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Why dis Pakistani tec never failed?

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u have no answers but now soon will leave the forum i knowwwww.

I am still here, its you who is trying to divert the subject and resorting to personal insults instead of having a logical discussion. That is what indians are Total trolls.

You are totally incapable of talking to someone without acting rude. We are already making nuke subs for your info...
I am still here, its you who is trying to divert the subject and resorting to personal insults instead of having a logical discussion. That is what indians are Total trolls.

kk listen up this thread has been opened up to state that why pakistani missiles never fail but others especially indian do..

giving 50 examples i have proved that except a few small defence materials pakistan neither has the capability nor the infra to build anything. so how can they fail. :rofl: if pakistani missiles are soo awsome why they arnt converted into slv by now. why is iran able to do it and not pakistan???


You are totally incapable of talking to someone without acting rude. We are already making nuke subs for your info...

good for u :tup:
google is for people like you..........help your self, its minimum 4 to 5 decade old tech. probably you were living under a rock all this time

i am sure the modern gps is not very old maybe 2 decades max.

But you said to me that only India is making a nuclear sub.
Is it hard for you to focus ......we are talking about missile tech..... any idea how old is GPS tech?
The concept is quite old but the tech itself is quite recent. NASA keeps sending upgraded sattelites o replace the old ones in the constellation
Now All weather friends will invade this thread with their megatons and ................................................ screen shots :woot:
Did your mother dropped you on your head in your early age? If your mom makes good food, does that mean she should open a restaurant?

Pakistan does no need an SLV. btw what value is indain space progarm going to add to the common people? when million are living under a $ a day, when thousands die of hunder and disease every day, when millions of baby girls are murdered every year, millions crap and pee in the open every day, what the heck is space program for?

and you have not answered any of my questions, just by listing some of the products that india is making with the help of foreign companies is not logicl answer to any of my arguments. If you want to quit because you dont have an answer, its ok.

kk listen up this thread has been opened up to state that why pakistani missiles never fail but others especially indian do..

giving 50 examples i have proved that except a few small defence materials pakistan neither has the capability nor the infra to build anything. so how can they fail. :rofl: if pakistani missiles are soo awsome why they arnt converted into slv by now. why is iran able to do it and not pakistan???

good for u :tup:
google is for people like you..........help your self, its minimum 4 to 5 decade old tech. probably you were living under a rock all this time

gps as a concept id very old but as electronics improve the satellites are replaced.

the indian gps will be operational by 2014, doesnt mean it will use 4 decade old tech. it will use same electronics as the current american or russian or chinese gps and will be proportionaly accurate depending on how many satellites india sends into space.

Did your mother dropped you on your head in your early age? If your mom makes good food, does that mean she should open a restaurant?

Pakistan does no need an SLV. btw what value is indain space progarm going to add to the common people? when million are living under a $ a day, when thousands die of hunder and disease every day, when millions of baby girls are murdered every year, millions crap and pee in the open every day, what the heck is space program for?

and you have not answered any of my questions, just by listing some of the products that india is making with the help of foreign companies is not logicl answer to any of my arguments. If you want to quit because you dont have an answer, its ok.

how many tvs, mobile phones internet connections are there in pakistan. multiply that by 10x that is what india has. india will have 400 mill iinternet connections in 2016. how do u improve the efficiency of telecommunications??? how do u improve disaster relief and agricultural efficiency???

how do u keep a look on ur neighbours???

indian gps system will make india completely independent in this field and we can use our gps to launch missiles. this is the importance of space program.
I think the first functional GPS was used in mid or late 40's for millitary purpose, it was commercialized either in late sixties or early seventies. By your logic then every tech is new, because advancment is a continuous process.

The concept is quite old but the tech itself is quite recent. NASA keeps sending upgraded sattelites o replace the old ones in the constellation
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