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Why Hasn’t This Fellow Been Banned?

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May 28, 2011
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Yes! Why? Ok, no prizes for guessing why! This is a Pakistani forum and thus these guys have a license to spew out nonsensical crap with no questions asked!

Here are this clown’s gems….ALL FROM A SINGLE THREAD:
India test fires 350 km range ballistic missile Prithvi-II

And only 50,000 bharti hindus were starved to death for this test
No better pick some rats from the sewer :rofl:
better than 1.2 billion bhartis product of gang rapes
No need to cross them just open the sewer and enjoy
dont forget to bring your hindu mama and sister
Do they have hairs on thier puss-ies ??
the missile was launched from the open toilet site near delhi railway tracks
Very rich coming from a hindu .Your gay a$$ bhagwan taught you to rape women .But i have no problem banging your mother infront of you

Source: India test fires 350 km range ballistic missile Prithvi-II | Page 1

In spite of repeatedly reporting his nonsense to the Admin, NOTHING has happened. He's continuing to spew garbage.

This is outrageous and unacceptable. Will the admin please do something about this troll?

@WebMaster @Horus
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let the mods take action for his other posts, but one was truly funny... "the missile was launched from the open toilet site near delhi railway tracks"... :rofl:
@Jungibaaz he's back after almost 19 days and starts spewing his venom again,why isn't he banned forever if his intentions are just to troll?
let the mods take action for his other posts, but one was truly funny... "the missile was launched from the open toilet site near delhi railway tracks"... :rofl:

India alone possess this tech,we just need a toilet seat to launch a missile:dance3:
He has not been banned because moderators like all other human beings have other things in life to do rather than sit on PDF like certain Indians and Pakistanis do throughout their pointless lives. When we get up in the morning, go to work/business and so on.. and then when we finally get the chance to open PDF.. we look at reports(which are plenty).. we look at cases and then ban them... as it happened today with a warning.
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