MS, Amazon and Google will come to Bangladesh for different reasons. Which has little to do with the reasons they came to India for.
You don't understand yet you are still judging - so typical.
MS, Amazon and Google came to India some years ago to support the backoffice businesses of TCS, Infosys, WIPRO and others. This is because local Indian cloud services operators were late to come to the picture, even though backoffice business was flourishing even a decade ago. It was an urgent need. Now the story has changed, plenty of Indian companies are getting into that game.
Bangladesh invested 350 crore in that single national datacenter (built by ZTE) so it wouldn't have to rent processing or storage capacity from either Indian nor other Asian datacenters. Dutch Bangla also has a huge fintech operation running locally in their datacenter. More and larger private datacenters are already planned. Govt. NDC will be doubled in size in another two years.
It is hilarious coming from a Shakuni Mama who is wishing that Bangladesh will not get datacenter while India is just now getting them. Dada - Shakuner dowa-tey goru morena...
Also, when local data processing needs skyrocket (which is already happening because of large scale digitization of govt. functions), MS, Google and Amazon will be there to provide cloud storage and processing services for a fee. Don't worry - we can afford their rates.
Shakuni Mamas like yourself may end up working for services sold to Bangladesh by these cloud providers anyway.