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Why Economists Are Still Baffled by India’s GDP Growth

Someone is asking the opinion of an Indian Govt. WB Bong 'expert' Lackey appointed to the Neocon-run World Bank on how 'Shining' Indian economy is. I think I've had enough of a dose of 'credibility' for now. :azn:

You're asking why we need a gosh-darned Anti-India strategy Mr. 'Hiding under the covers' / 'wannabe' Indian?

Is forty years of screwing over that Bangladesh got, not enough??

If Indians can treat their so called 'friend' and next-door neighbor Bangladesh in this manner, mercilessly (illegally) killing people at the border, cutting off river water, setting up illegal dams, manipulating politics in Bangladesh - and other such instances of 'friendly gesture', then do we need 'friends' like this as a development partner?

We've all been to India and have seen India's starving millions and how royally effed up their societal situation is and how they manage their country. People drinking dirty sewer water, defecating in the open by the hundreds...

We watch videos everyday how militant Hindu communal mobs go around terrorizing Christians and Muslims and your effed up law-n-order authorities just standby like losers and watch. How can India be an example of development for us when we handle every one of these things better than you?

Is it strange that as a nation we will naturally choose the Chinese as our development partners and friends?

At least the Chinese don't lie at every breath, cheat at every opportunity (especially in trade) and try as a country to destabilize ours like India.

Please try to make your country less effed up than it is - we will gladly emulate you. But we as a nation aren't holding our collective breaths.

Um - do cows drop dead because the vulture wishes so?

'Very little of advanced goods and services with low demand elasticity'?

What rock have you been living under Mr. Non-techie?

If not for assembled Chinese parts - none of your local cellphone brands would be reality. Chinese networking / cellphone products are world-leaders. They make everything in China. In fact they are in use in every Indian cellphone tower that I know of. Yes every cellphone tower. They were such a success that the Western suppliers (Cisco) finally paid off Indian ministers to ban Chinese Huawei equipment under Bullsh*t 'security' pretexts. While in Bangladesh we've been doing fine with them for the last decade.

And is there an Indian networking equipment manufacturer? seven layer circuit board manufacturer? chip foundry? Do I hear crickets? Chirp-chirp. I think I do.

China is the number one supplier of Power engineering equipment in India. Indian mfrs. can't sell their products anymore and are crying for non-tariff barriers like the whining idiots they are.

The Chinese make all sorts of local high-tech and bio-tech devices including pacemakers and robotics. Read up or Google it before you comment. That tired old saw that the Chinese only make 'junk' is no longer true. Manufacturing in China has moved up.

Which your India will need another two decades just to emulate...

You're probably talking about the US treasury, which is not part of the govt. by the way.....

This is all Mr. Durrani's (nice pick of a name) jealousy at China's success. I'm holding my breath for Indian 'clean' eco-friendly development model. NOT! :whistle::D

You only have to visit India's filthy train stations and the toilets in them. It is sad that everyday Indians acknowledge the true sad state of their country when these new breed of big-mouth Indian Internet braggarts think they can make India a superpower just by bragging and thinking no one has eyes and can't see. If I start posting pictures then we will see where the real India is.

At least in Bangladesh we don't delude ourselves by planning to employ white slaves in another decade.:rolleyes1:

@damiendehorn, @mb444, @iajdani

Your whole post is a litany of rubbish picked up from the internet.

Firstly, trying to blindside me about India is not gonna work, because it is not my concern. It is the concern of Indians on this forum so keep trolling them on it. And as for anecdotal references are concerned, I have personally met a Bangladeshi rickshaw puller who infiltrated illegally into India. He proudly told me that he had first married a woman in Kolkata, had two kids with her, and then abandoned her and ran away to Delhi where he had remarried and was awaiting the birth of his second kid before abandoning them as well and moving on. This is the kind of scum that Bangladesh is sending to India, and the Indians should be concerned about it.

