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Why do people want Ottoman empire back?

everyone wants the Ottoman back, get your facts right btw, it won't be just Ottomans, the middle east as well and I believe it's coming. Erdogan doesn't control the military cos the general is an idiot who supports secularism. He tried arresting some that attempted to do military coup like why do u think Stalin killed so many generals lol and may I ask Erodgan is an Islamic PKK then how did he win?

Excuse me? What's with the everyone? If you wanted unity, go to Turkey and get their nationality yourself!
@BLACKEAGLE :raise: i've a question?

why mostly people are against to uthman empire?
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Not only who are wealthy, but also most of Arabs, talking about reviving Ottoman empire is more of an insult. Friendly relations are okay but nothing more than that.

until there is no oil more. The current arap world is a insult. I dont have to write much. Go think where did we failed.

We need to divide and rule that **** bro. Uniting the middle-east will only cause problems for us.

Do you think other Turkic world think the same?

git aralarindaki solculardan, sagcilardan bilmem neci akimlarin goruslerini sor. Bizleri Turk olarak bile gormeyenler var. Hayal dunyasinda yasiyorsun. Bir iki devlet kurumu toplanip sag sola cici bici mesajlari verip bu is olmas. Once siyasi bir birlik olmali. Oyle pat Turkuz diye birlesilmes. Birlesmek istedikleride yok haa onuda bil.
At the time when Ottoman empire fell Pakistan used to be the part of UNITED INDIA. but muslims at the that time protested agaisnt british attack.
but now its much complicated issue. majority in Pakistan we want islamic system and an islamic block. but such empire is far away.
@BLACKEAGLE :raise: i've a question?

why mostly people are against to uthman empire?

Let me pass, I answered this question many times. However, calling for Ottoman empire is more of an insult because it shows Arabs as if they were incompetent and were found to be ruled by others, although Turkey had not been that far off from Arab countries before 2000 and they only have recently started considerable development in all fields, nevertheless they still have problems. Despite the mess in Arab world, many of them are doing great, especially, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Morocco and Algeria, the others are going through a transitional phase after Arab spring in their countries, and that was pretty much expected. All nations around the world as will as people on personal levels have ups and downs in different stages of their life, and that doesn't mean to give up. Arab world is great as it has always been and will get back greater.
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Let me pass, I answered this question many times. However, calling for Ottoman empire is more of an insult because it shows Arabs as if they were incompetent and were found to be ruled by others, although Turkey had not been that far off from Arab countries before 2000 and they only have recently started considerable development in all fields, nevertheless they still have problems. Despite the mess in Arab world, many of them are doing great, especially, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Morocco and Algeria, the others are going through a transitional phase after Arab spring in their countries, and that was pretty much expected. All nations around the world as will as people on personal levels have ups and downs in different stages of their life, and that doesn't mean to give up. Arab world is great as it has always been and will get back greater.

Well you did stab them in the back when they needed Unity the most & conspired with their enemies against your fellow Muslims !
Well you did stab them in the back when they needed Unity the most & conspired with their enemies against your fellow Muslims !

Let's say for argument sake we "stabbed" them, what do you want now? A unity with you or them? No, not an option. Not because we don't believe in it, the idea itself is dubious and only desperate people want it to happen. And plz, spare me, we had enough discussions about this.
What happened to Ottomon family after the end of the dynasty.
Well you did stab them in the back when they needed Unity the most & conspired with their enemies against your fellow Muslims !

Nobody stabbed anyone in the back. The first 800 years of the Caliphate it was under Arab control and it was also during that time that the Golden Age of Islam took place and all the Muslim conquests and main victories.

How do you think that the Ottomans even became Caliphs in the first place? They took the place from the Abbasids who ruled by name only in Egypt after they were forced to flee during the Mongol Siege of Baghdad.

Secondly the Sharifs of Makkah (Hashemites) had already ruled Hejaz for nearly 1000 straight years when the Ottomans collapsed. Frankly speaking the Ottomans were more Sultans than real Caliphs in the last decades. The last Caliphs were only "Caliphs" by name. Hence why it collapsed from within.

Also the Ottomans never controlled all the Arab lands. Only the Levant and Iraq and coastal regions of North Africa. That was mostly the main cities only and they were governed by Mamluks or local Arab leaders in the name of the Ottomans. The presence in Hejaz (Makkah and Madinah) was only by name because the Hashemites ruled de facto.

It's history. No Arab is bitching about how we lost the Caliphate 500 years ago after ruling it as Caliphs for 800 straight years since the death of Prophet Muhammad (saws).

The Ottomans were no angels either. Also like under the Arab Caliphate the non-Arab areas were not under full Arab control but had their own rulers who only payed respect to the Arab Caliph but dealt with their own business.

Same in the Arab and non-Arab areas who were under the nominal control of the Ottomans.

Honestly I don't think that there ever will be one righteous Caliph again. It would be better to have leading clerics from each Muslim country in some short of cooperation where a "Caliph" (call it leader or what you want) could be elected once in a while, so ultimately every Muslim country would "rule" at least once every 20-30 years or so. At least among us Sunnis. After all the Shias don't recognize a Caliphate.

I don't see any other option in 2013 although it would be easy just to say that it would happen smoothly.
Ottoman Empire is long gone. If there is going to be a unification that won't be with conquering countries, appointing governors and submitting these countries under Turkish rule.

Turkey offered foreign development aid worth $2.63 billion to about 100 countries around the world in 2011.

In 2011, South and Central Asian countries received 46 percent of this aid, while the Middle East received 23 percent, Africa 22 percent and Balkan states 6.3 percent. Countries that received the greatest amount aid were Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Palestine.

