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Why don't we learn from Pakistanis?

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They are shot. Am I right?


dealt by the law.

Bangladeshis come to India seeking asylum running away from Hasina regime.

I am sure Pakistan will not shoot asylum and refugees of indian civil war.
Gandhi was a British agent and brought from South Africa by British to sabotage Indian freedom struggle.

During the lockdown, where are you getting your weed from?
Accommodated 5 million alien people of Afghanistan but left the patriotic Pakistani citizens of Bihari origins - who fought courageously for Pakistan - at the mercy of blood thirsty Bangladeshi mob. There are horror stories.

And you want to take lessons from us? Don't follow us.

where Gandhis murder is both celebrated and mourned as national day.

incredible indeed.

even drugged hippies are not buying your soft suppa puwwa

feed me more
Every country has a right wing. India is no different.
Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan. Of course, it is Pakistan's prerogative to deny entry to Indian Muslims by using their ruthless methods.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist. Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

At least henceforth, the Pakistani technique (they use to keep Indian Muslims at bay) at Indo-Pak border should be replicated for our own context of Bangladesh border to prevent Bangladeshi infiltration.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:


Why dont you learn the history first and agreements between Pakistan and India?

It's not like borders were closed soon after 1947 for people from both sides to choose their permanent abode. Infact I know many families who migrated years after 1947 and settled in Pakistan. Some even migrated in early 60s as well!

It was actually India which was concerned about this migration of Muslims into Pakistan.

Of those who had left for Pakistan, most never came back. The Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru conveyed distress about the continued migration of Indian Muslims to West Pakistan:[21]

There has...since 1950 been a movement of some Muslims from India to Western Pakistan through the Jodhpur-Sindh via Khokhropar. Normally, traffic between India and West Pakistan was controlled by the permit system. But these Muslims going via Khokhropar went without permits to West Pakistan. From January 1952 to the end of September, 53,209 Muslim emigrants went via Khokhropar....Most of these probably came from the U.P. In October 1952, up to the 14th, 6,808 went by this route. After that Pakistan became much stricter on allowing entry on the introduction of the passport system. From 15 October to the end of October, 1,247 went by this route. From 1 November, 1,203 went via Khokhropar.

The Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru once again expressed concern at the continued migration of Indian Muslims to West Pakistan in a communication to one of his chief ministers (dated 1, December 1953):

A fair number of Muslims cross over to Pakistan from India, via Rajasthan and Sindh daily. Why do these Muslims cross over to Pakistan at the rate of three to four thousand a month? This is worth enquiring into, because it is not to our credit that this should be so. Mostly they come from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan or Delhi. It is evident that they do not go there unless there is some fear or pressure on them. Some may go in the hope of employment there. But most of them appear to feel that there is no great future for them in India. I have already drawn your attention to difficulties in the way of Government service. Another reason, I think, is the fear of Evacuee Property Laws [EPL]. I have always considered these laws both in India and Pakistan as most iniquitous. In trying to punish a few guilty persons, we punish or injure large numbers of perfectly innocent people...the pressure of the Evacuee Property Laws applies to almost all Muslims in certain areas of India. They cannot easily dispose of their property or carry on trade for fear that the long arm of this law might hold them down in its grip. It is this continuing fear that comes in the way of normal functioning and normal business and exercises a powerful pressure on large numbers of Muslims in India, especially in the North and the West.[21]

So when you rats talk about settling Indian muslims into Pakistan, do you bloody know your own history????

Besides there was plenty of time given to people from both side of border to pick one country or another. Is is a settled issue between Pakistan and India.
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