China is a poor, third-world country with a totalitarian model to sell which only the most desperate and misguided souls will find appealing. Talking about China's pitiable low-cost, 5% margin at best tech industry is hilarious. Most of the advances in the world of technology are happening in genetics, nanotechnology and robotics. As the IT component in manufacturing increases, manufacturing jobs will continue to leave China as it is now possible to produce an output of $1 bn in a factory with 10 workers. Chinese labour is on its way to becoming redundant. China is in no way part of this process. All the emerging IP in biotech, nano-fabrication, 3D printing software and materials, advanced semiconductors, intuitive programmes for running robotic factories, etc. is being done outside China. The Weisseman Insitute in Israel, Google and Dassault Systeme in France are at the forefront of innovation – and not China’s IP stealing state enterprises. China reverse-engineers whatever tech it can steal from western countries, and undoubtedly will be able to lay its hands on some more of it through espionage. Chinese students do study at top US universities and work at R&D sites as well. Some of this technology will percolate down to China as well. But China will always play catch up.
Western corporations monopolize the IP on genetic research, and Chinese generic medicine sucks anyways. China has vitually no background in nato-tech. As for 3D printing, I have seen the kind of cheap-*** 3D printers made in Shenzen – they are copied from second generation prototypes which were outdated 5 years back. As for advanced computing, China builds ego-boosting supercomputers and nothing else – where are its equivalents of the Weizmann Institute that are doing research into ATP-powered DNA computing and reverse computing. Where is the Chinese research on 3-dimensional processors? Nowhere. The Chinese are just busy trying to hack into American websites hoping that they will be able to glean such info. They have been shutout of emerging technology, and their best bet is to steal it.
It is you who know nothing about emerging technology. Just reading silly websites will get you nowhere in life dear low-income neighbour. Chinese cheap-*** phones now have competition from cheap-*** phones from all over the world. Do you know how much IP holders gain while they hand out peanuts to manufacturers? Foxconn made less than 20c for every $ unit of I-Pads sold, and the Chinese factory workers get less than 10c. The West will continue to ship out its s**t manufacturing to other countries, except that now the Chinese will have competition from other countries. Already wage-rates in China are rising to higher than slave labor rate, so all the slave-labor factories will have to find newer homes.
The Chinese model is one of technology theft, importing factories which poison its environment, and using slave-labor at its factories to produce cheap (mostly substandard) goods. It might appeal to in impoverished mind like yours, and you are also welcome to play catch up with the West. Invest in Human Resource, not in factories. The future doers not belong to those who steal technology and employ slave labor to produce cheap goods, it belongs to those who innovate.

As for your constant badgering about who I am and where I am from, I can understand. People from low-income neighbourhoods in US find it hard to believe and are suspicious when someone else shares their interests. You assume that your interests of being on PDF are so low-life that only fellow losers like you would be interested in it. So I understand where you are coming from.
Your sentence definitely proves the assumption that you have actually never visited Dalian, because you could not answer my straightforward question which should be a piece of cake. Most Chinese in this forum who have traveled to Dalian, will understand my question fully in the unique of this city and its citizens. Seriously you sound like a dollar beggar who needs to be spoon fed information. Dalian under no circumstances can it be describes as a dusty city and construction is occuring throughout the city, however this is because of Japanese investment.

Googlygook is a racists terminology however its unsurprising to hear such foul language from an uncultured American who spit shines shoes during the day and then drives his taxi in the night to serve his customers. Nobody in the world respect America, because your country will become the by-product of a used up condom which is thrown in the trash can, after its application has been fulfilled.

This particular Great Middle Kingdom owns $1.4 trillion of your economy and the era of American imperialism disguised as democracy and threatening other countries is over. This GMK has enough capital to purchase western companies and take over your industries and the process is made transparent, when next month the Chinese will place a bid on many British companies on power, railways, telecommunication etc.

The GMK is a bankrupt country that is wasting forex trying to prop its collapsing currency. Its internal debt is over $20 trillion, and NOTHING can prevent a run on its banks when the NPAs start mounting.

Chinese Bamboo for your information is a women, however its not unsurprising that you failed to make the distinction, because most American's can't tell the difference between left and right.

Then maybe Ms. Pigdin could reply (in Pigdin) of course, as to why the Chinese are cowardly enough to accept a dictatorship for almost 70 years. Oh wait!! You already answered that!! Chinese legalism says so, right? Moron

In the past 30 years, tens of thousands miles of expressway and 18 thousand KM high speed rail ways have been built across China , and this achievement is cherished by Chinese people cross all walks of life, and is the envy of entire civilized world, developed and developing countries alike, including the President of the United States of America. Sure China could have used the Chinese labors that built tens of thousands mile rail ways for then underdeveloped America and build it form themselves, but the history doesn't take "what-if" into consideration, dose it? So what is wrong China has the capability building them now? Why you have problem with it? Are you anti-social or anti-development?

