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Why didn’t the Hindus of India ever defeat an invading army!

Please don't give me the Imaginary gdp crap,how the hell anyone calculated it when there's no India but a dozen of princely states?No serious economist would agree to that now .There's no record.Even smaller population states like Myanmar,Java,Thailand, Cambodia had built much greater edifices .Indian region simply didn't had any significant industry of goods on the scale that SEA & China had near monopoly on,some Indian states did try to create indigenous industry ,but they largely failed with few exceptions.Everything originated or spread from China & SEA region.That's like tesla stock in value,meanwhile Indian subcontinent is like tata stock in value . Mughal did lived lavishly but,read the thread,it's not about the region under invaders,but the mughals did brought trade links with Arab world but the administration's wealth was largely thanks to the population and the tax levy upon it,like current India,not because the region was wealthy.Indian spices popularity is the most popular theme but most spices originates from china and SEA ,they were real spice exporter before British brought trade network and industry to India.
What crap! Have you ever tasted Chinese food? Its quite bland, whereas Indian food is always known to be spicy.
70% of world spices come from India.

Industrialization in the world happened after European imperialism started in 17th century. Prior to that, resource rich nations were the most wealthy.
Please don't give me the Imaginary gdp crap,how the hell anyone calculated it when there's no India but a dozen of princely states?No serious economist would agree to that now .There's no record.Even smaller population states like Myanmar,Java,Thailand, Cambodia had built much greater edifices .Indian region simply didn't had any significant industry of goods on the scale that SEA & China had near monopoly on,some Indian states did try to create indigenous industry ,but they largely failed with few exceptions.Everything originated or spread from China & SEA region.That's like tesla stock in value,meanwhile Indian subcontinent is like tata stock in value . Mughal did lived lavishly but,read the thread,it's not about the region under invaders,but the mughals did brought trade links with Arab world but the administration's wealth was largely thanks to the population and the tax levy upon it,like current India,not because the region was wealthy.Indian spices popularity is the most popular theme but most spices originates from china and SEA ,they were real spice exporter before British brought trade network and industry to India.
The British and other Europeans came as traders first before they ever thought of conquest. Pray tell why they would setup trading outposts if we were so poor and had no industry? Is there any actually sources you are basing your claims on?

Hmm very good question, meanwhile would you like a slurpee ?
The bulk of fighting almost every time was concentrated in current day Pakistan. Invading armies found it difficult to invade further hence the south India mostly remained safe because of war fatigue of invading armies.
Western ghats were an obstacle as well.
Many Chinese history fans asked an interesting question. Since all ancient invaders came from Khyber Pass, why didn't Indians build a wall to block the pass? Ancient Chinese built thousands kilometers wall at north border. Ancient Indians just needed to build a short wall at this key spot.

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Did the Mongols not breach the great wall of China?
What crap! Have you ever tasted Chinese food? Its quite bland, whereas Indian food is always known to be spicy.
70% of world spices come from India.

Industrialization in the world happened after European imperialism started in 17th century. Prior to that, resource rich nations were the most wealthy.
What crap! Have you ever tasted Chinese food? Its quite bland
Lol have you?
You clearly don't get it,China was literally emptying British of their silver before the opium war,India did no such thing, just like in today's world,British saw the potential in utilizing the massive population & cheap labour in India to make money by creating industry and producing stuff in cheap for export to the wholeworld,thus they later cultivated opium in India to sell in China it was all about trade and export to China, and finally the surrounding SEA area. India was the stepping stone for that pivot .The British, US fortune was made by selling opium to China by using Indian cheap labor for production. That's the real dynamics.
You clearly don't get it,China was literally emptying British of their silver before the opium war,India did no such thing, just like in today's world,British saw the potential in utilizing the massive population & cheap labour in India to make money by creating industry and producing stuff in cheap for export to the wholeworld,thus they later cultivated opium in India to sell in China it was all about trade and export in China, and finally the surrounding SEA area. India was the stepping stone for that pivot .The British, US fortune was made by selling opium to China by using Indian cheap labor for production. That's the real dynamics.
All of above happened after British had already conquered India. I am talking about the time when Mughals were in power in India.
Because the central asian/ Afgan tribes didnt have much back home but their horses and weapons. Warfare was the only thing they had to acquire gold, women, slaves and a place in the afterlife in some cases. If the tribes weren't fighting themselves they were going for the most lucrative target, the fertile plains with riches and a docile population. Most tribesmen also wanted to emulate the glory of their ancestors by repeating their conquests. The Pakistani Pashtun belt still largely attaches a certain nostalgia to the conquests and victories of their ancestors from Ghori to Ghaznavi to defiance against the British and certainly the volunteer tribesmen during the first Kashmir war.
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Hmm very good question, meanwhile would you like a slurpee ?
Reminds me of this scene
.Indian spices popularity is the most popular theme but most spices originates from china and SEA ,they were real spice exporter before British brought trade network and industry to India
Who would've known, Columbus went looking for China and landed in US, he called those people Chinese and now they're called Red Chinese.
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Reminds me of this scene

Who would've known, Columbus went looking for China and landed in US, he called those people Chinese and now they're called Red Chinese.

Reminds you of watching Abu lolz lmao the 7-11 super star now shake your head left to right.
I'll take it rather than being in a pathetic state of pretending to be Indian following terror attacks. 🤣

You high or what makes some damn sense what you say lolz. anyhow there is no need to be ashamed of abu he is just like you hahaha.
The British and other Europeans came as traders first before they ever thought of conquest. Pray tell why they would setup trading outposts if we were so poor and had no industry? Is there any actually sources you are basing your claims on?
I didn't say India was just poor had no trade to be done,I said it wasn't "wealthy" like insinuated, for first,there's no India,and Indian state' s population was far off from wealthy ,massive poverty,draught was rampant. but the colonizers, they all come for trade,in the name at least.

Study real history and economics based on actual records .

All of above happened after British had already conquered India. I am talking about the time when Mughals were in power in India.
First you talk about India being too wealthy to prevent foreign invasion..but than talk being wealthy under the invaders, which don't make sense .
Regardless,nothing changed that much,infact only after British rule India developed some viable industry,and actually became the centre of textile export to the world and thrived using the trade network and infrastructure brought by the British,under an unified British raj banner.

And regarding your spice trade,since you're like" Chinese food are bland" without tasting any real Chinese food, during Mughal empire to now nothing changed in the context as China was the biggest exporter of spices back then on top of everything else,China is still the biggest exporter of spices 770m + ,followed by Indonesia 350m + ,followed by INDIA,300m+ ,SEA as whole increases the lead much more,just like the ancient times,most spices originated in China ,and the climate of SEA & China along with the Chinese expertise in cultivation techniques,produces the most exotic and coveted spices.Indian spice export grew a lot but despite the pr of SPICES=INDIA,which you yourself believed,Spices mostly originated in China, and it's China followed by ASEAN which are much larger exporter of spices.
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