Lately on Tv Erdogan told " We are no more the taking hand, we are the giving hand and giving hand always bests the taking hand."

My definition of the Union of the ME countries is acting together on world affairs, knitting strong economic and military relationships within ourselves, and protecting each others interests.

An example: Egypt vows to cancel Egypt-Greek Cyprus EEZ deal. The reason is the draft law calls for the creation of new borders surrounding the economic zone in the presence of Turkey as a third party.

Report: Egypt vows to cancel Egypt-Greek Cyprus EEZ deal

With its economic and military power Turkey has the most potential to lead the Me countries. Erdogan always plays big and i think he has a similar idea. Time will tell.
Ottoman Empire is long gone. If there is going to be a unification that won't be with conquering countries, appointing governors and submitting these countries under Turkish rule.

Turkey offered foreign development aid worth $2.63 billion to about 100 countries around the world in 2011.

In 2011, South and Central Asian countries received 46 percent of this aid, while the Middle East received 23 percent, Africa 22 percent and Balkan states 6.3 percent. Countries that received the greatest amount aid were Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Palestine.

Lately on Tv Erdogan told " We are no more the taking hand, we are the giving hand and giving hand always bests the taking hand."

My definition of the Union of the ME countries is acting together on world affairs, knitting strong economic and military relationships within ourselves, and protecting each others interests.

An example: Egypt vows to cancel Egypt-Greek Cyprus EEZ deal. The reason is the draft law calls for the creation of new borders surrounding the economic zone in the presence of Turkey as a third party.

Report: Egypt vows to cancel Egypt-Greek Cyprus EEZ deal

With its economic and military power Turkey has the most potential to lead the Me countries. Erdogan always plays big and i think he has a similar idea. Time will tell.

I don't think Turkey would lead anything, it wouldn't be allowed to. Turkey had been an Israeli and west ally for decades, nevertheless, it was as important as Bahrain in ME and world policy. However, ever since it switched sides into a pro-Arab it's importance and influence multiplied by a hundred times, thanx to the great relations with Arabs. Therefore, Turkey tried the pro-Israel path and then a pro-Arab and witnessed the difference as well as the overwhelming positive effects on it's economy and political clout. Whoever thinks that Turkey can work independently in the region can take a good long look at Iran, or Turkey before 7 years ago. Turkish donations to Arab countries especially Iraq and Libya can be called a good well gesture that led to multi-billion projects granted to Turkish firms in those countries, so, Turkey benefited much more from Arabs. BTW, it was the Turkish firm GAMA that constructed the Disi Water Conveyance Project at a total cost of USD 1.1 billion in Jordan..:enjoy:
Well yaar arabs chose to be nationalistic and everyone has seen the fruits of their decision.

Bro, please read this below before making such statements. Aside from that then far from all Arab countries adopted Arab nationalism. I don't understand the concept since we Arabs don't need any nationalism since we are proud people from nature and care about other fellow Arabs. Not any different from all ethnic groups/people. Differences between each other or among each other or not.

Nobody stabbed anyone in the back. The first 800 years of the Caliphate it was under Arab control and it was also during that time that the Golden Age of Islam took place and all the Muslim conquests and main victories.

How do you think that the Ottomans even became Caliphs in the first place? They took the place from the Abbasids who ruled by name only in Egypt after they were forced to flee during the Mongol Siege of Baghdad.

Secondly the Sharifs of Makkah (Hashemites) had already ruled Hejaz for nearly 1000 straight years when the Ottomans collapsed. Frankly speaking the Ottomans were more Sultans than real Caliphs in the last decades. The last Caliphs were only "Caliphs" by name. Hence why it collapsed from within.

Also the Ottomans never controlled all the Arab lands. Only the Levant and Iraq and coastal regions of North Africa. That was mostly the main cities only and they were governed by Mamluks or local Arab leaders in the name of the Ottomans. The presence in Hejaz (Makkah and Madinah) was only by name because the Hashemites ruled de facto.

It's history. No Arab is bitching about how we lost the Caliphate 500 years ago after ruling it as Caliphs for 800 straight years since the death of Prophet Muhammad (saws).

The Ottomans were no angels either. Also like under the Arab Caliphate the non-Arab areas were not under full Arab control but had their own rulers who only payed respect to the Arab Caliph but dealt with their own business.

Same in the Arab and non-Arab areas who were under the nominal control of the Ottomans.

Honestly I don't think that there ever will be one righteous Caliph again. It would be better to have leading clerics from each Muslim country in some short of cooperation where a "Caliph" (call it leader or what you want) could be elected once in a while, so ultimately every Muslim country would "rule" at least once every 20-30 years or so. At least among us Sunnis. After all the Shias don't recognize a Caliphate.

I don't see any other option in 2013 although it would be easy just to say that it would happen smoothly.
Why do people want Ottoman empire back? Didn't that empire fail because of bad policies?

Why do people want Stalin back, why is the past always so much better than the present?

It's not surprising. After the anarchy that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, a period when democracy came to represent confusion, crime, poverty, oligarchy, anger and disappointment, it turned out that Russians didn't like their new, "free" selves. Having for centuries had no sense of self-esteem outside the state, we found ourselves wanting our old rulers back, the rulers who provided a sense of order, inspired patriotic fervor and the belief that we were a great nation.

We yearned for monumental -- if oppressive -- leaders, like Ivan the Terrible or Stalin. Yes, they killed and imprisoned, but how great were our victories and parades! So what if Stalin ruled by fear? That was simply a fear for one's life. However terrifying, it wasn't as existentially threatening as the fear of freedom, of individual choice, with no one but oneself to blame if democracy turned into disarray and capitalism into corruption.

Why Russia Still Loves Stalin
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