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Why does Russia, population 146 million, have fewer coronavirus cases than Luxembourg?

a lot of chinese and asian tourists go to russia to praise communism . pointless and annoying tourists

russia acted early in coronavirus crisis and halted all flights from china. they only want the chinese for their money

this news was on RT Russia today
Might have something to do with their population density. Apart from in big cities like Moscow and St Petersberg, people like miles apart from each other. Just look at the size of that country, how can the virus spread when you have tens of thousands of sq kilometres of forest and wilderness in between villages and small towns.

another reason is russia is specially susceptible to epidemies like this because of long winter cold there


But it still has the most rapid AIDS infection rate in europe and one of the most negative population increases after Germany

What does the bhai bhai has to do with it---nothing---.

Seems like you don't understand the CDC or WHO---. They have the information months ahead of time---. Their analysts are studying each virus that has gone out of control and will go out of control depending at the level of potency and ease of spread---.

To these organizations---it was known what was coming---.

The problem was these medical entities making the govts believe in what was in the making---.

The CD informed its govt ahead of time---but the Trump organization did not believe them---. The chinese had their issues as well---.

The americans have the belief---we are strong---we are powerful---we will obliterate it---send a division of marines.

Well this time the Virus sent in Marine killers---.

The americans have a tendency to solve Virus problems with a US marine mindset---they have a habit of laughing off the problems and taking everything from a military weapons point of view---like we have better BVR weapons---we have standoff weapons---we have laser guided sh-t and what not.

The have all that but the only problem is that american do not have the brains to tackle this problem head on---ahead of time---in a proactive manner---american brains do not work on a proactive basis---.

If you look at their military excursions---they have a GENETIC reactive mentality---. They traditionally wait for the enemy to strike and then use their supposed GUNGHO mindset to tackle the enemy---.

Incidently & sadly---in this case---the Corona virus did not play by the american rules---and tragically---most of the world also was trying to act american and has paid a very heavy price---.

Nations like russia---acknowledged the problem and took action---.

The chinese almost acted like the americans---the wuhan police dept and other wuhan administrators---but then acted very fast after the fact to take charge---.

We Americans are freedom loving people. This virus is not going to scare us.

Rediscovering Russian America
Russian America has a population of 3.13 million people who call themselves Russian by reason of birth, background or ethnicity — just over one percent of the U.S. population of 304 million people

Not much traffic in Russia from and to the USA

Coincidence or a lead?

There's over 3 Million Russian-Americans in the US. If for some reason they aren't traveling back to visit relatives like other Europeans do it must be because Russia sucks even more than we can imagine.

Westerners don't go to Russia so Russia has been safe

There tons of Russian-Americans. They travel back to visit families just like Europeans do.
That's like saying Pakistani-Americans never visit Pakistan.

I'm quite positive there are far more Russians in the US than in China..but Russia didn't shut the US out in January...
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Large land area with sparse population density in places provides a degree of natural resistance to transmission assuming you prohibit travel between provinces early enough.
Rediscovering Russian America
Russian America has a population of 3.13 million people who call themselves Russian by reason of birth, background or ethnicity — just over one percent of the U.S. population of 304 million people

There's over 3 Million Russian-Americans in the US. If for some reason they aren't traveling back to visit relatives like other Europeans do it must be because Russia sucks even more than we can imagine.

There tons of Russian-Americans. They travel back to visit families just like Europeans do.
That's like saying Pakistani-Americans never visit Pakistan.

I'm quite positive there are far more Russians in the US than in China..but Russia didn't shut the US out in January...

that is interesting indeed. now i know there are more Jews in America than russians . that is of course if you disregard the Russian jews.
By you logic Russia should have been greatly impacted. The main culprits were not US
Not that's your "logic" not mine. Learn to read, assuming you are not just a strawmanning douchebag.

In fact by your an the other American paid shills logic the USA should have been impacted as little as Russia. Yet there is so much damage in the USA it can't cover it up anymore.
Not that's your "logic" not mine. Learn to read, assuming you are not just a strawmanning douchebag.

