hambantota port project on terms more favorable to China than what was agreed upon when the “pro-Chinese” Rajapaksa was in power. Furthermore, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, thought to be the most pro-West and pro-India Sri Lankan leader, declared publicly that Sri Lanka is now part of China’s OBOR and the 21st.Century Maritime Silk Route projects, schemes India has been warning Sri Lanka and other countries against.

India’s plea that the financial terms of the OBOR schemes will land the host countries in a debt trap has fallen on deaf dears. These countries want funds and that tofast, which only China can provide. And in their view, Chinese aid will not come with political strings attached.


The Sheikh Hasina regime in Bangladesh, generally thought to be pro-India, has made up with China. It is not only welcoming Chinese economic and military aid but has also made Bangladesh part of OBOR.

India failed to help Bangladesh’s pro-Indian regime at its hour of need when more than 600,000 Rohingya refugees had poured in from troubled Myanmar. Indian Prime Minister Modi dealt a body blow to Bangladesh when he fully backed the Myanmar government’s military campaign against the hapless Rohingya of Rakhine State blaming ‘Islamic terrorists” among them for their plight.

China also sided with Myanmar government and angered Bangladesh in the process, but it quickly made up by getting the two sides to the talks table which resulted in an agreement on repatriating the refugees. China’s intervention had also resulted in the suspension of the brutal ethnic cleansing operations in Rakhine State.

India, which has equal economic and strategic stakes in mineral-rich Myanmar, did precious little to alleviate the situation. It lost an opportunity to promote its ambition to be the “net security provider” in the South Asian region. It was grabbed by China.


In Nepal, the Nepali Congress-Maoist coalition government, thought to be pro-Indian, eventually made up with China and signed up with OBOR. With the Communist coalition set to emerge victorious in the on-going parliamentary elections, China’s footprint in the Himalayan country is expected to get larger than India’s from 2018 onwards.


In the Maldives, India is seen as being partisan, siding with the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). When the MDP leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed was in power he had given the prestigious Male airport modernization project to the Indian company GMR. But the contract was cancelled after Naseed’s ouster and given to China.

India has been retaliating for this by tacitly supporting the Western powers’ bid to dethrone Yameen, using his allegedly poor human rights record and Islamic radicalization which is allegedly taking place under his watch.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has entertained Yameen in New Delhi but he is still to visit the Maldives, though he has visited all the other South Asian countries including arch enemy Pakistan.

On its part, the Maldives has been viewing India’s economic aid proposals with suspicion though the public stance is that its doors are open to Indian investments and aid. It has also said that as far as security goes “Maldives will work with India and Sri Lanka, and no one else”.

Meanwhile, the Maldives’ ties with China are growing significantly with the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on December 7 and its becoming part of the OBOR through a MoU.

The joint statement of December 7 said that the Maldivian side has agreed to facilitate investments by Chinese enterprises, while the Chinese side will encourage more competitive Chinese enterprises to invest in the Maldives and provide assistance to the Maldives’ social and economic development.

FTA – A Milestone

The signing of the FTA was a critical part of Yameen’s visit. It throws open the huge Chinese market to Maldivian fish and fish products which can now enter at zero percent duty. About 400 Maldivian products other than fish are also expected to benefit

This is a boon for the Maldives because after the withdrawal of GSP Plus concessions, Maldivian exporters have had to cough up 25% duty for entry into the EU market, the country’s main overseas market.

The FTA helps China export its industrial goods to the Maldives at concessional duty. This has led to criticism that the Maldives will be flooded with Chinese goods and the trade gap which is huge will further widen. China exported US$ 320 million worth of goods to Maldives in 2016 but the total exports of the Maldives was only US$ 137 million. But China has pumped in millions in FDI to make up for the trade imbalance.

Maldivian government says that it needs more Chinese goods to sustain its ambitious infrastructure and economic diversification projects, and the FTA facilitates easy entry. Yameen, who is going to face elections in September 2018, needs to show development to counter the opposition’s propaganda on human rights issues.


The downside of the Joint Statement of December 7 is that the Maldivian government has agreed to cooperation at all levels of government and across departments. This is expected to spread and entrench China’s influence on the Maldivian government.

