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Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

No. From Kashmir - let me tell you this hatred is limited to Srinagar and some hotspots only. Rest don't care much about this Hindu hatred.

But yes, we know you hate Hindus.
And oh, yes - Kashmir's demographic change is now getting interesting. The Sunni Muslim share of the population is down to 66% and coming down. This news might give you a sleepless night or two. :devil:

Mate I have never met a Kashmiri who dosent hate india or hindu's,,, even the ones from the India side, even the ones who have voted in elections and partaken in governance hate india..
Give Kashmir the freedom to go to Pakistan and South Asia could be strong & United...

Otherwise the eternal goal of Pakistan will be to get Kashmir and hurt India,,

Indian could possibly be a world power but its enemies will always have a ready made sword in the form of Pakistan at its neck.

Free Kashmir and it could all change

Kashmir is much safer place to live compared to Pakistani city like Karachi.
Mate I have never met a Kashmiri who dosent hate india or hindu's,,, even the ones from the India side, even the ones who have voted in elections and partaken in governance hate india..

Mate, who cares? What is your point?

People are free to love and hate anyone and anything in India.
They want freedom from India, not just be free to hate india.

And aslong as they are not free they will fight, we will support them and their will never be peace
They want freedom from India, not just be free to hate india.

And aslong as they are not free they will fight, we will support them and their will never be peace

You can't do squat. Not even if you were sitting in Pakistan, which you conveniently are not, while waging cyber J.ihad on us. Get a grip and come to your senses. This is the world's 4 largest and most powerful military you are talking about. Where do you stand?
It is funny that you folks always end up meeting with more Kashmiris than we do here. :rofl:
Nothing to say. Live in your world of hate. Protect it, lest it's walls are shattered by a gust of wind of love and affection.
Mate I have never met a Kashmiri who dosent hate india or hindu's,,, even the ones from the India side, even the ones who have voted in elections and partaken in governance hate india..

You can't do squat. Not even if you were sitting in Pakistan, which you conveniently are not, while waging cyber J.ihad on us. Get a grip and come to your senses. This is the world's 4 largest and most powerful military you are talking about. Where do you stand?

Raging a war against TTP and gloriously losing :D
They want freedom from India, not just be free to hate india.

And aslong as they are not free they will fight, we will support them and their will never be peace

why cant you help them by taking the people who want freedom from India to your part of kashmir so that they can have freedom and live happily i know you are truly worried about them you give sh!t about the land.that is the least they expect from you.Plz help them
Pakistan's philosophy is majoritarian; leaders from Jinnah to Zia held that areas where they declared Muslims were a majority were places they believed should come under Pakistani sovereignty and that under such Muslims should have special rights over non-Muslims. (It differs from superficially-similar Israel in two particular ways: authority and mediation are preferred over law and minorities don't have enforceable rights but only a revocable tolerance.)

As Z.A.B. put it after he learned otherwise in the 1965 war, it is an article of faith among Pakistanis that Muslims in border areas w/India would want to be part of Pakistan; otherwise, they weren't really Muslims. Rather than correct the mis-education of the Pakistani populace, he reinforced and utilized it to achieve power by labeling the people of East Pakistan as Hindus, Ahmadis as non-Muslims, etc. Zia continued the program, making it even more extreme. Pakistan still suffers from the messed-up minds so created.

So much nonsense in one post - custom tailored for your coterie of Indian groupies.

I especially liked the gratuitous self-promotion of Israel.

Keep the comedy coming...
They want freedom from India, not just be free to hate india.

And aslong as they are not free they will fight, we will support them and their will never be peace

You wont get an inch of Indian land, keep hitting your head against the wall, i actually enjoy your frustration :lol:
why cant you help them by taking the people who want freedom from India to your part of kashmir so that they can have freedom and live happily i know you are truly worried about them you give sh!t about the land.that is the least they expect from you.Plz help them

They are Kashmiri's they have their own homes and lands, give them freedom not just to hate India, not just to hate hindu's but be away from them to join their land with Pakistan....

I am a kashmiri and you will never understand the hatred we have for India, its not just natural its the consequence of over 50 years of occupation.