Heard of saying "better later than never"? Like it or not, China will continue to build more expressways and railways not only in China itself but also in America (heard of California XpessWest ?), In Europe, in all continents. So go ahead, eat your heart out!

Ya, I do not think he is Pakistani either. No Pakistani will have this level of hatred towards China.

Yes yes, China is building roads and railways, we heard that already. Congrats.

Interesting! Now you are blaming India's pollution on China? This is the most absurd accusation on China I have ever heard, not even from the most extreme Indian Internet warriors on PDF! Good job, congratulations, you've just created an unprecedented logic in the history of mankind! Indian internet warriors should pick a leaf from your book!

Just exactly what India has learnt from China in terms of the magnitude of industrialization that warrant the pollution level that beyond China's reach?

Wondering what China or Chinese have done to you so that you hate China so much?

In 1991, Lawrence Summers, Chief Economist at the World Bank, wrote a memo that was leaked. The memo stated that it was in the interest of the developed world to externalize the cost of toxic and polluting industries by exporting them to third world countries, as lives are cheap there and there will be little repercussions of the damage done to their environment. It was basically CBE stating that Western lives have value, and so their citizens should be spared from the poison of toxic industry. These industries should be shifted to the poorer countries, so that their harmful consequences are faced by people who are too poor to care and have nothing to lose in any case.

Proud of your environmental record yet?

But I wouldn't expect that to be taught in Nigbo Polytechnic or wherever you did your higher education from, can I?

He hates China because we defeated them in 1962, and like other Indians he thinks that China gave nuclear weapons to Pakistan. :lol:

No the Chinese didn’t give Pakistan its nukes. It is common knowledge that AQ Khan stole centrifuge blueprints from URENCO in the 70s. So that credit should go to his thievery. As for the Chinese, however, they did a massive training of Pakistani scientists, (just like the Russians had done for them) brought them to China for lectures, even gave them the design of the CHIC-4 device, which was a weapon that was easy to build a model for export. Also, in 1990, it may have tested Pakistan’s first bomb for it.

This individual is hilarious because apparently he mocks the Chinese and speaks ill on their country, however he took a vacation to China which speaks of his treacherous character. American's in general are stuck in their old ways of grandeur and they are best described by a proverb from Confucius:"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change". The glorious Indian development model is untouchable because the secrets of Vedas scriptures have shown how to use coal generation plants without polluting the atmosphere:)

I have travelled to China on work, mostly. Of course I did check out Macau for the heck of it. No treachery just business. And I also didn't steal any tech during my visits. Whatever I saw was reverse-engineered Western tech from the late 90s, early 2000s.

I heard from my grandfather that when the Chinese troops advanced in Ladakh in 1962 - the Indian troops left their antiquated rifles on the ground and ran away.

Later when a truce was negotiated - the rifles were returned. However Indian troops were astonished to find that their dirty weapons had been lubricated, cleaned and returned in brand new condition.

I'm personally fascinated about LASER Brahmastra weapons and Brahmanic super-levitation transport craft. :-)

I have to clarify that these concepts are published in none other than the RSS/Sangh Parivar Hindutva supremacy manuals.

I cannot give you anecdotal nonsense about what my grandfather told me, but I can tell you about the atrocities committed by the Punjabi Army in East Pakistan. My father was one of the dissenters who raised an objection, one of the reasons he had to leave Pakistan. Today I am reading a Bangladeshi tag teaming with a wannabe-Chinese Pakistani to denigrate India/the US. How things change. Sad, really.
By your logic 'building roads and railways' are useless because everything now moves by air.

Who's going to pay for air-shipping Mr. Economics man??

Should we ship hundreds of millions of tons of export/import containers by air too?

It is you who is a typical theoretical Indian who has zero clue about how industry, commerce and logistics works in the _REAL_ world.

And I won't call you Pakistani anymore - it's by now amply obvious who you are.

Giant infrastructure projects linking manufacturing centres with ports have a ROI gestation of decades. China has decided to invest in these projects when:

1. The demand for its exports will contract.
2. The need to import raw material will go down along with that.
3. Low tech manufacturing is already/will further devolve to other countries with even lower wage rates.
4. High tech manufacturing is already/will further return back to the West as automation makes labour redundant.

