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Why Hamas started the war in Gaza


Aug 18, 2010
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Hamas currently is in worst situation since its creation.

1) They betrayed Syria and Iran, which sponsored them for decades:


2) The largest Arab state and Gaza neighbor Egypt declared Hamas a terrorist group. Egypt destroys tunnels.

Egypt Bans 'Terrorist' Hamas

3) Because of war in Syria and Iraq and lack of casualties in Gaza the attention to Palestinians drastically reduced. No sponsors.

4) Hamas does not have money to pay to 40,000 of its workers:

Hamas-hired workers in Gaza strike for wages in test for unity deal| Reuters


So what can they do in current situation? - Start a war to get attention, sympathy and sponsors back.

The Hamas tactics:

1) Fire unguided rockets at Israeli towns in order to provoke the Israeli reaction.

2) Store and fire rockets in dense populated areas, in order that Israeli retaliation will cause civilian casualties:



3) When Israel warns Gaza civilians about strike, they on contrary send them to that area to cause more casualties:

Dozens of locals had gathered on the roof of the house after the family received a notice from Israeli authorities that it would be targeted, al-Qidra said.

7 Palestinians killed, 25 injured in airstrike on southern Gaza | Maan News Agency

4) When Hamas rockets misfire and fall into Gaza causing casualties they still can blame Israel.

5) Post graphic pics of casualties all over, including from other conflicts.

They partially succeed. Gaza is again the central topic of the news (although in Syria and Iraq still more people die per day than in Gaza in a year).
As usual, the Jewish poster presents a false narrative with zero evidence. Hamas never started a 'war' with Israel. They aren't capable of declaring 'war' on Israel. They can only fight back with what they have.

And then he posts irrelevant photos from 2-5 years ago. When in reality Israeli is deliberately bombing civilian homes which is causing civilian casualties. They are also literally targeting civilians:
World Cup fans killed as Israel raid hits Gaza cafe | Maan News Agency

Palestinian Killed In Israeli Airstrike On Journalists' Car

Our Jewish poster provides nothing to support his false narrative. He is stating some facts and then applying them to a false narrative. Which doesn't prove anything.

Jewish poster: Hamas began massively attacking Israel unprovoked and Israel retaliated.

Show us one source, or one fact that suggest this. Just one source at least to support your false allegations.

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Uh no.

Netanyahu started this by mass arresting Hamas members, and blaming them for a kidnapping, that he didn't provide any evidence for. Face it, Netanyahu used the kids' deaths as a political tool to destroy the unity government, and when that failed, his government provoked Hamas into starting a fight.

You can blame Hamas all you want for targeting civilian areas in Israel (and you'd be right), but you cannot deny that Netanyahu is the one who started this mess. Like it or not, Netanyahu is one of the worst and most nationalistic PM that Israel has ever seen, he alone has done a lot of damage to the peace process than many of his supporters would like to admit. The man has severely damaged Israel's image among it's allies.

The worst offender in all of this is Egypt though. It has had multiple chances to stop the violence, and help negotiate a cease fire, but Sisi's dictatorial policies of trying to destroy any remnants of the Muslim Brotherhood has translated into trying to crush Hamas. Any civilian that dies during this fighting, Sisi is directly responsible. Every single drop of blood that's spilled (both Palestinian and Israeli) Sisi's hands are dipped in it.
As usual, the Jewish poster presents a false narrative with zero evidence. Hamas never started a 'war' with Israel. They aren't capable of declaring 'war' on Israel. They can only fight back with what they have.
I posted creditable links and pics to all my claims. Secondary explosions after hitting Hamas rockets stored in civilian areas:

I posted creditable links and pics to all my claims. Secondary explosions after hitting Hamas rockets stored in civilian areas:

I didn't ask of you to post two year old videos, did I? I asked you to prove your allegation you made in the thread title. Once again:

As usual, the Jewish poster presents a false narrative with zero evidence. Hamas never started a 'war' with Israel. They aren't capable of declaring 'war' on Israel. They can only fight back with what they have.

And then he posts irrelevant photos from 2-5 years ago. When in reality Israeli is deliberately bombing civilian homes which is causing civilian casualties. They are also literally targeting civilians:
World Cup fans killed as Israel raid hits Gaza cafe | Maan News Agency

Palestinian Killed In Israeli Airstrike On Journalists' Car

Our Jewish poster provides nothing to support his false narrative. He is stating some facts and then applying them to a false narrative. Which doesn't prove anything.

Jewish poster: Hamas began massively attacking Israel unprovoked and Israel retaliated.

Show us one source, or one fact that suggest this. Just one source at least to support your false allegations.
Uh no.

Netanyahu started this by mass arresting Hamas members, and blaming them for a kidnapping, that he didn't provide any evidence for. Face it, Netanyahu used the kids' deaths as a political tool to destroy the unity government, and when that failed, his government provoked Hamas into starting a fight.
Israel has evidence about two Hamas members from Hebron area who went in hide exactly when the kidnapping happened. More over since Israel and Hamas are at war, Israel can arest Hamas members whenever it likes.

