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Why didn’t the Hindus of India ever defeat an invading army!

The wall is definitely effective in cold weapon era. Sino-Japan war is not cold weapon war.

By they way, Japan had a very narrow window time when they could defeat China: Japan had finished industrialization while China had not.
India had a rich agricultural land so Indians historically were never much war-like as they were sufficient in food and resources within India. People from Central Asia however constantly looked to India since their own lands offered little in terms of food or resources. So they constantly innovated in their military tactics.
Hence, it was easier for them to defeat Indian kingdoms from time to time.
Obviously the person who tweeted this doesnt have much knowledge about history.

Chandragupta Maurya defeated the Greeks ( Seleucus Nicator)

Skandagupta defeated the dreaded Hunas

Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Mohammad Gori ( too bad he left him alive )

Martanda Verma defeated the Dutch

A little education doesn't hurt anyone but the literacy rates in neighborhood are really depressing.
India had a rich agricultural land so Indians historically were never much war-like as they were sufficient in food and resources within India. People from Central Asia however constantly looked to India since their own lands offered little in terms of food or resources. So they constantly innovated in their military tactics.
Hence, it was easier for them to defeat Indian kingdoms from time to time.
Yup.... every tribal nation was ferocious.. be it Arabs of early ages, Mongols, Afghan tribesmen etc.
However, India had never been a nation to muster a collective army. No defence pact between kingdoms.
Every kingdom was self-sufficient (except regular/potent army), so, just before war they though of collation against an invader. For instance, no e helped porous against alexander.
Plus, it was era of superstition. When alexander defeated Darius, everyone in india was afraid that alexander must be a ',monster' who defeated a colossal army.
Protein deficiency was also an issue. Natives were 'midgets' compared to invaders.
Lastly, it was a feudal/subjugated/caste based society. Hence, battle defeat is something else, no significant resistance/rebellion had been done by locals, except 1857.
Protein deficiency was also an issue. Natives were 'midgets' compared to invaders.
Lastly, it was a feudal/subjugated/caste based society. Hence, battle defeat is something else, no significant resistance/rebellion had been done by locals, except 1857.
After Alexander left, Chandragupta Maurya defeated Greek general left behind to expand his empire upto Afghanistan.
Mughals were virtually overthrown by Marathas before they were defeated by British.

I dont think there was a protein deficiency thing.
After Alexander left, Chandragupta Maurya defeated Greek general left behind to expand his empire upto Afghanistan.
Mughals were virtually overthrown by Marathas before they were defeated by British.

I dont think there was a protein deficiency thing.
Greek were weak after alexander, and mughals were weak after Aurangzeb.
Same Marathas who defeated Mughals, were defeated by Abdali.
I think Indians physique was a real issue.
For your previous points, here is a good video.
See pashtun built and indian built..
Anyway, see any Afghan hands. You can easily gauge their bone structure and size difference compared to ours.
We were weaker, and we are weaker.
I am Bhatti, and none of my Rajput/Jatt/Gujjar friends has wider hand than Pashtuns. Even if we both come from a working middle class.
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Greek were weak after alexander, and mughals were weak after Aurangzeb.
Same Marathas who defeated Mughals, were defeated by Abdali.
I think Indians physique was a real issue.
For your previous points, here is a good video.
See pashtun built and indian built..
View attachment 777591
Greeks were not really that weak after Alexander. Greek empire lasted outside Mauryan empire's borders for centuries.
Ranjit Singh defeated Afghans to create Sikh empire in Pakistan.
Greeks were not really that weak after Alexander. Greek empire lasted outside Mauryan empire's borders for centuries.
Ranjit Singh defeated Afghans to create Sikh empire in Pakistan.
May be they were not weaker. I am not into history that much.
Sikh are good warriors but you can easily categorise one victory as a fluke. Plus, you know Sikh built. They are very stronger and at par to Pashtuns.
I mean protein deficiency (built) is not the only thing. As Bengalis had fought bravely against Pakistan government. Otherwise, bengalis/biharis are thought to be sublime and pushover.
this is low level trolling not worth really worth a response, but somehow sticks on page 1 for hours. shame.
on the question, the armies that defeated Indian kingdoms were horseback nomads, who looted through all of Asia in those times. it's not really feasible to "defeat" them in any sense, but otherwise yes, they were repelled a lot of times.
and as previously mentioned, actual armies were defeated, like the Greeks.
but of course, some frontier states in India were so thoroughly defeated and broken that they've started to think themselves as the same invaders. Arabs, Central Asians, Iranians etc etc. but those are a minority and don't consider themselves Indian in anyway anymore.
Because the sooner Indians start to see historic political boundries of their country less like Russia & China and more like Europe or middle east the better this topic of "Foreign Invader" can be studied.
Unfortunately many false narratives are pushed down the throat of post Colonial British India States (Both India and Pakistan) to their citizen in thr name of national unity.
For India the most erronous part is portraying India as a unified Political entity ruled by Local Ruler for most part of Its history.
High carb food and non functional liver due to pre diabetic conditions.
Also, genetic... If you touch a Chinese (shake hands) you will notice a warmer body temperature. Thei metabolism works faster. So, you see less Chinese obese.
You will wonder to know some people don't smell, just due to genes. Fortunately, I am one of them. :D
Also, genetic... If you touch a Chinese (shake hands) you will notice a warmer body temperature. Thei metabolism works faster. So, you see less Chinese obese.
You will wonder to know some people don't smell, just due to genes. Fortunately, I am one of them. :D
Follow a Chinese diet and you will also feel warmer.
India had a rich agricultural land so Indians historically were never much war-like as they were sufficient in food and resources within India. People from Central Asia however constantly looked to India since their own lands offered little in terms of food or resources. So they constantly innovated in their military tactics.
Hence, it was easier for them to defeat Indian kingdoms from time to time.