For better communication and cooperation, China will be setting up schools to train Maldivians in the Chinese language.

Unless the West and India come up with a matching strategy based on a realistic understanding of the mindset, concerns and demands of Maldives and other South Asian countries, the latter cannot be prevented from going into China’s orbit.

This was going to happen one way or the other...China has the money and resource to invest in other nations, where India do not have it...This is the crux of the situation. Rest of the reasons are just passive reasons to justify the cause...

One good thing, which i really like about China is its non interference policy...That is the one the best thing, which i like about China apart from many other cultural things..
In economic or political relationship, when China believes in give and take, India believes in take only. The result is what we see today. No other country trusts the bullying India.
Dont flatter yourself there is nothing much to take from BD. We want to protect ourself from illegal bangladeshi's coming into our country. More over your country is a hotbed of radicals. Recent terrorist attack in NY is proof of it.
Dont flatter yourself there is nothing much to take from BD. We want to protect ourself from illegal bangladeshi's coming into our country. More over your country is a hotbed of radicals. Recent terrorist attack in NY is proof of it.

That is why India hands over more than a million visas to BD'shis to visit India every year?
No one is interested in living in poor and unruly India.
It will always be there because India is unusually bigger than all other nations in south Asia. Despite a feeling that we are same or similar people, these other nations feel dwarfed before the India's status. Another thing is that these nations enjoy a lot of privileges from India but they are insensitive to India's defense and feel happy to flirt with China thinking it will hurt India

Pakistan bought chinese friendship by giving away sakshgam valley but will not appreciate the best ever river water agreement for a lower riparian state as in Indus Water Treaty. They still stand by China despite their treatment of uyghur muslims and wont say anything about highly skewed CPEC deal. India has given Pakistan Most favored nation status for trade but pakistan wont reciprocate. But China will stop CPEC commitment citing frivolous corruption issue but they wont say a thing.

Much before LTTE issue, Sri Lanka acted immature during 1971 Indo Pak war by taking sides. they provided Pak forces their base to operate aginst India while India literally donated them the Katchathivu island. Apart from these both Pakistan and Srilanka did not give their minorities equal constitutional rights which resulted in dissatisfaction among certain section of people resulting in civil war. They only blame India for it but not their policies and governments' attitude towards their lesser mortal citizens.

Similarly other nations like Nepal, BD, Maldives will sit in Chinese lap but if India touches them slightly, they will accuse of molestation by India.

Some south asian nations look at Bhutan with contempt just because they refused to part away their land to China and knowing their military strength they entered a security deal with India making India protect their national boundaries.

South Asia can never be like ASEAN or NATO or Eurozone because of inferiority complex is very deep among few people who happen to be in majority in their nations.
Why is China accommodated and India marginalized in South Asia?
P K Balachandran, December 11, 2017

It is an undeniable that in the South Asian region, China is fast replacing India as the most important economic and political factor. This is generally attributed to China’s ability and willingness to finance schemes of interest to the countries of the region while its rivals are reluctant to loosen their purse strings, thinking, as they do, on conventional economic lines.
But the critical factor is not China’s financial ability or its financial daring, but its avowed policy of not interfering in the internal affairs of these countries.

It is the realization of this that made Bejing goout of the way to state it as its policy in the Joint Communique issued on December 7 during the visit of the Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen to China.

The communiqué said that China “adheres to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and supports Maldives’ independent choice of a development path which suits its domestic features.”

But the critical factor is not China’s financial ability or its financial daring, but its avowed policy of not interfering in the internal affairs of these countries.

Through this Joint Statement, China had sought to reach out to all countries in the South Asian region on this critical issue.

China’s statement was manna from heaven for the Yameen regime which is under pressure from the West to deliver on human and political rights, apparently as part of a campaign to bring about a regime change with the help of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

As of now, countries of the South Asian region see China as a “benign benefactor” while Indiais not seen as such. These countries automatically assume that Indian aid has strings attached and that is part of a scheme to shape domestic politics to suit its exclusive interest which, according to them, is perpetual dominance over a region which India considers its “backyard”.

