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Why dis Pakistani tec never failed?

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The reason that our tests don't fail and get to public is because we do what you can call dry tests. Heavy computer simulations etc etc, and the actual test is at the last moment when everything is trusted to work 95%.

BTW< Icarus, Aeronaut was being sarcastic!!!
The reason that our tests don't fail and get to public is because we do what you can call dry tests. Heavy computer simulations etc etc, and the actual test is at the last moment when everything is trusted to work 95%.

BTW< Icarus, Aeronaut was being sarcastic!!!

good, if you really believe that. my conjecture is most people here have no idea of testing protocols for aero-structures to begin with.
The reason why Pakistani tech does not fail, or rather does not appear to fail is because we do not release information about it until it's in operational phase. The development phase and thus the phase with most chances of failures is spent in complete secrecy. I know for a fact that Pakistan has an Air to Air, Supersonic Cruise and ICB Missile program. Their details will be released ONLY when they are ready to be inducted. You loose chest-thumping rights with this approach but there are also lesser chances of being embarrassed by your multi-million dollar toy.

Hope you are convinced with whatever bulls..t you wrote....:azn:

The reason that our tests don't fail and get to public is because we do what you can call dry tests. Heavy computer simulations etc etc, and the actual test is at the last moment when everything is trusted to work 95%.

BTW< Icarus, Aeronaut was being sarcastic!!!

So you mean to say..US, Russia, Israel and China are idiot..since their tests fail now and then. why dont they learn from Pakistan...:whistle:
We must understand that all military projects of Pakistan are supervised by the Pakistan Army, which does not allows failures to be disclosed, so that the morale of the institution and the nation stays high.

The truth is, our military projects do face failures, becoming even disastrous at a few occasions. If the ISPR chooses not to announce it, it doesn't means that we don't admit them or don't work on improving them.
Hope you are convinced with whatever bulls..t you wrote....:azn:

Yeah I am, it makes more sense than what you and your posse have been posting. That's what I call Bull Shyte.
Most of Pakistani technology is shipped from China and then painted in Pakistan. Pakistan can't even make a 5.56mm bullet of its own. We lie to everyone that it is Pakistani technology , how a country as backward as Pakistan is able to develop missiles , UAVs , Tanks etc?

After getting a plausible answer as post no 2 in the thread, we still go on and on for 10 pages :)
Did I ever say that our tests don't fail?

Or the US is a douche bag? Did I say that.

We don't do everything in public. Alot of things are kept secret. The failed tests are kept under wraps. They do fail.

So just take off your ignorant glasses and try to understand what I said in my previous post.

The reason that our tests don't fail and get to public is because we do what you can call dry tests. Heavy computer simulations etc etc, and the actual test is at the last moment when everything is trusted to work 95%.

See the bolded part .
We must understand that all military projects of Pakistan are supervised by the Pakistan Army, which does not allows failures to be disclosed, so that the morale of the institution and the nation stays high.

The truth is, our military projects do face failures, becoming even disastrous at a few occasions. If the ISPR chooses not to announce it, it doesn't means that we don't admit them or don't work on improving them.

Nation stays highs due to all lies....

If your army does not disclose failure then why you laugh on other failures

Yeah I am, it makes more sense than what you and your posse have been posting. That's what I call Bull Shyte.

Cant fight with fools....
LoL some of our indian friends can't but help expose their inferiority complex. The missile that will devastate india, and these guys will be looking for the MADE IN label. Our missiles are tested - thoroughly before being officially revealed, thus when publicly fired - chances of failure are very slight.
Did I ever say that our tests don't fail?

Or the US is a douche bag? Did I say that.

We don't do everything in public. Alot of things are kept secret. The failed tests are kept under wraps. They do fail.

So just take off your ignorant glasses and try to understand what I said in my previous post.

See the bolded part .

At least million time I heard in this forum...that India's test are failure and Pakistan never fails any test......you guys love to live in lies and denial......
India dont make anything itself its Russians an Europions who come and bring tech and build everything for it
Nation stays highs due to all lies....

If your army does not disclose failure then why you laugh on other failures

Cant fight with fools....

Nobody should laugh...

The difference between Pakistan and India is that India does all the chest-thumping and boasting, so the failures are shocking.But Pakistan stays silent till the target is achieved.
At least million time I heard in this forum...that India's test are failure and Pakistan never fails any test...dont blaim your GoP...you guys love to live in lie and denial......

You have no proof to validate your weak argument and we are the one's living in denial? Bi-Polar Disorder anyone?
LoL some of our indian friends can't but help expose their inferiority complex. The missile that will devastate india, and these guys will be looking for the MADE IN label. Our missiles are tested - thoroughly before being officially revealed, thus when publicly fired - chances of failure are very slight.

lol u will devastate us we will rise back in a decade. pakistan will be wiped off the map. then what???
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