China has massively over-invested in ports, roads and railways, under the assumption that its economy will keep growing at 7-9% ad infinitum. The expectation was that the slack caused in exports due to contracting global demand will be picked up by local consumption. Chinese leaders have been parroting that line for two years now, and it seems dimwits on PDF have also picked it up of late. No one asks two simple questions:

1. Given China's precarious internal debt situation, how can Chinese banks fund a growth in domestic demand? Central Banks around the world ease lending rates and then expect Banks to lend money for buying houses, personal expenditure, setting up businesses, etc. Chinese Banks are collapsing under the NPA problem, They are in no position to do so.
2. Given that Chinese Banks do not have the capacity to lend, then domestic consumption must be squeezed out of income and savings. But due to the afore-mentioned factors (export slowdown, capital flight and loss of manufacturing units), both income and savings will take a hit. So where is this domestic consumption going to come from?

The answer is: from nowhere. The Chinese regime built up a Ponzi scheme. It told the banks to lend recklessly to infrastructure projects. It hoped that in the process it was creating enough jobs and income to spur the domestic economy. As it turned out, this is outdated nonsense. Building infrastructure for an export economy which is contracting is building a bridge to nowhere. It is like digging a ditch and filling it right back in. All of China's infrastructure boom was disguised unemployment funded by bank loans that will never be repaid. This money could have been given to private enterprise instead, who wouldn't have wasted it in the manner it has been.
Seriously I can consume a whole bowl of alphabet soup and excrete out a much better response than your failure of attempt to counter-argument my previous messages. Clearly you have some comprehension issues, therefore I will recommend the advice in good faith for you to visit your local special school needs teacher. I never endorsed the political doctrine of Chairman Mao, however a simpleton fool such as yourself can never understand the concept that his poetry was magnificent. When you mock Chinese Kung Fu with your stereotypical description and show contempt to the Shaolin Monks on their country, then you can hazardous a guess that a thorougher thrashing will be awaiting for you. The Gang of Four were responsible for systematically trying to erase Chinese traditions from the Cultural Revolution and Chairman Mao at this particular time was feeble in mind and was unfit to govern the country. Henceforth there is a famous proverb in China: "Mao gave us revolution, while Deng Xiaoping put food on the table". Chairman Mao has been criticized in China and his doctrine will never come back into China. Therefore, read my message with meticulous care because you look incredibly foolish in presuming things such as calling me a Chinese, when in fact I am a proud Pakistani.

So, to summarize:

