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Why don't we learn from Pakistanis?

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Jan 16, 2013
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Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan. Of course, it is Pakistan's prerogative to deny entry to Indian Muslims by using their ruthless methods.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist. Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

At least henceforth, the Pakistani technique (they use to keep Indian Muslims at bay) at Indo-Pak border should be replicated for our own context of Bangladesh border to prevent Bangladeshi infiltration.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:

STAY OUT & KEEP OUT. I'll be holding a gun to keep all gangus out.

Lynch him, revoke his citizenship but we ain't got no enough room to take an Indian. He or anyone throwing him off on this side of the border gonna sustain a ranger's bullet.

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Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:


Visit Karachi if you have to have a better understanding.

You will find millions of Indians, Bangladeshis, Iranians, Afghans, some Arabs, even Africans all settled in Pakistan, mostly by illegal means.

There is a huge population of Bengalis.

We treat you Indians bluntly on this forum because you are obnoxious piece of human side.
Before you deny it, remember one fact, we all regularly use social media, youtube, twitter, facebook. It would be difficult to argue with us.

Therefore, instead of pointing to some quotes which are made specifically keeping people like you in mind, you should look at the reality. From fake news created from around the world from specifically created fake sites, to the obnoxious, hateful and racists comments on Social Media. The Indians are the worst creatures living on this beautiful planet earth.

Ask any of India's neighbouring countries, Pakistan no exception. Chinese hates you, Sri Lankan had torrid time before they ended Indian sponsored terrorism of Tamils. Nepal hate you due to economic blockade. Bangladesh people now started to hate you for your policies against their country, even though you had your slave governments in Bangladesh for decades.

Even little Bhutan had issues with you guys.

Look in the mirror Indian, you will see not a very pretty picture.
Visit Karachi if you have to have a better understanding.

You will find millions of Indians, Bangladeshis, Iranians, Afghans, some Arabs, even Africans all settled in Pakistan, mostly by illegal means.

There is a huge population of Bengalis.

We treat you Indians bluntly on this forum because you are obnoxious piece of human side.
Before you deny it, remember one fact, we all regularly use social media, youtube, twitter, facebook. It would be difficult to argue with us.

Therefore, instead of pointing to some quotes which are made specifically keeping people like you in mind, you should look at the reality. From fake news created from around the world from specifically created fake sites, to the obnoxious, hateful and racists comments on Social Media. The Indians are the worst creatures living on this beautiful planet earth.

Ask any of India's neighbouring countries, Pakistan no exception. Chinese hates you, Sri Lankan had torrid time before they ended Indian sponsored terrorism of Tamils. Nepal hate you due to economic blockade. Bangladesh people now started to hate you for your policies against their country, even though you had your slave governments in Bangladesh for decades.

Even little Bhutan had issues with you guys.

Look in the mirror Indian, you will see not a very pretty picture.
Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist. Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:


We don't want Indian Muslims because they abuse Pakistan, and we also don't want people who wish to settle permanently and are outsiders.

Otherwise Pakistan has no problem accepting Muslim refugees. Afghan refugees are the biggest proof, and the only reason people want them out is because of their two faced hostility.

You should post it in BD subforum...lets hear from the source! In fact you should post more in BD subforum in general...it will add some colour and humour to those sore boring butthurts there.

My answer to this issue is Pakistan intrinsically benefits from large separation distance from BD (this still didnt stop many BD ppl illegally immigrating there, post-71 even, via shipping etc during the 80s and even 90s).

Whereas BD is kind of inextricably located in India's "armpit" area....so of course illegal immigration is going to be from onset much bigger problem (whatever the Indian policy and implementation counter to it shapes up as).

So not much to really learn in first place, because situations are very different in geography.

Its also similar why India does not have a huge illegal issue with Afghans...whereas Pakistan does. Immediate Geography plays big role in this stuff.

Tag padamchen in this thread.

Why you cant? @padamchen
You should post it in BD subforum...lets hear from the source! In fact you should post more in BD subforum in general...it will add some colour and humour to those sore boring butthurts there.

My answer to this issue is Pakistan intrinsically benefits from large separation distance from BD (this still didnt stop many BD ppl illegally immigrating there, post-71 even, via shipping etc during the 80s and even 90s).

Whereas BD is kind of inextricably located in India's "armpit" area....so of course illegal immigration is going to be from onset much bigger problem (whatever the Indian policy and implementation counter to it shapes up as).

So not much to really learn in first place, because situations are very different in geography.

Its also similar why India does not have a huge illegal issue with Afghans...whereas Pakistan does. Immediate Geography plays big role in this stuff.