This is the main reason why Chinese aid is welcomed and Indian aid is viewed with suspicion. Even the best Indian schemes get rejected or remain unimplemented because of the lurking suspicion about India’s political intentions.

Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa saw India as being the key partner in a West-led coalition to throw him out of office for following an independent (in this case a pro-China) policy. The present regime led by President Maithripala Sirisena began by welcoming India and the West sidelining China, but within two years reversed the policy. It has been keeping Indian projects on the shelf while forging ahead with the implementation of Chinese projects.

As of now, countries of the South Asian region see China as a “benign benefactor” while India is not seen as such. These countries automatically assume that Indian aid has strings attached and that is part of a scheme to shape domestic politics to suit its exclusive interest which, according to them, is perpetual dominance over a region which India considers its “backyard”.

The Sri Lankan government is forging ahead with the implementation of the controversial Hambantota port project on terms more favorable to China than what was agreed upon when the “pro-Chinese” Rajapaksa was in power. Furthermore, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, thought to be the most pro-West and pro-India Sri Lankan leader, declared publicly that Sri Lanka is now part of China’s OBOR and the 21st.Century Maritime Silk Route projects, schemes India has been warning Sri Lanka and other countries against.

India’s plea that the financial terms of the OBOR schemes will land the host countries in a debt trap has fallen on deaf dears. These countries want funds and that tofast, which only China can provide. And in their view, Chinese aid will not come with political strings attached.


The Sheikh Hasina regime in Bangladesh, generally thought to be pro-India, has made up with China. It is not only welcoming Chinese economic and military aid but has also made Bangladesh part of OBOR.

India failed to help Bangladesh’s pro-Indian regime at its hour of need when more than 600,000 Rohingya refugees had poured in from troubled Myanmar. Indian Prime Minister Modi dealt a body blow to Bangladesh when he fully backed the Myanmar government’s military campaign against the hapless Rohingya of Rakhine State blaming ‘Islamic terrorists” among them for their plight.

China also sided with Myanmar government and angered Bangladesh in the process, but it quickly made up by getting the two sides to the talks table which resulted in an agreement on repatriating the refugees. China’s intervention had also resulted in the suspension of the brutal ethnic cleansing operations in Rakhine State.

India, which has equal economic and strategic stakes in mineral-rich Myanmar, did precious little to alleviate the situation. It lost an opportunity to promote its ambition to be the “net security provider” in the South Asian region. It was grabbed by China.


In Nepal, the Nepali Congress-Maoist coalition government, thought to be pro-Indian, eventually made up with China and signed up with OBOR. With the Communist coalition set to emerge victorious in the on-going parliamentary elections, China’s footprint in the Himalayan country is expected to get larger than India’s from 2018 onwards.


In the Maldives, India is seen as being partisan, siding with the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). When the MDP leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed was in power he had given the prestigious Male airport modernization project to the Indian company GMR. But the contract was cancelled after Naseed’s ouster and given to China.

India has been retaliating for this by tacitly supporting the Western powers’ bid to dethrone Yameen, using his allegedly poor human rights record and Islamic radicalization which is allegedly taking place under his watch.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has entertained Yameen in New Delhi but he is still to visit the Maldives, though he has visited all the other South Asian countries including arch enemy Pakistan.

On its part, the Maldives has been viewing India’s economic aid proposals with suspicion though the public stance is that its doors are open to Indian investments and aid. It has also said that as far as security goes “Maldives will work with India and Sri Lanka, and no one else”.

Meanwhile, the Maldives’ ties with China are growing significantly with the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on December 7 and its becoming part of the OBOR through a MoU.

The joint statement of December 7 said that the Maldivian side has agreed to facilitate investments by Chinese enterprises, while the Chinese side will encourage more competitive Chinese enterprises to invest in the Maldives and provide assistance to the Maldives’ social and economic development.