1. China’s growth model is a fraud. It has achieved high growth by investing in legacy industry that no one in the West wants to have, and in infrastructure it does not itself need. Chinese banks have no oversight. They have no NPA write-off procedure whatsoever. The bad debt situation at Chinese Banks is beyond precarious. By lending profligately to SOEs and infrastructure projects that will never be able to return the money, China has wasted the opportunity it had.
2. China invests NOTHING in R&D. It claims to have all these state-run research labs. All they do is try and hack Western companies for knowhow. Chinese technological education is worth nothing. It has not been able to make anything worthwhile without stealing from the West.
3. Chinese leaders do realize the direction in which the world is headed. They do realize that they have held on to their fascination with heavy, inefficient and polluting industries for too long, when it is ownership of Tech IP that will determine economic outcomes. The Chinese solution to that, as always, has been to try and steal western tech.
4. If China had invested all that money into R&D, instead of building useless infrastructure, it would not be in this precarious situation today. But let’s face it, what is the imagination and innovative abilities of Chinese scientists and technologists?
5. Chinese leaders had held on to their export fascination for too long; given the current economic scenario, domestic demand will contract, not increase. The stock market crash is just the first stage. The Chinese government’s warnings and action against short-sellers cannot continue indefinitely. Eventually there will be a bloodbath on the market, but that will be nothing compared to what is to come. What will come after that will be the NPA avalanche. Chinese banks are already squeezing their lending, and once the free money stops, SOEs will go belly up. Then will come the inevitable run on the banks.
6. At this point, the true story of Chinese growth will emerge. The lies about 11% growth. The fact that the economy has been growing much less than the 7% stated recently (probably contracting) will come out. The sheer scale at which China has wasted the world’s resources in building a non-functioning economy for itself will then fuel outrage.
7. As for China’s rise to super-stardom, I think that will be it. Japan was going to take over the world in the 80s; so what happened? The 90s happened. Before that, the sheer unsustainability of the Soviet spending in the face of a contracting economy was known and understood by only a handful of experts, till the day it collapsed. China combines the worst of Japan’s asset bubble driven by cheap debt characteristics together with total opacity like the Soviets. It is in a much worse position than Japan ever was in 1992. The impending implosion will be devastating.
8. So China has this wise policy of waiting patiently and waiting for the US to make a mistake, is it? The US will not have to do anything to China. China will implode under the weight of its own mismanagement. Trying to curry favors with small nations who go where the money goes will not help China’s cause. China has already bared its fangs to its neighbours. Vietnam, Japan, India, Philippines and Korea have all experienced Chinese belligerence firsthand. America will simply watch the growing understanding develop among these countries that China needs to be contained. It is China that has picked too many fights. It is surrounded by countries who understand that Chinese belligerence needs to be contained.
9. Chinese hypocrisy about the West is well-documented. It has contempt for all things western, expect that anything done in China that is worthwhile is stolen from the west. It steals western tech, its leaders send their children to study in Western universities, it uses western capital, its rich citizens all have homes in the west and are leaving China at an alarming rate.
10. The Chinese regime is a totalitarian dictatorship. It is a rogue regime that proliferates WMDs to North Korea, among other countries. It jails its dissidents. It is undemocratic. It does not allow a free media. It carries on cultural genocide on non-Han minorities. It has reduced the Tibetans, the Ughyurs, etc., to minorities in their own land through aggressive Han resettlement. When faced with these facts, the Chinese regime makes some noise about Confucius /peaceful rise/other nonsense. China’s track record shows that it understands only Sun Tzu, sees the world with an adversarial prism, and relentlessly plays zero-sum-games of deception, proliferation, espionage, misdirection and aggression against its neighbours.
Guy needs to see a shrink as his hatred of China is too extreme.:lol:

So anyone with hatred towards India/The West is to be celebrated, while anyone with a hatred for China is to be sent to a shrink? Bravo.

I cannot give you anecdotal nonsense about what my grandfather told me, but I can tell you about the atrocities committed by the Punjabi Army in East Pakistan. My father was one of the dissenters who raised an objection, one of the reasons he had to leave Pakistan. Today I am reading a Bangladeshi tag teaming with a wannabe-Chinese Pakistani to denigrate India/the US. How things change. Sad, really.

Yup. Sad indeed. Revisionist history is becoming quite common in Bangladesh also now. They are constantly writing down the numbers who died at the hands of the Punjabi Army. Some have even taken to blaming their own freedom fighters.

As for the Sino-Bangla alliance, there is no such thing. These PDF loons live in their own la-la land. Sheikh Hasina is smart enough to know what the Chinese do to smaller countries and their cultural heritage.
I heard from my grandfather that when the Chinese troops advanced in Ladakh in 1962 - the Indian troops left their antiquated rifles on the ground and ran away.

Later when a truce was negotiated - the rifles were returned. However Indian troops were astonished to find that their dirty weapons had been lubricated, cleaned and returned in brand new condition.

Did your grandfather also told you that nine years later those rifles were used to save the rear ends of the Bangladeshis..?
Not my opinion.I quoted an contrarian opinion which happens to be of Surjit Bhalla,a well known economist. If you have any solid points to offer against Mr. Bhalla's assertion, please do so. Or just stop ranting.

Regarding India's new GDP numbers, Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist of World Bank finds it more reliable, if not perfect.
I apologize for I thought the article started after your own projection.
Interesting! Now you are blaming India's pollution on China? This is the most absurd accusation on China I have ever heard, not even from the most extreme Indian Internet warriors on PDF! Good job, congratulations, you've just created an unprecedented logic in the history of mankind! Indian internet warriors should pick a leaf from your book!

Just exactly what India has learnt from China in terms of the magnitude of industrialization that warrant the pollution level that beyond China's reach?

Wondering what China or Chinese have done to you so that you hate China so much?
remember:indians are touchy emotional jealous frail narcissistic people. now you will find why
I already mentioned in a previous post the reason for my family's departure from Pakistan. you don't have to believe me. But tell me, is lying such second nature to you that you take nothing that someone says at face value?

