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Why don't we learn from Pakistanis?

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Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan. Of course, it is Pakistan's prerogative to deny entry to Indian Muslims by using their ruthless methods.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist. Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

At least henceforth, the Pakistani technique (they use to keep Indian Muslims at bay) at Indo-Pak border should be replicated for our own context of Bangladesh border to prevent Bangladeshi infiltration.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:

Because we are not a theocratic nation state. Our founding fathers gave us a Constitution which has not enshrined discriminatory laws based on religious beliefs. There is nothing to learn from Pakistani laws and handling. What can be learned is to avoid such laws. Their own ridiculous laws which tried to suppress the Bengali language, which made their most populous province a colony resulted in millions of deaths and a refugee crisis. So thanks, but no thanks. Do you enjoy opening random threads just to bait people?
Because we are not a theocratic nation state. Our founding fathers gave us a Constitution which has not enshrined discriminatory laws based on religious beliefs. There is nothing to learn from Pakistani laws and handling. What can be learned is to avoid such laws. Their own ridiculous laws which tried to suppress the Bengali language, which made their most populous province a colony resulted in millions of deaths and a refugee crisis. So thanks, but no thanks. Do you enjoy opening random threads just to bait people?


where Gandhis murder is both celebrated and mourned as national day.

incredible indeed.

even drugged hippies are not buying your soft suppa puwwa

feed me more

where Gandhis murder is both celebrated and mourned as national day.

incredible indeed.

even drugged hippies are not buying your soft suppa puwwa
Gandhi was a British agent and brought from South Africa by British to sabotage Indian freedom struggle.

Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan. Of course, it is Pakistan's prerogative to deny entry to Indian Muslims by using their ruthless methods.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist. Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

At least henceforth, the Pakistani technique (they use to keep Indian Muslims at bay) at Indo-Pak border should be replicated for our own context of Bangladesh border to prevent Bangladeshi infiltration.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:

You conveniently forget the existential threat to mughal and Islamic heritage in the nation state of Hindustan if all its Muslims were suddenly to leave. Pakistanis certainly are troubled by massacres and abuse of ANY innocent civilians, but we will encourage Indian Muslims to preserve our joint legacy. India is simply NOT a "hindu rashtra" and this reality is the hardest thing for you to accept. My advice to hindutva is create a Vatican style holy city or city state where no Muslim may set foot.

Modi could be your pope. And your Swiss guard is the khaki brigades.
Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response.

I don't have any automatic hatred for Pakistan, unlike some members here like @PAKISTANFOREVER who have unreasonable hatred for India.

Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

We must also address the question of illegal Indian migrants, from say Punjab and Andhra, to say Canada and USA.
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But they are also doing work, no? Why didn't saw the chapter, where we accommodated 5 millions Afghanis for decades?
Accommodated 5 million alien people of Afghanistan but left the patriotic Pakistani citizens of Bihari origins - who fought courageously for Pakistan - at the mercy of blood thirsty Bangladeshi mob. There are horror stories.

Accommodated 5 million alien people of Afghanistan but left the patriotic Pakistani citizens of Bihari origins - who fought courageously for Pakistan - at the mercy of blood thirsty Bangladeshi mob. There are horror stories.


That's 5 million LEGAL Afghans in Pakistan as of 2012. The number of legal and illegal Afghans in Pakistan since then is ACTUALLY between 10-15 million.
Accommodated 5 million alien people of Afghanistan but left the patriotic Pakistani citizens of Bihari origins - who fought courageously for Pakistan - at the mercy of blood thirsty Bangladeshi mob. There are horror stories.


so you want Pakistan to accept everyone that has or ever will accept Islam in India?

that is one looney state policy
You conveniently forget the existential threat to mughal and Islamic heritage in the nation state of Hindustan if all its Muslims were suddenly to leave. Pakistanis certainly are troubled by massacres and abuse of ANY innocent civilians, but we will encourage Indian Muslims to preserve our joint legacy. India is simply NOT a "hindu rashtra" and this reality is the hardest thing for you to accept. My advice to hindutva is create a Vatican style holy city or city state where no Muslim may set foot.

Modi could be your pope. And your Swiss guard is the khaki brigades.

I love goodie goodie Muslims.

The other day another kindred spirit was advising Parsis to take a homeland stand on an island like Madagascar.


Butter wont melt ...
so you want Pakistan to accept everyone that has or ever will accept Islam in India?

that is one looney state policy
No. See my original post. I just want India to deal with Bangladeshi infiltrators the same way Pakistan deals with Indian Muslims viz deterring force.

No. See my original post. I just want India to deal with Bangladeshi infiltrators the same way Pakistan deals with Indian Muslims viz deterring force.


Pakistan does not receive Indian Muslim refugees.

Some Sikhs are provided shelter in Pakistan after golden temple episode.

It took years to get Mubarek Patel too
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