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Why do people in subcontinent marry cousins?

First of all there is no conclusive evidence that first cousin marriage is a recipe of genetically mutated offsprings. Secondly, I myself hold a MS in Biochemistry with distinction, PhD in Molecular Microbiology with 11 international awards, a Post-Doctorate in Molecular Virology and currently an Assistant Professor. Please do not tell me about Bio-Medical Science as this is what I do, eat and sleep.

And as far as my Philosophy of faith is concerned, my faith has never come between me and my quest for scientific knowledge because there is nothing in my faith that clashes with Science. Science depends on faith, faith does not require Science for its existence.

It seems someone doesn't really wanna get married with his/her cousins, poor soul :rofl::rofl::rofl:
First of all there is no conclusive evidence that first cousin marriage is a recipe of genetically mutated offsprings. Secondly, I myself hold a MS in Biochemistry with distinction, PhD in Molecular Microbiology with 11 international awards, a Post-Doctorate in Molecular Virology and currently an Assistant Professor. Please do not tell me about Bio-Medical Science as this is what I do, eat and sleep.

And as far as my Philosophy of faith is concerned, my faith has never come between me and my quest for scientific knowledge because there is nothing in my faith that clashes with Science. Science depends on faith, faith does not require Science for its existence.

There might not be conclusive evidence but there is evidence which suggests this.

India/Pakistan marriges amount cousins is generally aceptable

Incest is considered only between brother/sisters of "same parents" which is not allowed.

Sometimes cousins simply are just too close so they personally do not agree which is fine as well. But marrying distance cousins is nothing out of norm.

Most of the inbreeding tags are applicable to brother/sister of same parents which are forbidden in all faiths

Scientifically only 1-2% chance of any problems in such relations
I have seen many so called "exploration marriages" but you also have case of chid defects and diseses like Autism and other issues.
So the scientific research can't guarentee that if you marry outside your child will be disease proof.

Society in Subcontinent is not designed to the contant mix and match that has been prevalant in Western society (Also known as dating)
it has resulted in greater risk to health of males and also has disrupted social sector with unpresidented divorces

Also advantage of marrying with in your family is you know the "Character of the person" , the guy would not be some retard who has no culture. And also you have cases where the women gets abused in other family (spouce/mother in law problems)

Similarly there is no restriction on marrying out side of your circle

I personally find more problems in the mix and match culture in non cultured societies

If our religion says thou shall not marry cousins great problem solved we don't need to mold our own identifies based on western values and forget who we are muslims first

Muslim first - useless worries of western culture what we should do or not do comes secondry

There is good mix of both type of cases in our society so we have a good system
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Its really weird that parents select the life partners for their children even if their interests are not compatible, and don't even admire each others looks, these are very wrong decisions that our parents take, Parents don't know their children, i mean sexual desires.... i wont elaborate any further:azn: however marrying with cousins also involve diseases risk. Thanks heaven i took control of my life. :yahoo:
Research downplays risk of cousin marriages

By Richard Willing, USA TODAY

Marriage between first cousins, long a major legal, social and religious taboo, is far less likely to produce abnormal children than is commonly believed, a study by leading genetics researchers says.

"Stigma still attaches to these unions," says Robin Bennett, a genetics counselor at the University of Washington and the study's lead author.

"But there's no good social or biological reason that should be. There's a lot of misinformation out there that is really holding back some cousins who want to try to have children," Bennett says.

Bennett's team, which included researchers from Stanford University and the National Society of Genetic Counselors, spent more than two years studying health statistics on the offspring of first-cousin marriages in North America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

The researchers concluded that children of marriages between cousins inherited recessive genetic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease, in 7% to 8% of cases. For the general population, the rate was 5%.

The study suggests that doctors and genetics counselors not discourage cousins from procreating. Instead, it says, they should take family disease histories and offer ordinary genetic services such as fetal and newborn disease testing.

The study is in the April edition of the Journal of Genetic Counseling.

Despite the findings, some genetics specialists say they will continue to urge caution.

"A 7 to 8% chance (of genetic disorder) is 50% greater than a 5% chance," says Philip Reilly, geneticist and author of Abraham Lincoln's DNA, a popular history of human genetics.

"That's a significant difference. People counseling first cousins who want to marry need to be very careful and clear on this," Reilly says.

Scientists say there are at least 5,000 diseases caused by inherited mutations called recessive genes. Possessing a single copy of the mutation is often harmless, but if a copy is inherited from each parent, the result can be death or chronic disease. Because first cousins share a pair of grandparents, the chances are greater that each will pass a copy of a "bad gene" to their child, triggering the disorder.

Cousin marriage has been widespread in rural societies, where it serves to keep money and property within families. The practice is still popular in much of the Muslim world, including Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Genetics researcher Alan Bittles estimates that 20% of marriages worldwide are between relatives who are first cousins.