No - lying is mostly second nature to the huge number of false-flagger half-educated Indian trolls that infest the PDF forum. At any given time roughly half of the pretend-Bangladeshis and pretend-Pakistanis here are false-flagger Indians. Normal Bangladeshis and Pakistani posters here usually find it beneath themselves to troll in the Indian section of the forum or even lie about their identity. The reverse is however not true.

Logic dictates then that Indian trolls only have one aim - lying about their identity and cause trouble to disrupt the normal functioning of PDF - a Pakistani public forum. This breed of people are only found in India unfortunately.

Indian trolls know that their source IPs will not be detected - and they take full advantage of the situation by willfully causing chaos in mostly the Pakistani and Bangladeshi sections of the forum.

In an ideal situation posters would come here to exchange defense and other related information to enrich themselves. Indian false-flagger trolls however are not interested in that.

They are only intent on trying to turn this forum into the next chest-thumping mouthpiece of the Sangh Parivar with laughably inflated stories of 'Shining India'. Such Sanghis should be banned immediately at the first whiff of such chest-thumping posts because Sanghis are not interested in a normal reasoned discourse about diversity or equality. Sangh Parivar ideals dictate that a Muslim cannot be the equal of a Hindu - much less a Brahmin. That is the baseline for a Sanghi - hence you cannot reason with them.

In any case discussions are ongoing to pinpoint the worst Sanghi trolls here and they will be dealt with in due time. Don't try to spoof your IPs - it won't work.

Case closed.

He doesn't need to admit it.

It is 100% obvious from every single one of his posts. :lol:

Ha ha ha LOL - you said it brother....

Giant infrastructure projects linking manufacturing centres with ports have a ROI gestation of decades. China has decided to invest in these projects when:

1. The demand for its exports will contract.
2. The need to import raw material will go down along with that.
3. Low tech manufacturing is already/will further devolve to other countries with even lower wage rates.
4. High tech manufacturing is already/will further return back to the West as automation makes labour redundant.

China has massively over-invested in ports, roads and railways, under the assumption that its economy will keep growing at 7-9% ad infinitum. The expectation was that the slack caused in exports due to contracting global demand will be picked up by local consumption. Chinese leaders have been parroting that line for two years now, and it seems dimwits on PDF have also picked it up of late. No one asks two simple questions:

1. Given China's precarious internal debt situation, how can Chinese banks fund a growth in domestic demand? Central Banks around the world ease lending rates and then expect Banks to lend money for buying houses, personal expenditure, setting up businesses, etc. Chinese Banks are collapsing under the NPA problem, They are in no position to do so.
2. Given that Chinese Banks do not have the capacity to lend, then domestic consumption must be squeezed out of income and savings. But due to the afore-mentioned factors (export slowdown, capital flight and loss of manufacturing units), both income and savings will take a hit. So where is this domestic consumption going to come from?

The answer is: from nowhere. The Chinese regime built up a Ponzi scheme. It told the banks to lend recklessly to infrastructure projects. It hoped that in the process it was creating enough jobs and income to spur the domestic economy. As it turned out, this is outdated nonsense. Building infrastructure for an export economy which is contracting is building a bridge to nowhere. It is like digging a ditch and filling it right back in. All of China's infrastructure boom was disguised unemployment funded by bank loans that will never be repaid. This money could have been given to private enterprise instead, who wouldn't have wasted it in the manner it has been.

You sure are wishing for a lot regarding China's downfall - does your critical thinking lend you the possibility that the reverse could also be true? That growth of the Chinese economy could continue or improve instead of slowing further?

China could leverage a lot of things - not insignificantly the capability to partner with multiple lower cost countries like Bangladesh to easily compete with countries like India on cost. They have been at the top of their game in exports for no small reason. All your hope for China's downfall and your wishing away of China's progress does not take Chinese efficiency, hard work or planning into view.

Even super efficient countries like Japan or Korea are finding it hard to compete with the Chinese juggernaut. The Korean shipbuilding industry is struggling to stay alive in the face of Chinese cost efficiencies. And this scenario is repeated across hundreds of small/large industrial sectors.