In fact by your an the other American paid shills logic the USA should have been impacted as little as Russia. Yet there is so much damage in the USA it can't cover it up anymore.

More people travel from China and EU to US than to Russia.
Seem like the latter was the case. I can play that game to:

The exact same amount of people travel to from China to US as to Russia.

3 million Chinese tourists visited the U.S. last year while only 1.5 million Chinese tourists visited Russia last year. This is excluding US citizens of Chinese Origin and Chinese students studying in US universities.

Also, places like Siberia do not have the same density of population like San Francisco or Los Angeles.

The reason why California has been badly hit is due to Chinese population and Chinese tourists.

US travel industry to Chinese tourists: What trade war?
US tourism marketing agencies redouble efforts to hold on to China market amid trade war
BANI SAPRA AP Business Writer
October 28, 2019, 1:20 PM
7 min read


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News headlines today: Mar. 20, 2020Catch up on the developing stories making headlines.

WASHINGTON -- Washington, D.C., has dangled hotel discounts tied to the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Arizona has promoted its outdoor attractions to draw visitors during another popular Chinese holiday.

San Francisco has expanded its social media presence on Chinese apps to market year-round travel to millennial tourists.

Across the country, the U.S. tourism industry is trying to counter one of the casualties of the trade war with China that is still raging despite a temporary truce this month: A drop in the flow of affluent Chinese visitors to the U.S. As the conflict has dragged on for 15 months with no meaningful breakthrough, the travel industry is trying to minimize the damage.

It has good reason. An enlarged Chinese middle class has become a lucrative market for the U.S. travel industry. Close to 3 million Chinese tourists visited the U.S. last year. And they spent liberally: An estimated average of $6,700 per person per trip — exceeding the average spending of international tourists by more than 50% — according to the U.S. Travel Association.

Concerns among U.S. tourism agencies have grown as Beijing has warned that Chinese travelers to the United States may face harassment. Compounding the problem is increased difficulty in obtaining U.S. visas.

The number of visitors from China dropped nearly 4% in the first half of this year after a nearly 6% drop in 2018. More broadly, the U.S. share of the global travel market has slipped in the past year, and travel and hospitality groups blame the trade conflicts and intensified competition from rival countries. To close the gap, they've urged the government to extend funding for the U.S. national tourism marketing agency and to work more closely with overseas trade fairs and tour groups.

At the same time, tourism marketing agencies for states and cities are hedging their bets by intensifying their outreach to countries other than China. Utah and Los Angeles, among others, are trying to expand their presence in nations like India, whose large and youthful middle class is seen as a potentially rich source of tourist dollars.

Yet there is no easy way to replace a drop in Chinese tourism. Some U.S. tourism agencies say they worry that Chinese travelers feel unwelcome in the country under the Trump administration. Warnings from Beijing about traveling to the U.S. have likely reinforced that view.

"With the trade war, with some of the travel warnings, with some of our visa challenges that we've had, we've seen a little bit of a dip in Chinese visitors," said Theresa Belpulsi, a senior official at Destination DC, the city's tourism marketing office.

Tourism is one of the few industries where the U.S. has enjoyed a substantial advantage over China. In 2018, Chinese tourists traveling to the U.S. spent $30 billion more than American tourists visiting China did. Yet that edge may be shrinking.

"The U.S. is just losing market share," said Adam Sacks, president of consulting company Tourism Economics. "Something's made the U.S. uncompetitive, and I would target the trade war as one of the reasons."

Larry Yu, a professor of hospitality management at George Washington University, warns that once impressions of an unwelcome environment take hold, they're hard to erase.

"The trade war creates a kind of environment in China that makes people think twice," Yu said. "Even though we know that Chinese demand is high, the current environment makes people substitute the U.S. for another place."

Beijing has issued two warnings to would-be visitors to the United States — one about gun violence, the other about harassment by U.S. law enforcement.

Visa approvals for Chinese visitors have meanwhile become more difficult. The rejection rate for Chinese tourist visa applications to the U.S. reached 17% in the 2018 fiscal year from a low of 8.5% in 2013.