FTA – A Milestone

The signing of the FTA was a critical part of Yameen’s visit. It throws open the huge Chinese market to Maldivian fish and fish products which can now enter at zero percent duty. About 400 Maldivian products other than fish are also expected to benefit

This is a boon for the Maldives because after the withdrawal of GSP Plus concessions, Maldivian exporters have had to cough up 25% duty for entry into the EU market, the country’s main overseas market.

The FTA helps China export its industrial goods to the Maldives at concessional duty. This has led to criticism that the Maldives will be flooded with Chinese goods and the trade gap which is huge will further widen. China exported US$ 320 million worth of goods to Maldives in 2016 but the total exports of the Maldives was only US$ 137 million. But China has pumped in millions in FDI to make up for the trade imbalance.

Maldivian government says that it needs more Chinese goods to sustain its ambitious infrastructure and economic diversification projects, and the FTA facilitates easy entry. Yameen, who is going to face elections in September 2018, needs to show development to counter the opposition’s propaganda on human rights issues.


The downside of the Joint Statement of December 7 is that the Maldivian government has agreed to cooperation at all levels of government and across departments. This is expected to spread and entrench China’s influence on the Maldivian government.

For better communication and cooperation, China will be setting up schools to train Maldivians in the Chinese language.

Unless the West and India come up with a matching strategy based on a realistic understanding of the mindset, concerns and demands of Maldives and other South Asian countries, the latter cannot be prevented from going into China’s orbit.


Money talks and BS walks !!
Mostly if not all about the $$$$$$
Dont flatter yourself there is nothing much to take from BD. We want to protect ourself from illegal bangladeshi's coming into our country. More over your country is a hotbed of radicals. Recent terrorist attack in NY is proof of it.

You are dumber than a rock.

1) Delhi is known to be the r**e capital of the world.

2) The government has released data on a string of terror strikes in India since 2005 that claimed more than 700 innocent lives and left over 3,200 injured.


3)Two thousand girls are "killed" every day due to a preference for sons in India with most aborted or murdered just after birth, the country's minister for women and child development Maneka Gandi said


Apparently no one can protect the 2000 girls killed everyday in India.
China does not accomodate, it suffocates nations like a python. Fact!
It will always be there because India is unusually bigger than all other nations in south Asia. Despite a feeling that we are same or similar people, these other nations feel dwarfed before the India's status. Another thing is that these nations enjoy a lot of privileges from India but they are insensitive to India's defense and feel happy to flirt with China thinking it will hurt India

Pakistan bought chinese friendship by giving away sakshgam valley but will not appreciate the best ever river water agreement for a lower riparian state as in Indus Water Treaty. They still stand by China despite their treatment of uyghur muslims and wont say anything about highly skewed CPEC deal. India has given Pakistan Most favored nation status for trade but pakistan wont reciprocate. But China will stop CPEC commitment citing frivolous corruption issue but they wont say a thing.

Much before LTTE issue, Sri Lanka acted immature during 1971 Indo Pak war by taking sides. they provided Pak forces their base to operate aginst India while India literally donated them the Katchathivu island. Apart from these both Pakistan and Srilanka did not give their minorities equal constitutional rights which resulted in dissatisfaction among certain section of people resulting in civil war. They only blame India for it but not their policies and governments' attitude towards their lesser mortal citizens.

Similarly other nations like Nepal, BD, Maldives will sit in Chinese lap but if India touches them slightly, they will accuse of molestation by India.

Some south asian nations look at Bhutan with contempt just because they refused to part away their land to China and knowing their military strength they entered a security deal with India making India protect their national boundaries.

South Asia can never be like ASEAN or NATO or Eurozone because of inferiority complex is very deep among few people who happen to be in majority in their nations.
Fully bullshit
This was going to happen one way or the other...China has the money and resource to invest in other nations, where India do not have it...This is the crux of the situation. Rest of the reasons are just passive reasons to justify the cause...

One good thing, which i really like about China is its non interference policy...That is the one the best thing, which i like about China apart from many other cultural things..

It's not only about money actually.

There is an immense sense of vulnerability and anxiety among Indians which makes other countries to distant themselves. Every small development in the neighboring countries, be it economic, political or military, is perceived as a threat to Indian security by your policymakers. I guess, it's a legacy of India's colonial past.
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