Why you cant? @padamchen
The thread is about Pakistan not accepting Indian Muslims not Bangladeshis and suggestion of India replicating the technique to deal with Bangladeshis. Are the wordings in the thread confusing?

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The thread is about Pakistan not accepting Indian Muslims not Bangladeshis. Are the wordings in the thread confusing?


Yes you conflated the issue by bringing BD into picture....given the context, geography and history there is very different.

If you want pure focus on India - Pakistan dynamic on this "accept refugees from other side", keep it limited to there.

The position (continued migrations from one side to another after the major one during partition) more or less resolved+stablised close to trickle in the 50s overall, and got sealed fully by 65 war I believe....though maybe @Joe Shearer can give insight on this.

If Pakistan does not want to accept hypothetical muslim refugees from India (provided any actually seek this option which is in itself interesting topic that will get posters into trouble)....that is their choice...it is their country and system and policy.

We will definitely accept minorities from Pakistan that flee to India....since that country was not made as secular one and has intrinsic institutional fealty to one religion (and also why the large majority of that religion would find it hard argument to make for refugee status to India because of any oppression on a religious basis).

There is nothing to learn from Pakistan on this issue because they are not a secular country institutionally. If they adopt it, then we can start to compare.
Yes you conflated the issue by bringing BD into picture....given the context, geography and history there is very different.

If you want pure focus on India - Pakistan dynamic on this "accept refugees from other side", keep it limited to there.

The position (continued migrations from one side to another after the major one during partition) more or less resolved+stablised close to trickle in the 50s overall, and got sealed fully by 65 war I believe....though maybe @Joe Shearer can give insight on this.

If Pakistan does not want to accept hypothetical muslim refugees from India (provided any actually seek this option which is in itself interesting topic that will get posters into trouble)....that is their choice...it is their country and system and policy.

We will definitely accept minorities from Pakistan that flee to India....since that country was not made as secular one and has intrinsic institutional fealty to one religion (and also why the large majority of that religion would find it hard argument to make for refugee status to India because of any oppression on a religious basis).

There is nothing to learn from Pakistan on this issue because they are not a secular country institutionally. If they adopt it, then we can start to compare.
Again confusion. This is also about suggestion of India replicating the technique to deal with Bangladeshis. See the quotes in OP.


Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan. Of course, it is Pakistan's prerogative to deny entry to Indian Muslims by using their ruthless methods.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist. Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:

@Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 @vishwambhar @Gandhi G in da house


Why don't we learn from Pakistanis? Why don't we take a leaf from their book?

The lessons Pakistan can give us in dealing with illegal immigrants is valuable. Any casual hypothetical suggestion of sending pro-Pakistan Indian Muslim to Pakistan is met with below quoted response. And Pakistani government's policy is same as the Pakistani public's opinion. For instance, in the aftermath of 1971 war, Pakistan government did not accept the Bihari Muslims (who held Pakistani citizenship) stranded in East Pakistan. Of course, it is Pakistan's prerogative to deny entry to Indian Muslims by using their ruthless methods.

It may sound harsh but Pakistani policy is scientifically best to handle the problem of illegal immigrants. We should have adopted the same policy in dealing with Bangladeshi immigrants. Instead we took the stupid Gandhian approach and the consequences are for all to see. Now Bangladeshis deny that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants even exist. Meanwhile Bangladeshis are feeding on Indian resources.

To state explicitly what is Pakistani policy:

STAY OUT & KEEP OUT. I'll be holding a gun to keep all gangus out.

Lynch him, revoke his citizenship but we ain't got no enough room to take an Indian. He or anyone throwing him off on this side of the border gonna sustain a ranger's bullet.



Again confusion. This is also about suggestion of India replicating the technique to deal with Bangladeshis. See the quotes in OP.


Countries are more or less stuck with the illegals they inherited, esp past statute of limitations (given court process and backlogs already).

The context to not let BD refugees into India during their civil war would have been a very cruel one, and likely could not even be implemented given the scale. No such civil war at scale happened in W. Pakistan like that...so its different context and history....and you are somehow wanting to make everything so simple and the same....when it is really conflation.

Also are Pakistanis trying to drive the BD illegals there in (say Karachi) back to BD? They gave up at some point (I believe there is an account of one PIA planeload of illegals being refused to disembark after landing at Dhaka the one time in 90s?...and it had to fly back to Pakistan).

Lot of them have CNIC? cards and everything (and now I suppose NADRA), just like IDs and aadhar for India.

The prime issue for all countries is to secure their borders in first place and have good database registry of citizens. That is something common to all.

In fact I would say India is the one trying to actually identify and deport BD illegals more readily (compared to Pakistan)...with NRC exercise and so on. Pakistan immediate equivalency would be whatever process it does with Afghanistan.
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