India's occupation has insured their will never be peace in the subcontinent and we weaken ourselves by being enemies. Free Kashmir, Free the kashmiri people & make the sub continent strong

Alternative will be that enemies of the subcontinet will use this issue to keep Pakistan gunning for India
There are significant minorities of Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir so why should only Muslims decide the fate of Kashmir. I highly doubt that the minorities in Kashmir want to join Pakistan or have an independant country. I think the logic of most Kashmir secessionist supporters(Pakistanis) is flawed.

Because they feel that they have the sole right to demand things while everything else is justified in the name of religion. The constitution of J&K still doesn't allow the Hindus, you or us to hold the post of CM whereas no other state has such a communal state law.

It is sometimes amusing to see with what vehemence those of Secular ideology blame the right wing nationalists of 'communal' incitement while conveniently have no answers for this outrage going on for years.

And that too after 30,000 Buddhists, 6 lakh Kashmiri pandits and almost 50,000 sikhs were brutally massacred and exiled out of the state.

But as per the Secularists' religion, it is all justified and right.

;Alternative will be that enemies of the subcontinet will use this issue to keep Pakistan gunning for India

Only as long as Pakistan lasts as a single entity which seems even more grim by the close of this decade.
They are Kashmiri's they have their own homes and lands, give them freedom not just to hate India, not just to hate hindu's but be away from them to join their land with Pakistan....

I am a kashmiri and you will never understand the hatred we have for India, its not just natural its the consequence of over 50 years of occupation.

India's occupation has insured their will never be peace in the subcontinent and we weaken ourselves by being enemies. Free Kashmir, Free the kashmiri people & make the sub continent strong

Alternative will be that enemies of the subcontinet will use this issue to keep Pakistan gunning for India

Your post sounds as if yor are stressing for land.Since you claim to be Kashmiri tell me what do you mean by freedom lets take one step at a time.
Give Kashmir the freedom to go to Pakistan and South Asia could be strong & United...

Otherwise the eternal goal of Pakistan will be to get Kashmir and hurt India,,

Indian could possibly be a world power but its enemies will always have a ready made sword in the form of Pakistan at its neck.

Free Kashmir and it could all change

Oh you warning has us pinned to the ground. :lol:

Get a life kid. Look at your Pakistan and how bad it is. Do you really want to continue this over for more years? We retaliated as we pleased throughout the time in Cold War when our economy and industry were the weakest in our modern history. What makes you think you will get your chance now?

A temporary setback by a weak and disliked regime in Delhi? :azn:
why cant you help them by taking the people who want freedom from India to your part of kashmir so that they can have freedom and live happily i know you are truly worried about them you give sh!t about the land.that is the least they expect from you.Plz help them

Exactly. Very well said.

Open the doors of Aazaad Kashmir for Kashmiri Muslims and make them free.

If Pakistan can claim Kashmir calling it the jugular vein of Pakistan, the whole world can claim Middle East calling it the jugular vein of world as it contains oil and hence the whole world should annex the Middle East and deprive the local residents there of any citizenship rights and drive them into other Muslim countries where there is no oil.

There are 15000 mosques in Indian Kashmir for just 7 million Muslims constantly blaring Arabic chants on loudspeakers. If that is oppression in the eyes of some people, India should dismantle all but 1000 mosques in Kashmir and make the people of Kashmir truly liberated from constant noise and jihaadi pollution by incomprehensible Arabic language. Turkey is 99% Muslim but even the Turks do not allow Arabic for call to prayer in Turkish mosques.

India is a very soft state and too complacent and tolerant of certain religious fanatics and hence is paying the price for its perceived weakness.

You have a woman known as Black Widow Andrabi who openly advocates Islamic Sharia law in Kashmir ranting on Indian TV and newspapers and says she will go to conduct jihad in other countries like China to bring Xinjiang and Kashmir under Islamic Ummah and what not.. See her interview on net to so many newspapers to know the real face of this decadent burqa clad murderer Black Widow who openly supports Muslim militants in Kashmir. AND YET SHE IS VERY HAPPILY ALIVE and thriving in Indian Kashmir AND NOT TORTURED TO INVALIDITY.

What more proof do you need to dismantle the Islamic radical network of mosques and other structures???

The whole world hates bloodsucking inhuman Muslims but yet some cunning Sufi-type Pakistani Muslims say Kashmiri/whatever type Muslims hate HIndus, Indians etc.
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