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Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

Good. Its time to dilute white Christian population. Hope Muslim refugees have White Children from their White Wives. We need plenty of White Muslims in Europe to neautralise Islamophobia there
Yes, the blond Dutch/Swedish/German/British... girls are just waiting for young muslim men to have sex with them, they're seen as the absolute jackpot!:yahoo:
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Yes, the blond Dutch/Swedish/German/British... girls are just waiting for young muslim men to have sex with them, they're seen as the absolute jackpot!:yahoo:

He is exaggerating as usual. Muslims always prefer to marry other Muslims.

We don't allow racism and demonization on this forum, please watch your words.


@Ansu fati bro, i'm using your pic.

Decades of France, Assad Baathist, and SSNP propaganda that Syrians are not Arabs but in fact Europeans and Phoenician origin people has finally worked.

Syrians are just coming back to their Motherland.
Simple solution to this, and the Obama era idiots have blood on their hands, just set up the no-fly-zone in Idlib.

Then there is no excuse for the refugees to flee, Turkey can keep them in Idlib safe from Russian strafing and this whole refugee crisis will be nipped in the bud.

Amazing that high level EU so called strategists can’t see this will be repeated again without this kind of step?
I think the person he is replying to, is the one who posted complete nonsense

That is also equal nonsense, but he stopped posting it.

Also, posting Islamophobic BS is not acceptable.

Simple solution to this, and the Obama era idiots have blood on their hands, just set up the no-fly-zone in Idlib.

Then there is no excuse for the refugees to flee, Turkey can keep them in Idlib safe from Russian strafing and this whole refugee crisis will be nipped in the bud.

Amazing that high level EU so called strategists can’t see this will be repeated again without this kind of step?

They want to destroy Syria and kill Syrians, but dont want to face the repercussions of their decisions.

Europe is not far from the Middle East, they forget that. It is not like US and Canada which is another continent.

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