See the following video on how the Koreans are trying ever newer niche technology approaches in order to compete with China. They will be priced out of the market just like Japan a couple of decades ago. For China and its industrial size - the same will take a lot of time to happen. The worried tones of the 'experts' here are very telling...:sarcastic:

In spite of the doomsday predictions - China's economic momentum and fundamentals are very strong and very real. Going all black-magic and casting bad spells on China only makes you look immature and foolish. :dirol:

Your being so smug & cock-sure about 'China-doom' scenario is quite amusing - really.
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No - lying is mostly second nature to the huge number of false-flagger half-educated Indian trolls that infest the PDF forum. At any given time roughly half of the pretend-Bangladeshis and pretend-Pakistanis here are false-flagger Indians. Normal Bangladeshis and Pakistani posters here usually find it beneath themselves to troll in the Indian section of the forum or even lie about their identity. The reverse is however not true.

Logic dictates then that Indian trolls only have one aim - lying about their identity and cause trouble to disrupt the normal functioning of PDF - a Pakistani public forum. This breed of people are only found in India unfortunately.

Indian trolls know that their source IPs will not be detected - and they take full advantage of the situation by willfully causing chaos in mostly the Pakistani and Bangladeshi sections of the forum.

In an ideal situation posters would come here to exchange defense and other related information to enrich themselves. Indian false-flagger trolls however are not interested in that.

They are only intent on trying to turn this forum into the next chest-thumping mouthpiece of the Sangh Parivar with laughably inflated stories of 'Shining India'. Such Sanghis should be banned immediately at the first whiff of such chest-thumping posts because Sanghis are not interested in a normal reasoned discourse about diversity or equality. Sangh Parivar ideals dictate that a Muslim cannot be the equal of a Hindu - much less a Brahmin. That is the baseline for a Sanghi - hence you cannot reason with them.

In any case discussions are ongoing to pinpoint the worst Sanghi trolls here and they will be dealt with in due time. Don't try to spoof your IPs - it won't work.

Case closed.

Ha ha ha LOL - you said it brother....

You sure are wishing for a lot regarding China's downfall - has your critical thinking lend you the possibility that the reverse could also be true? That growth of the Chinese economy could continue or improve instead of slowing further?

China could leverage a lot of things - not insignificantly the capability to partner with multiple lower cost countries like Bangladesh to easily compete with countries like India on cost. They have been at the top of their game in exports for no small reason. All your hope for China's downfall and your wishing away of China's progress does not take Chinese efficiency, hard work or planning into view.

Even super efficient countries like Japan or Korea are finding it hard to compete with the Chinese juggernaut. The Korean shipbuilding industry is struggling to stay alive in the face of Chinese cost efficiencies. And this scenario is repeated across in hundreds of sectors.

See the following video on how the Koreans are trying evermore Niche technology approaches in order to compete with China. They will be priced out of the market just like Japan a couple of decades ago. For China and its industrial size - the same will take a lot of time to happen. The worried tones of the 'experts' here are very telling...:sarcastic:

Your being so smug & cock-sure about 'China-doom' scenario is quite amusing - really.

Let him. Some people are born to hate. Since the first day of the People's Republic, a lot people have predicted China's downfall and ended up dying in waiting to celebrate China's "pending collapse ". Remember a world leader died not too long after 1962? A famous Chinese writer who predicted the downfall of CPC within 3-5 years on CNN in 1989, die in hating in 2005. The guy made himself famous by predicting "pending collapse of China" in 2002 has long become a bozo. Meanwhile, China has transformed itself from the sick-man of Asia into a world power that no country dare to take it lightly.

That guy is going to spend his life hating China, just let him.
Let him. Some people are born to hate. Since the first day of the People's Republic, a lot people have predicted China's downfall and ended up dying in waiting to celebrate China's "pending collapse ". Remember a world leader died not too long after 1962? A famous Chinese writer who predicted the downfall of CPC within 3-5 years on CNN in 1989, die in hating in 2005. The guy made himself famous by predicting "pending collapse of China" in 2002 has long become a bozo. Meanwhile, China has transformed itself from the sick-man of Asia into a world power that no country dare to take it lightly.

That guy is going to spend his life hating China, just let him.

Such people are unfortunately too many in India with hate toward China as their only useless arsenal. They only think of negative ways to approach and offer explanations for their own shortcomings as a nation.

If one sees a country doing well like China - one should be inspired to work harder to emulate that success (or even find ways to do better if possible).

What good is useless hatred to anybody? :-)
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