Genetics counselors say there are no exact figures for the USA, but experience suggests that about one marriage in 1,000 is between first cousins. Jewish and Christian traditions discourage cousin marriage. The Roman Catholic Church requires cousins to get special permission before they marry.

In Brooklyn, N.Y., a rabbi maintains a database that allows Jews to see whether a potential marriage partner carries the recessive gene for Tay-Sachs, a fatal enzyme disorder that is prevalent in Jewish families.

Thirty states do not permit first-cousin marriages.
Most Hindus srtictly do not allow such practice (read abt the gotra concept). But I know some do, I think maternal uncle's daughter is game ;) for them.

Where I come from such a suggestion is blasphemous.

@ Azadpakistani - don't make up facts. For Hindus cousin marriage is generally unacceptable.
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Its really weird that parents select the life partners for their children even if their interests are not compatible, and don't even admire each others looks, these are very wrong decisions that our parents take, Parents don't know their children, i mean sexual desires.... i wont elaborate any further:azn: however marrying with cousins also involve diseases risk. Thanks heaven i took control of my life. :yahoo:

There is nothing weird in parents selecting for their children. Parents raise the children with great difficulty and hardships and they are not fools to let their children into trouble. Once you become a parent yourself you will know what I am talking about, so the hardships parents endure in raising their children, this one happiness to choose something for their children is their right.

And as for your other 2 concerns, naturally and as per Islamic point of view, the couple should be shown to each other and their agreement to accepting each other based on looks should be taken, and as for knowing each other, well let it be left after marriage, as that is the real fun compared to knowing each other before marriage as after marriage no fun left in exploring each other personalities.

And as for your sexual desire thingy, have no idea what you mean by that :P but once looks are accepted, that thingy of yours should get satisfied too :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And yeah arranged marriages are more fun and work better then the other alternative.
Generally Europe is more interested with Birth Rate of Muslims

Becasue we have happier and longer marriges

a) Muslim Marriges are more successful
b) Less rates of divorce
c) Our kids do way better in school the other
d) Also world most tallest guy was also Pakistani
not long ago Alam Channa etc

So please ... its very hard to see the greatness in our culture if you are an Athiest anyways cus you have no meaning to your life

So obviously these issues are brought up to take the debate form the real debate which is why there is high rate of suicide in western universities and peopel aged 20-25 are commiting suicide failed relationships and problems finding a partner in the so called PERFECT system. If the other system was so perfect why do you have Jenifer Aniston still running around single

The british politicians are interested to stop more successful marriges in Muslim household so that Muslims do not have increased numbers so we can effect the politics (democracy etc)

This is the real issue , genetic problems are part of life no one knows who will be 100% suffering

We know what is forbidden in our religion Sistser/brother marriges

Cousins are distance family not your immediate family

The whole Hijab issue is also to destroy muslim house hold nothing more they have already fu_k up their own house holds and family system now they are interested in messing with Muslim system of family and life style

What happened to best couple in Britian Diana + Prince charles ?? Yes you guess it she chose Muslim guy in end becasue she got sick of the Stupid Britsh system, Untill she was assasinated by British Monarchy

Every freakin Western family I see is divorce or family is in shatters ...
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Most Hindus srtictly do not allow such practice (read abt the gotra concept). But I know some do, I think maternal uncle's daughter is game ;) for them.

Where I come from such a suggestion is blasphemous.

@ Azadpakistani - don't make up facts. For Hindus cousin marriage is generally unacceptable.

cousin marriage is acceptable in Hindus of south india.... its not in North india..
Most Hindus srtictly do not allow such practice (read abt the gotra concept). But I know some do, I think maternal uncle's daughter is game ;) for them.

Where I come from such a suggestion is blasphemous.

@ Azadpakistani - don't make up facts. For Hindus cousin marriage is generally unacceptable.

lol hahaha I saw a indian guy in Uni he introduced a skinny girl as sister/cousin and by 3rd year they were married hey I have no problem with it PERSONAL account not a story

Again .. I don't say one form is better then other if not then why are there so many cases of

a) Asthma /Breathing disorder
b) Autism (learning disorder)
c) People like Bush/Dick Chaney

In US/Canada/Europe ..

Are they all in breeding too ? I don't think so

So please ... there is good and bad in both

Provided no one is FORCED into marriges that is the only wrong thing marrigaes should be concent of girl/boy and that is it
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please dont generalise to the entire sub-continent.

as has been mentioned, the gotra system is strictly followed in northern india. there have even been cases where the couple were killed by the villagers because both were from the same gotra.

the gotra system is not followed as strictly in south india where the marriages to second cousins are sometimes allowed to marry.

in the prevalent culture of gujrat you cant even marry someone in your village, so all brides come from other villages. this is just another example of the inbreeding taboo being extended further.
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