Some tourism companies are feeling squeezed. DFS Hawaii, which operates duty-free stores in Hawaiian airports, plans to shed a quarter of its workforce and has pointed to a drop-off in tourists from China and elsewhere in Asia as a reason. As of August, Chinese tourist visits to Hawaii are down 27% this year.

"There is no foreseeable indication this will be reversed in the near term," said Tim DeLessio of the DFS Group, parent company of DFS Hawaii.

Sacks of Tourism Economics says he holds out hope that local travel marketing agencies can reverse the trend. The District of Columbia, for one, says its outreach to China has intensified. Destination DC's latest initiative — hotel discounts for the Lunar New Year early in 2020, with events and performances tailored for Chinese tourists — builds on a sister-city partnership with Beijing.

San Francisco's social media expansion to three new Chinese apps marks its latest effort to draw more Chinese tourists. Ads the city created and hosted on two popular Chinese apps, WeChat and Weibo, drove 12 million people to a contest promoting the city's landmarks, according to the San Francisco Travel Association.

Meanwhile, Arizona leveraged social media and Ctrip, a Chinese travel website, to urge visitors to check out the state's outdoor and wellness activities during the popular Golden Week holiday period this month.

But the number of Chinese who traveled abroad fell 15% during the week-long holiday compared with a year ago, according to the Chinese government. Many would-be tourists opted to stay home and experience the celebrations planned for the 70th anniversary of Communist Party rule.

At a gathering of industry CEOs in September, leading travel brands urged the government to stem the eroding U.S. share of the global market by guaranteeing future funding for Brand USA, a tourism marketing agency. Entry fees paid by international travelers entering the United States fund that agency. But its dedicated funding expires next year. If it does, tourism from China and other countries could drop, travel industry officials warn, and American jobs might be put at risk.

"Without Brand USA, we would be in an even worse situation vis-a-vis our international competitors," said Heather McCrory, CEO of Accor, a leading hotel group.

Even New York City, which enjoyed a surge in tourism this year thanks in part to the new Hudson Yards development and World Pride Day, has grown concerned about attracting Chinese visitors.

"We can't control the market conditions," said Christopher Heywood of NYC & Company, the city's official tourism marketing agency. "The geopolitics comes into play."

In the meantime, some U.S. competitors may gain an edge. The European Travel Commission, which says Europe welcomed 14 million Chinese last year, has joined with its Chinese counterparts at travel shows and partnered with Chinese celebrities to share videos and social media posts involving Europe.

American tourism agencies say they're seeking other potential sources of visitors in India and elsewhere. But Indian tourists are still less accustomed to traveling in the United States.

"There's a great deal of interest," said Jamie Foley of the Los Angeles Tourism and Convention Board. "But that comes with the understanding that India is very different from China."

Left with little choice, the U.S. travel industry is redoubling its efforts to engage with Chinese tourists while waiting out the trade war.

"The trade war's an important subject, but it's seen as a temporary setback," said Sage Brennan, co-founder of the consulting firm China Luxury Advisors. "Over the next 20 to 30 years, China is going to continue to impact and shape the tourism market."

Mindful of that likelihood, David O'Donnell of the Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau, said that city has built a pipeline of projects to try to drive tourism from China. Boston is working with China's Hainan Airlines to showcase the city and with Boston's airports to develop additional routes to China. It's also seeking partnerships with China Union Pay and Ctrip, the Chinese travel website.

"Are we concerned that the trade war may impact the travel trade?" O'Donnell said. 'Of course. Are we frustrated by new and more restrictive visa policies? Absolutely. But we know that Boston will always be very appealing to the China market. We are in to stay."


Russia raises eyebrows with blanket ban on Chinese visitors

Issued on: 19/02/2020 - 16:16Modified: 19/02/2020 - 16:14

Moscow (AFP)

Moscow is to impose a blanket ban on Chinese visitors over coronavirus fears in a move that will hit its tourism industry as experts question the need for such "draconian" measures.

Moscow will ban all Chinese citizens from entering its territory from Thursday. It has already halted visa-free tourism for Chinese nationals and stopped issuing them with work visas and suspended rail links and restricted air travel.

The country is a top destination for Chinese tourists and the range of restrictions is expected to hit the domestic tourism industry hard.