But most important is that there is no connection between cease fire in Gaza and West Bank.
Jewish poster, respond to my post. Prove your allegations.


Once again.

As usual, the Jewish poster presents a false narrative with zero evidence. Hamas never started a 'war' with Israel. They aren't capable of declaring 'war' on Israel. They can only fight back with what they have.

And then he posts irrelevant photos from 2-5 years ago. When in reality Israeli is deliberately bombing civilian homes which is causing civilian casualties. They are also literally targeting civilians:
World Cup fans killed as Israel raid hits Gaza cafe | Maan News Agency

Palestinian Killed In Israeli Airstrike On Journalists' Car

Our Jewish poster provides nothing to support his false narrative. He is stating some facts and then applying them to a false narrative. Which doesn't prove anything.

Jewish poster: Hamas began massively attacking Israel unprovoked and Israel retaliated.

Show us one source, or one fact that suggest this. Just one source at least to support your false allegations.
People collaborating with JEW NATO are really dumb asses, they are always betrayed and cut off from their former helpers

I think as idiot as a girl who get pregnant and is abandonned by her lover
Israel has evidence about two Hamas members from Hebron area who went in hide exactly when the kidnapping happened. More over since Israel and Hamas are at war, Israel can arest Hamas members whenever it likes.

But most important is that there is no connection between cease fire in Gaza and West Bank.

Before this thread turns to he says she says,

Want to know your opinion.

Is this the best way israel can respond to Hammas

or there are any alternatives?
Show us one source, or one fact that suggest this. Just one source at least to support your false allegations.
One thing about 500: He never has any evidence to back him up. In fact, I'm convinced, after two years of debating him, that he doesn't understand the concept of evidence. He thinks posting a picture is an argument, and insisting on an assertion somehow proves it is true. I won't bother reading his thread - my outrage quota has been exceeded for today.
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Israel has evidence about two Hamas members from Hebron area who went in hide exactly when the kidnapping happened. More over since Israel and Hamas are at war, Israel can arest Hamas members whenever it likes.

But most important is that there is no connection between cease fire in Gaza and West Bank.
Here are a few things you should consider. Israel never presented any form of evidence (besides circumstantial), but even if it did, as you've said, only two people were involved. Why arrest over a hundred people?

Israel's arrest of Hamas members was an obvious provocation and violation of the last cease fire, so by your logic, Hamas has the right to fire rockets at Israel, because Hamas and Israel are at war. If you honestly think there is no connection between Israel's mass arrest of Hamas members in the West Bank, and the cease fire between Hamas and Israel, then you're mistaken. If the cease fire only applied to Gaza, then Hamas could very well use your logic to justify their actions.

This argument doesn't help to actually justify Israel's actions (nor Hamas' for that matter), so making it is foolish.

But of course, no one will will listen to me. Either I'm against Israel, or I'm against Palestine, there seems to be no middle ground here. This is why I hate going on related threads.

Before this thread turns to he says she says,

Want to know your opinion.

Is this the best way israel can respond to Hammas

or there are any alternatives?
There is obviously many alternatives, but considering the tension on the ground, none of them are realistic at this point. Egypt could step in and stop the violence, but considering how anti-MB our dear Sisi is, that won't happen any time soon.
Unfortunately that's 100% true, but that shouldn't change the main issue which is that Israel is a colonial state that still capture and repress Palestinian lands and people. Is what's going on against Syrian and Iraqi people worse than what Israel do against Palestinians? Yes it is, but still what Israel has been doing against Palestinians of occupation is wrong.
What a joke!

It is Israel that colonizes Palestinians, destroying their lives and property. Then Israel arrests HUNDREDS of Hamas members, destroys homes, and kills tens of Palestinians for no reason. Then Hamas retaliates and Israel starts the war by dropping 400 tons of explosives on innocent people of Gaza.

Israel is a barbaric state.
Before this thread turns to he says she says,

Want to know your opinion.

Is this the best way israel can respond to Hammas

or there are any alternatives?
Israel has two options:

1) Limited precise strikes with optional limited ground incursion. That will stop rocket attacks for couple years, until Hamas will start again.

2) Conquer Gaza. That will stop rocket attacks for good, but Israel is not interested to control 1.8 million Gaza population at all.

One thing about 500: He never has any evidence to back him up.
You are lying once again, false flagger. I provided creditable links.
Before this thread turns to he says she says,

Want to know your opinion.

Is this the best way israel can respond to Hammas

or there are any alternatives?

There are always alternatives, for example hamas is avowed and determine to destroy Israel, they dond recognize Israel, their objective is Islamic state from the river to the sea, so theoretically we can just leave, but you know the chances of that to happen is exponentially tend to zero.

What a joke!

It is Israel that colonizes Palestinians, destroying their lives and property. Then Israel arrests HUNDREDS of Hamas members, destroys homes, and kills tens of Palestinians for no reason. Then Hamas retaliates and Israel starts the war by dropping 400 tons of explosives on innocent people of Gaza.

Israel is a barbaric state.

No such thing as palestinians, just a bunch of Arabs.

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