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Why dis Pakistani tec never failed?

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lets not get into automobile ind here...
I suggest to my Pakistani brothers and sisters, to ignore the indian attempts at trolling, we don't need to prove jack to them, take it from someone on the down-low - our scientists and engineers are endeavoring day and night, to protect our country. And succeeding.

We love it when others underestimate our capabilities.
wow ... i appreciate this.. plain truth from a pakistani :) ... that will go a long way if every pakistani start following ppl like you....

yes this is indeed rare ... from a pakistani speaking the truth :) ... everyone should appreciate this ... as its one in millionth kinda phenomenon :) ... now pls throw some water on ur burning a s s :)

Thanks for admission of truth. :tup:

Very True, Glad you admitted it :pakistan:

Hahahaha. You losers failed to realize that he was sarcastic.


Epic Aeronaut epic. Trolled Indian kids big time. :D
Either you are a joer or ISRO engineers were jokers who accepted a the rockket without manuals..............lol the MTCR did not affect the transfer of whole engine but it stpped the specs and manual..............you indians are amzing...........not in a good way..

first you ran away without giving any answers to my arguments and now you have come back again with your poop filled head spreading the stink with your language.

The above post shows what a $hitload of your posts are...

Look below at AhaseebA's post and take some knowledge from his posts:-

We must understand that all military projects of Pakistan are supervised by the Pakistan Army, which does not allows failures to be disclosed, so that the morale of the institution and the nation stays high.

The truth is, our military projects do face failures, becoming even disastrous at a few occasions. If the ISPR chooses not to announce it, it doesn't means that we don't admit them or don't work on improving them.
Nationalism is not rational. If India started hiding everything from our people we will not question it too.

Jannat ki haqeeqat is not important, feeling good is. Thats just human nature. Only a few will choose to get into the uncomfortable, the rest follow the herd.
Most of Pakistani technology is shipped from China and then painted in Pakistan. Pakistan can't even make a 5.56mm bullet of its own. We lie to everyone that it is Pakistani technology , how a country as backward as Pakistan is able to develop missiles , UAVs , Tanks etc?

^^^Just like India paints her Russian missile and gives it a new Indian name such as Brahmos ?
Well why we never fail.....

because we put our efforts in making sure we dont fail instead of putting our efforts in internet propaganda. If you guys do the same you'll get teh same result.
Hahahaha. You losers failed to realize that he was sarcastic.
Epic Aeronaut epic. Trolled Indian kids big time. :D

Sarcasm works when there is no doubts to the contrary.. Where as in this case, more people in the world believe what Aero said on its face value... ;)
Well why we never fail.....

because we put our efforts in making sure we dont fail instead of putting our efforts in internet propaganda. If you guys do the same you'll get teh same result.

Unfortunately , India spends more time bashing China and Pakistan rather than spending time doing good things for her own citizens.
We put efforts in our work.... Thats the reason that the copy of Mig which we use have better crash history than the orignal one India use...... And India upgraded them and even made them BVR still there lack of maintenance and discipline in their Military industry lead to crashes and failures.
Sarcasm works when there is no doubts to the contrary.. Where as in this case, more people in the world believe what Aero said on its face value... ;)

Great you Indian trolls on internet consider yourself as "more people in the world".

Just like you consider America and yourself as the whole world. :lol:
the denial of certain members here astounds me . are they really that naive to believe just because they check something well it wont fail? :rolleyes:
well good for Pakistan if they never fail in any of their launches. after all they are the only country in the world to achieve this. :)
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