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Why dis Pakistani tec never failed?

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and those asking for any Pakistani car brand etc. answer for them is "DETERMINATION"
LoL some of our indian friends can't but help expose their inferiority complex. The missile that will devastate india, and these guys will be looking for the MADE IN label. Our missiles are tested - thoroughly before being officially revealed, thus when publicly fired - chances of failure are very slight.

off the shelf product never fails in so called tests:lol:
off the shelf product never fails in so called tests:lol:

Proof? Your posts reveal your DESPERATE urge to troll. Your posts lack any proof or substantiation and are the epitome of poor posting.

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Indains first get a item from west then they try to copy it but they even cant copy in first attempt and fail...and after that they invite Russians to do help or alone go for new product.
The reason that our tests don't fail and get to public is because we do what you can call dry tests. Heavy computer simulations etc etc, and the actual test is at the last moment when everything is trusted to work 95%.

BTW< Icarus, Aeronaut was being sarcastic!!!

So u mean that countries that have invested in billions in defence projects, dont do simulations in computers using softwares, before being tested...?
Every working is first simulated before its working model is produced...
India dont make anything itself its Russians an Europions who come and bring tech and build everything for it

We dont deny...it is written in all the official docs....we buying lot of high tech equipments for our product development....

This is also true that so many product we make without anybody else help.....
Indains first get a item from west then they try to copy it but they even cant copy in first attempt and fail...and after that they invite Russians to do help or alone go for new product.

Proof for ur comedy delusions troll?
Did I ever say that our tests don't fail?

Or the US is a douche bag? Did I say that.

We don't do everything in public. Alot of things are kept secret. The failed tests are kept under wraps. They do fail.

So just take off your ignorant glasses and try to understand what I said in my previous post.

See the bolded part .

please take the simulation and dry test stuff elsewhere, you have no clue of what you are talking about. Pakistan is neither advanced enough to make fool proof so called 95% dependable tests that US/Russia/India/china couldn't achieve/ Nor has pakistan enough funding to undertake the amount of hardware tested other countries here in comparison. The truth is your government does not has any transparency about most of your defence programs which also results in zero accountability for your tax money.
As far as my ignorance I have been in field of testing aero-structures and non linear analysis for 10 years now.
Proof? Your posts reveal your DESPERATE urge to troll. Your posts lack any proof or substantiation and are the epitome of poor posting.

No test failure history is the proof.
not to mention they didnt even have supercomputer until 2012 to do that sort of test's yet Pakistanis are yapping about HEAVY computer simulations ...:lol:
I suggest to my Pakistani brothers and sisters, to ignore the indian attempts at trolling, we don't need to prove jack to them, take it from someone on the down-low - our scientists and engineers are endeavoring day and night, to protect our country. And succeeding.
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