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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

Nope. When i was 15 i had 15 year old girlfriends. Now in my 20th i have girls who are in their 20th. Sure younger flirt but i would feel pathetic if i would have to date a child...

right... mathematically precise life you have... not much care for nature-ordered feelings... you deny your feelings because the perverted western social laws are playing big-brother, yes??

1. I don´t dictate your life. If you want make out with children thats your decission.

2. When a 15 year old flirts with me at a club i simply tell her to move on.

3. She wouldn´t care.

please calmly question your points.

Potential pedophile spotted.

right... and the recent high court judgement ( lucknow ) declaring age of muslim marriage to start at 15, and without need for parental consent??
What else can you expect from this nutcase called Anjem Chaudary... Not sure why Brits still let him stay.

because he is a british government creation... can you imagine bashar al-assad living as peacefully in england as grand sheikh anjem choudhry??
right... mathematically precise life you have... not much care for nature-ordered feelings... you deny your feelings because the perverted western social laws are playing big-brother, yes??

please calmly question your points.

right... and the recent high court judgement ( lucknow ) declaring age of muslim marriage to start at 15, and without need for parental consent??

you defend this? This is plain and simple sick:



right... and the recent high court judgement ( lucknow ) declaring age of muslim marriage to start at 15, and without need for parental consent??
Muslim personal law was cited in the judgement not Indian Law, Thats why we want Uniform civil code to protect little girls from potential pedophiles.

don't be ridiculous... look at the age of either the male or the female.
is the girl too old for your liking?
There can be no justification for the Paris attacks - speaks to a mental sickness - that allows this violence, religion or ideology is just an excuse.

Whatever these guy's did - no justification at all.
They are child brides. You defend this practice.

and those are forced marriages... in rural areas.

you never answered these my points...

1. how will you censor the minds of those ladies who like me.

2. why was the british lady teacher arrested when the relations were consensual.

3. why should you defend elton john and that gay actor from "lord of the rings".
They had several warnings, offered police protection, an office previously fire-bombed and they still go on to incite. Was it worth the 12 lives and few more today for the sake of mocking people's faith and getting a few cheap laughs? I guess they thought it was. They're not laughing now, are they? Don't get me wrong, what these animals did is not excusable. But they had this coming.
i suppose to console the feelings of markus, we must start a "elton john appreciation thread"... who will help me in gathering photos and life of sir elton...
They had several warnings, offered police protection, an office previously fire-bombed and they still go on to incite. Was it worth the 12 lives and few more today for the sake of mocking people's faith and getting a few cheap laughs? I guess they thought it was. They're not laughing now, are they? Don't get me wrong, what these animals did is not excusable. But they had this coming.

Yes it was worth it. I never saw so much Mohamed caricatures ever before. They died for a greater good. They are martyrs. Never bow down infront barbarians.

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