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Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

Warmonger? Neah.....I prefer economic sanctions

@Vergennes everything good,thriving, kept reading PDF....how are you?
If Turkey was an avarage balkan country then you could dream of sanctions but in this case i wont wait for it if i was you.

Me is already prepared to kill all of them including all non germans in germany. See you.

Yes, and also Turkey helped destroying. "Bani walid" just saying.
But you need to leave your moms basement to kill anyone, just saying.
uncivilized Greeks and Europeans attacks innocent refugees

A very sad country and culture indeed. Germans have no love inside, only room for efficiency and order. I realized those people have no passions, the food they eat cannot even be called food, they never smile, the weather is always grey even the countryside is flat! And still they believe they are the choosen ones...

I have to say they are altogether the rudest people I have ever come across. I think they're the only country in the world where their own people don't like each other.
If Turkey was an avarage balkan country then you could dream of sanctions but in this case i wont wait for it if i was you.
turkey is heavily depending on the EU, if these total lightweights in Brussels would finally show some teeth, your little Erdo has a real problem...

A very sad country and culture indeed. Germans have no love inside, only room for efficiency and order. I realized those people have no passions, the food they eat cannot even be called food, they never smile, the weather is always grey even the countryside is flat! And still they believe they are the choosen ones...
Unfortunately we are the chosen ones by millions of turks and other losers, we are the number one destination of your only export product, aggressive poorly educated young men!:yahoo:
Unfortunately we are the chosen ones by millions of turks and other losers, we are the number one destination of your only export product, aggressive poorly educated young men!:yahoo:

The whole country is a parasite that is sucking money out of other countries by its exports. But actuelly, not the people themselves but the state and its enterpreneurship while the Germans themselves have to suffer from an ever increasing tax rate and sinking wages!

It seems the Germans never learn. They tried to impose themselves in the past, not only failed but made the whole Europe hate them. Now they're starting to get confident again and looks like they plan on doing it again.. Oh Germany..
So most of these refugees should flock to Russia even more using your logic . Have you seen the barrel bombings and leveling of whole cities in Syria being carried by the Russian air force?:D
Or you are avoiding mentioning Russia like most people on here since it doesn't come under the 'evil west'. Lol

Russia is untrustworthy bturd.

But don't forget that Syrian civil war was started by who. Who gave weapons to rebels and militants to fight Assad.

By your same logic, turkey should take all the refugees because they have been responsible for all the terrorist groups that have destroyed the Middle East. If they don’t like it, then they can all choke on fat ones

Stop living under rock.

Most european nation destroyed nothing in Syria... but Turkey did Russia did USA did..

Since Turkey agressivly invaded Syrian boarder the number of refugees increased by one million... thats not Europs problem that a self mad turkish problem... they should fix it themself...

Hopefully Greek and all other keep the boarder to Turkey shuut that the refugees stay there were they belong to be



By your own European news papers.
3 promises that Europe broke.

1. Working on a new customs union but France vetoed a new deal.
2. New travel arrangements between Turkey and Europe. Surprise, France put in a veto.
3. Money for the Syrian refugees. The EU released resources to deal with the refugee crisis in Turkey but they cut the financial assistance for Turkey's EU membership process at the same time. In other words, they took from Turkey and gave it to the refugees.


Instead of criticizing Turkey, you should ask your president why he's harming the French people with his ridiculous foreign policy.
If Turkey was an avarage balkan country then you could dream of sanctions but in this case i wont wait for it if i was you.

But you need to leave your moms basement to kill anyone, just saying.
If Russia was sanctioned, Turkey is peanuts compared to it.

Nice :D

Fight? Over illegal immigrants? That's a little bit dramatic....but, we shouldn't treat Turkey like an economic partner and impose sanctions....why help someone who wants to destroy you?

Sinan, @Vergennes good to chat with you again guys: )

The problem here is that Turkeys trade with the eu might be rising but with countries outside the EU as well (Turkish exports reaching new historial high´s since 2017) . Today 50% of Turkish exports are going to the eu but inside the eu, the UK is turkeys 2nd largest trading partner and with brexit the 50% number will probably be around 40% or even lower.

You had the chance to have a more direct "control" over the turkish economy if u would have upgraded the custums union agreement which would heavily increase Turkeys exports to the EU but that didnt happen.

@Ansu fati bro, i'm using your pic.
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