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Why Gulf countries cannot accept migrants

This should be compulsory viewing for all those who rail against the great injustice done to the Arab world. They must understand their own psychology that has brought this situation upon them. Bigotry, intolerance, and hypocrisy are the coins of the realm in the Arab world.
He is a bastard and around 70 such bastards from UAE got dispatched directly to hell after the brave houthis attacked the depot
A good explanation made by an official Kuwaiti,Fahad Alshalami.
(The video in the link is with english subtitles.)
Un officiel koweïtien explique pourquoi les pays du Golfe n'accueillent pas de migrants - Fdesouche
Let me get this straight, he says they cant accept people that are different from them but then saying Turkey and Lebanon suits them better.
So Syrian Arabs are more different from Kuwaiti Arabs than from Turks? Thats the lamest excuse i have heard in a while. :coffee:
Because these "Gulf" States are not independent states. These are Western protectorates in the region whose foreign policy, defense and economies are managed and completely controlled by the West. They can not survive for three week on their own. Their governments are of the scope of mayor townships.

If the West wanted to resettle 15 million refugees in Kuwait, UAE and Saudi Arabia, they could easily have done so by ordering their protectorates to take in those refugees. After all, West keeps military bases in these states, and these states are completely dependent on Western protection to survive from week to week.

The gulf states chose to be US protectorates. The US didn't force them to do anything.
It is the arab monarchs decision as to whether their nations admit the migrants.
The US has no say in this.
Please keep this in mind.
A good explanation made by an official Kuwaiti,Fahad Alshalami.
(The video in the link is with english subtitles.)
Un officiel koweïtien explique pourquoi les pays du Golfe n'accueillent pas de migrants - Fdesouche
Gulf countries were created by UK, France, Italy and other allies in WW1. Now the check is coming home to Europe for messing up the middle-east in WW1 for oil and gas. I mean at least UK and France companies have the rights to exploit Arab oil and gas fields. You can use those revenues to help the refugees.
Not taking refugess is shamful on us and our regimes, to be honest.
Because these "Gulf" States are not independent states. These are Western protectorates in the region whose foreign policy, defense and economies are managed and completely controlled by the West. They can not survive for three week on their own. Their governments are of the scope of mayor townships.

If the West wanted to resettle 15 million refugees in Kuwait, UAE and Saudi Arabia, they could easily have done so by ordering their protectorates to take in those refugees. After all, West keeps military bases in these states, and these states are completely dependent on Western protection to survive from week to week.


You forgot to add Turkey, Japan, and S. Korea. They do have their own military US bases as well. Please see the picture below, it should make you a "proud Persian".

A good explanation made by an official Kuwaiti,Fahad Alshalami.
(The video in the link is with english subtitles.)
Un officiel koweïtien explique pourquoi les pays du Golfe n'accueillent pas de migrants - Fdesouche
@0:22 in the video the guy says about the Syrian refugees "it is not right for us to accept people different from us", so whatever happened to Arab unity and brotherhood?? So Syrians are not considered Arabs by these buffoons??

They have no issues in helping to destroy other Arab countries but refuse to take in their fellow Arab refugees which result from these wars. These people who lavishly squander money and walk this earth with arrogance while Syrians are being bombed left and right, forced out of their ancestral homes, reduced to begging and fleeing to alien lands, will one day suffer the same fate, perhaps even worse.
Not taking refugess is shamful on us and our regimes, to be honest.
You forgot to add Turkey, Japan, and S. Korea. They do have their own military US bases as well. Please see the picture below, it should make you a "proud Persian".


I think you're the first Saudi to say this. :yahoo:

Now as far as the Dinars to Rials go the Dinar is fixed to the IMF Special Drawing Rights, which in turn practically means that it's fixed to the US Dollar, back in 1986.

The fixed exchange was dropped in favor of fluctuating rates due to Bretton Wood and the Gold Standard, but globalized trade pressured central banks to allow the stock exchange/ investors/ manipulators to well manipulate the exchange rates.

There's little to no trade between Iran and Saudi Arabia, hence why the exchange rate is so low. And this applies to many countries that have little to no trade between each other. Another variable is the central bank setting the rate which might be the reason here.
Not taking refugess is shamful on us and our regimes, to be honest.
You forgot to add Turkey, Japan, and S. Korea. They do have their own military US bases as well. Please see the picture below, it should make you a "proud Persian".

View attachment 254404

Saudi education system has failed you brother, otherwise, you'd know comparing currencies to each other is not a correct mean for economic comparison.

Let me educate you:


As you see, Japanese Yen has a very low value compared to Kuwait's Dinar, now, I'm waiting for bragging about how Kuwait's economy is much more stronger than Japan. :)

Such an embarrassment, I expected more.

On topic, is anyone really surprised from this news? Isn't that the reality of all Gulf states? They waste no effort to use oil money to put countries on fire, exporting their virus of an ideology, embedded with intolerance, dogmatism and extremism, yet they are not ready to accept even one single refugee from their 'fellow Arab brothers. But they are ready to spend tens if billions to arm and fund terror groups in Syria, and to spend billions on bombing already poor Yemenis who are now facing a potential famine because Gulfies want to reimpose their stooge, Hadi, on the throne.
The GCC have an obligation to take in their fellow Muslims. Anyone who says otherwise, especially in the GCC, is probably an ultra nationalistic idiot.

That being said, other countries have an obligation to take in refugees. The people who extended the war by saving Assad in 2012 (Iran, China, Russia, DPRK) all have an obligation to take in refugees. Now in all honesty, no Syrians would want to go to the shitholes called Iran, China, Russia, & DPRK, but at least those countries should have had the decency to at least show interest in taking in refugees or donating money to refugees. But none did that. 0$ have been donated by countries that support Assad to refugees.
Meanwhile, the GCC, who still have an obligation to take in refugees, have donated millions, if not billions. Qatar IIRC pledged and insane amount of money to rebuild Syria after it's freed. At least they show some decency in pledging money for refugees now and for Syria after the revolution is over. But countries that support Assad haven't taken on such an initiative.
Because Assad is the whole reason they left:
Syrian refugees protest against Assad regime and criticise Russia - YouTube
Hundreds of Syrian refugees protest Assad's speech - YouTube
Jordan's Syrian Refugees Await Assad's Fall - YouTube
Syria refugees want Assad to suffer - YouTube
And here Pro-Assad Turks are discriminating against refugees, further reinforcing the fact that Assad is the reason for the refugees being refugees:
Turkey: Syrian refugees, welcomed by Erdoğan, meet the discrimination of pro-Assad Turks - YouTube

Refugees must be helped. But the root of the problem must also be removed. Assad and his regime need to be removed with an elected government put in place by the Syrian people, not by the US, not by Iran, not by Russia, but by the Syrian people.
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