Hmm,I don't agree with your theory that just because you are self sufficient in agriculture it mean you have to leave your belly vulnerable,it seems there's a lack of concern, laziness or short-sightedness .Here's my thesis against that.

Former nation Meitrabak was in the most fertile of valley ,food scarcity was not the core problem and average height 5.7 according to Hodson even back in 1912 which is pretty well built for that time on world average, below meitei & british soldiers standing side by side.British were supposed to be the tallest beings on the earth back then.


but that didn't prevent our kings from adopting a warlike tradition and defending itself from Bengal sultanate or in fact raiding Burma and extending the kingdom it up to the west of Chindwin river.

To defend our nation with much smaller population, against the backdrop of Bengal sultanate(largest in South Asia ) and Burmese empire(largest in east asia),we had to be highly ingenious and efficient by spreading literacy with our meitei script(which helped in relaying information and planning) , mandatory state service from each household(for a fee ofcourse) , extensive training in warcraft studies,Huyen-Langlon and regimentation for the youth.

Despite no lack of agricultural yield in a region, the nation never took it lightly, for the nation was as much benevolent toward war captives and those who surrendered(as noted by sir James Johnston ,the magnanimity of the king) but she had a warinfused culture which made the community regimented yet prepared. The result is still evident as people's name in Meitrabak or Manipur in use of war and war mythology names,common traditional names for Women: Lanlei (warflower) ,LanchenbiI( war bringer) ,Lanleima ( war missus),lanthoibi(war excellence).lanleima(war goddess),Lanthawan(war mo0n) ,panthoibi(sun goddess of war) etc

Men's name: Lanchenba(harbringer of war),lansana(war gold),lanthoi (war excellence), ChinglaiNgamba( dragon conquerer),Nonglenkhomba (Clouds,frost conqueror/son of water god), etc

Most of our Kings were renamed after war based on their conquest or war victories or their special war skills.
Ningthoukhompa ( conqueror of kings) .
Ching TaNG Khomba (conqueror of hills & plains)
Khagemba (conqueror of chinese yunnan)
etc etc.

The king didn't even shied away from sacrificing British in front of these leogryphs and their blood was smeared over the mouths of our two mythical beast statues. In this, Meiteis saw the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy in that invader's men’s heads would fall in front of the beasts that guards Kangla.

To preserve one's peace one has to be ready to undertake great hardship and prepared for war ,that was the belief, so along with other academics, the arts of war was thus deployed in various aspects of Meitrabak culture which is still evident as remanent of the bygone era as huyen langlon/thangta is performed during inauguration of events,worship of gods or any auspicious occasion, to please the gods or war off evil,or for good luck.

Huiyen langlon/thangta is an official subject in Manipur schools,and part of the sports curriculum.

But all that's during the feudal era before post-world war geopolitical settings.
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Chinese talk of invasion as if Mongols and Japanese did not subjugate your nation.
Japan once defeated the Chinese, but they did not rule China. China is the victor of WW2, Japan is not.

The Song Dynasty perished in 1279 and the Yuan Dynasty perished in 1368. The Mongols did rule the Chinese for 89 years. But do you know what the Mongols paid for these 89 years? In 1279, there were 30 million Mongols in the Yuan Dynasty. In 1368, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty fled to the grassland, leaving only 1.5 million Mongols. Can you guess where the other Mongols went?
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Indians are the type that will cheat a customer for like 5 coins, ignorant of the fact that,by doing so he was potentially losing out on the customer who could yield him thousands in the future.
it is a sub-continental (in-fact most of 3rd world) trait not peculiar to indians only
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