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Why Does India Need So Many Warships, Submarines and Aircraft Carriers ?

Indian navy is the only part of Indian armed forces that have got their procurement process right
not over stepping their capabilities in local production of equipment and slowly building in house capabilities

Well, they actively work with the developer on subsystems, systems. The other two arent as sync with the developer or manufacturer(DRDO and OFB arent great either), dont even know wtf they want half the time(requirement changes), even elements within them actively lobby for outside OEMs.

With that said, they will catch up, it's the private sector that will force/quicken this change, through good or bad/selfish means.
Who said that India is peaceful...? We are only peaceful until our conditions and needs are met. If someone interferes with our interests then it’s game on. We should thank our aggressive neighbors for this, they have given us ample of experience in the last 70 years.

Ghandi’s Peaceful India is not possible in our present neighborhood.

Even Gandhi carried a stick to keep dogs away.
According to a recent report, the Union government has approved the induction of 56 new warships and six submarines for the Indian Navy. This has apparently been done to augment the Indian Navy’s overall prowess while the country’s first indigenous aircraft carrier Vikrant has entered its final phase of construction.

Addressing a press conference on the eve of Navy Day, Navy chief Admiral Sunil Lamba said on Monday that “a great deal of progress” had been made on ensuring synergy and “jointness” among the three services. He also listed the various steps being taken to modernize his force including the induction of a large fleet of military jet planes and helicopters, adding that the construction of a second aircraft carrier is expected to start within three years.

Admiral Lamba’s statements on the expansion of the Indian Navy could well lead people to wonder whether the Indian Navy was expecting an attack from some enemy country. All world leaders had realized the futility of war in an age when so many countries had acquired nuclear weapons. There was every reason to believe that the entire world had learnt its lessons from Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

So why does a country like India need 56 additional warships or an additional aircraft carrier? Fifty-six new warships and six more submarines are going to cost the kind of money that could fund a few hundred health centres and schools.

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Does a ‘peace-loving’ country need so many more warships and submarines unless it is planning for war or expecting an attack from some enemy country?
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The navy is militarising, the process will begin from the middle of the next decade.
The navy is militarising, the process will begin from the middle of the next decade.
In recent past, defence forces were returning unutilised amounts, they will use that. How can you ask such lame question?
Okay so where is India going to get money for 56 ships? Few more farmer suicides will do the job. :(
WASHINGTON: The US Treasury Department has informed Congress that Pakistan will pay off an International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout before its loans from China become due.

“We think the maturity of the Chinese debt comes after the IMF would have been repaid,” the Treasury’s undersecretary for international affairs, David Malpass, told a US Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Tuesday.

“From the standpoint of IMF money being used to pay Chinese money,” that was not the main US concern, he said. “A challenge is to find the programme that would cause a substantial economic reform in Pakistan” and allow it to “survive the financial terms” attached to it.

The assurance from a senior US Treasury official eases concerns that Pakistan may use the IMF loan to repay China and Chinese banks.

While informing the panel that an IMF team had just returned from Pakistan after talks on a possible bailout package, Malpass also gave a rare insight into the negotiations.

“One of the things we are pushing hard for is full transparency of the debt,” he said. “One of the challenges is that ... in many cases they haven’t disclosed the terms of the debt — that means the interest rates, the maturity, and when it would have to be repaid,” he said.

US, he said, was “pushing back on very hard” to change this practice and had raised its concern at various international financial platforms. Pakistan is negotiating with the IMF the terms of its second bailout since 2013, a loan package valued at somewhere between $6 billion to $12 billion — according to reports in the Pakistani and international media. Pakistan expects the deal to be finalised by mid January.

Finance Minister Asad Umar, however, told reporters on Wednesday that Pakistan was no more in a rush to finalise the deal as it can now afford a two-month delay. “We aren’t in hurry,” he said. “We are covered even if it delays for two months.”
Okay so where is India going to get money for 56 ships? Few more farmer suicides will do the job. :(
Good question, we only have about 2.2 trillion dollars. Nowhere near as much as the shupa powa Pakistan,
Are engine's, radars and other systems on ship indigenous? I suspect not.
Engine's: partially, diesels are licences produced whereas GT are imported though we are working on kaveri marine gas turbine

Radars : partially, we have PESA navel radars but no AESA variant but it will in next 2-3 years
if you go through this you will understand

Weapons: Again partially, ASW is fully indigenous whereas AShM or SAM is partially indigenous
Engine's: partially, diesels are licences produced whereas GT are imported though we are working on kaveri marine gas turbine

We license produce the LM2500.

partially, we have PESA navel radars but no AESA variant but it will in next 2-3 years
if you go through this you will understand

AESA radars are coming up, but we don't have any PESA naval radars.

We already have a new AESA radar from BEL, although the T/R modules come from Saab.

Apart from that BEL has also made the Naval Missile Defence Radar. No clue if it's with Indian modules or imported.

Our first indigenous ship radar may come up with the navy's new SRSAM program from DRDO. So it's still a while away. The navy is relying on foreign radars for now.
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