"Of course, there will be colossal losses," Irina Tyurina, spokeswoman for the Russian Union of the Tourism Industry, told AFP.

The Russian tourist industry will lose at least 2.8 billion rubles ($44 million) in February and March due to the travel restrictions, according to the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

Some 1.5 million Chinese tourists visited Russia last year, according to the association.

The two countries share a border more than 4,000 kilometres (2,500 miles) long and have in recent years played up their "strategic partnership" alliance that they present as a counterbalance to the West.

Russia currently does not have any coronavirus cases on its territory and the severity of the travel ban caught even seasoned China watchers by surprise.

- 'Draconian' -

Alexander Gabuev, chair of the Russia in the Asia-Pacific Programme at the Carnegie Moscow Center, said the "very dramatic hike" in precautionary measures was "draconian given the official virus situation in Russia."

"How can this jump be explained, given that Russia on (an) official level expresses support and admiration for Beijing's efforts to combat the virus?" he asked.

Two Chinese nationals who were diagnosed with the novel coronavirus in Siberia have already recovered.

The Kremlin dismissed suggestions that the Russian authorities may have gone overboard.

"All the necessary measures are being taken to prevent the coronavirus getting into and spreading across our country," President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Russia has ramped up restrictions even though the slowing numbers of new infections in China has been described by Chinese health officials as indicating that the outbreak is under control.

The new coronavirus epidemic has killed over 2,000 people in China and infected more than 74,000, and has spread to at least two dozen countries around the world.

The virus outbreak, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, presents an obstacle to Russia's ambitious plans to become one of the world's top 10 travel destinations and double tourism revenues to $25 billion by 2035.

Tourism experts say that Russia will try to replace Chinese tour groups -- drawn to the country by a weak ruble -- with visitors from the Middle East and Europe but will have to lower prices to lure new tourists.

Experts also say that Russian tour companies may try to use the ban to push out Chinese-owned companies that currently shepherd around Chinese groups.

"We don't rule out that the temporary ban on Chinese tourists in Russia could clean up this market," said the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

- 'Friend in need' -

Gabuev of the Carnegie Moscow Center suggested that the ban on Chinese visitors was a populist measure that could appeal to "latent Sinophobia (anti-Chinese prejudice) among Russians."

Newly-appointed Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin "wants to play it safe," he said.

Levada Centre, an independent polling agency, recently registered a drop in positive attitudes towards China.

Sixty-five percent of Russians said they viewed China favourably in late January, after the virus outbreak began, down from 72 percent in November, according to a Levada poll released Tuesday.

The ban will affect several thousand Chinese workers including skilled specialists, said Sergei Sanakoyev, head of the Russian-Chinese Analytical Centre, a Moscow-based think-tank.

Citing government sources, Sanakoyev said the ban was likely to be short-lived.

"We are talking a few weeks," he told AFP.

Yet he cautioned the restrictive measures could harm Russia's ties with China.

Beijing has sought to play down the ban, with foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang calling it "temporary measures".

But Sanakoyev said China would inevitably draw conclusions from Russia's moves.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed," he said.

© 2020 AFP

last year...
A pointlessly long wall of irrelevant text and unsubstantiated opinions dodging the facts. Let me repeat them for you.

The exact same amount of people travel from China to US as to Russia.

You just hate to admit the flaw in your "logic" or lets just call it what it is, cheap propaganda to frame and promote hostility towards China.
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A pointlessly long wall of irrelevant text and unsubstantiated opinions dodging the facts. Let me repeat them for you.

The exact same amount of people travel from China to US as to Russia.

You just hate to admit the flaw in your "logic" or lets just call it what it is, cheap propaganda to frame and promote hostility towards China.

Facts are facts. I gave you proof with numbers yet you would just continue with your propaganda. Carry on!
Facts are facts. I gave you proof with numbers yet you would just continue with your propaganda.
Your irrelevant "proof with numbers" and unsubstatiated opinions do not contradict this fact:

The exact same amount of people travel from China to US as to Russia.

Yet despite this fact, you continue your propaganda.
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