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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

We in the West have to deal with this Moslem jihadist terrorist shit occasionally, and when something big happens like the Paris shootings it gets worldwide coverage, even the piddling hostage drama by some lone lunatic in Sydney got worldwide media coverage, while in India, people are killed in terrorist attacks frequently, possibly daily, anyway far too often from an Indian point of view, no doubt.

I wish the world's media would give much more attention to what happens with terrorist attacks in India and elsewhere on the Indian subcontinent. It would help place terrorist attacks in the West in perspective. Only today did I learn about this terrorist attack in Assam last month, December 2014, here on the PDF website. See the article below. 62 people gunned down and absolutely nothing about it in the Western media! That's amazing!

How many armed conflicts are in progress on the Indian subcontinent at this time? 5? 6? 8?

Bodo miltants gun down at least 62 adivasis in Assam - Hindustan Times

Dude its not your fault, even Indians themselves didn't report much on Assam terrorism.
I think the west in some ways has the middle ground rather than us except for a few bigots like those who had the #KillallMuslims tag. They are arguing for secularism, we are arguing for Islam to have special rights where it isn't the majority. Partly a lot of this is the fault of narrow minded mullahs and evil terrorists.

They are not arguing for the supremacy of Christianity or a country based on christianity. They are arguing for a country based on equal rights for all (France, do note is not a paragon of secularism because of the headscarf issue and other laws that are used to oppress a section of society) but the problem is mostly with us. I mean what ideology, what brainlessness makes it alright for people to kill a schoolgirl, what makes it right to kidnap girls and marry them forcibly to militants, what justifies killing more than 130 children in a siege on a school?
Those are my views about the attackers and the people who initiated it, both. That's what I've been doing.

tell me, why should i, a catholic italian show any respect towards a religion that i see as laughable? If you dont like a cartoon, watch away. If you dont like a joke, say it. But stop to believe that we should respect a religion that itself rspects nothing. It doesn't matter if you are a cartoonist, a yezidi child or assyrian christian. Islamists murder you. Thats what they do. Evrything else is bla bla around it.
Funny part is no one knows what the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) looks like, so for all I care the cartoonist could have drawn any arab looking person.

Anas bin Malik (Radiallhu Anhu) reports, “Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He was very handsome, of medium built and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight (but was slightly wavy). He had a wheat-coloured complexion. When he walked, he leaned forward slightly”.

Prophet Muhammed PBUH was like the present day people of India and Arab.

well flags in germany are on half mast. people worry and leaders tell to stay clam. PEGIDA and AFD gain much support. Recent polls show that muslims in germany are isolated and basicly outcasts. People try to avoid them.
its disturbing how actions of few people have outcasted a large community
Anas bin Malik (Radiallhu Anhu) reports, “Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He was very handsome, of medium built and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight (but was slightly wavy). He had a wheat-coloured complexion. When he walked, he leaned forward slightly”.

Prophet Muhammed PBUH was like the present day people of India and Arab.


That is narration, no one knows the appearance of the prophets from Adam, to Issac, to Noah to Lot to Jesus to Mohammad. No one, and by the way narration is "2nd hand information", you are going to draw a cartoon meant to provoke based on a "second hand" account than be my guest.

It really bothers me not, I have not seen the Prophet (PBUH) and nor has anyone in our life time, so any representation of him is a misrepresentation. You can't draw the face, you can't draw the posture you can't capture the finer details such as features of the face, eyes, nose, smile. None of this.

So posting a narration which I know far better than you, is fruitless exercise of preaching to the converted.
tell me, why should i, a catholic italian show any respect towards a religion that i see as laughable? If you dont like a cartoon, watch away. If you dont like a joke, say it. But stop to believe that we should respect a religion that itself rspects nothing. It doesn't matter if you are a cartoonist, a yezidi child or assyrian christian. Islamists murder you. Thats what they do. Evrything else is bla bla around it.
Ok if that's what you think then why do you get surprised when people get murdered. Why does nobody show support to innocent Muslims who get killed everyday in the mid-east? Because Muslims are killing Muslims? So if an extremist kills an innocent Muslim its normal but if an extremist kills a non-muslim, time to gang up on the whole religion and go crazy on social media. LOL
its disturbing how actions of few people have outcasted a large community

This seems a case of broken family and guys who grown up in orphanage which are being run by the French state Government and this city of Rennes is in the Western France. Orphanages in France are mostly under Catholic institutions or Secular institutions .

That is narration, no one knows the appearance of the prophets from Adam, to Issac, to Noah to Lot to Jesus to Mohammad. No one, and by the way narration is "2nd hand information", you are going to draw a cartoon meant to provoke based on a "second hand" account than be my guest.

It really bothers me not, I have not seen the Prophet (PBUH) and nor has anyone in our life time, so any representation of him is a misrepresentation. You can't draw the face, you can't draw the posture you can't capture the finer details such as features of the face, eyes, nose, smile. None of this.

So posting a narration which I know far better than you, is fruitless exercise of preaching to the converted.

Here we are talking about Prophet Muhammed Pbuh and we do know how Prophet Muhammed Pbuh look like , he was of Wheatish Color and regarding Jesus, Moses, Lot, Abraham, David and Solomon etc, These all were Middle easterner. Its not hard to understand small things. All the universal religions are from East only.
This seems a case of broken family and guys who grown up in orphanage which are being run by the French state Government and this city of Rennes is in the Western France. Orphanages in France are mostly under Catholic institutions or Secular institutions .

Here we are talking about Prophet Muhammed Pbuh and we do know how Prophet Muhammed Pbuh look like , he was of Wheatish Color and regarding Jesus, Moses, Lot, Abraham, David and Solomon etc, These all were Middle easterner. Its not hard to understand small things. All the universal religions are from East only.

But when you are trying to draw what they look like, you don;t know what their faces were like, what their hair color was like, the posture the gestures. None of this, so basically you could draw a turnip, it still would mean the same thing. Because there is no image of him.

Hope you understand, if you still fail to understand then I cannot help you. Save my time and yours, and move along.
Ok if that's what you think then why do you get surprised when people get murdered. Why does nobody show support to innocent Muslims who get killed everyday in the mid-east? Because Muslims are killing Muslims? So if an extremist kills an innocent Muslim its normal but if an extremist kills a non-muslim, time to gang up on the whole religion and go crazy on social media. LOL

People dont get murdered in europe for a cartoon. And we will not accept this. Why should we bow to this primitive behavior? You say it yourself...Muslims kill Muslims...Muslims kill non muslims...Muslims are at war with europe. usa, china, russia, india, australia, nigeria...In the end you might notice one thing in common of all this conflicts...
People dont get murdered in europe for a cartoon. And we will not accept this. Why should we bow to this primitive behavior? You say it yourself...Muslims kill Muslims...Muslims kill non muslims...Muslims are at war with europe. usa, china, russia, india, australia, nigeria...In the end you might notice one thing in common of all this conflicts...
A few disowned groups don't represent the whole community but when it comes to hatred all Muslims get similar treatment so it wont help anyone and things will keep getting worse.
But when you are trying to draw what they look like, you don;t know what their faces were like, what their hair color was like, the posture the gestures. None of this, so basically you could draw a turnip, it still would mean the same thing. Because there is no image of him.

Hope you understand, if you still fail to understand then I cannot help you. Save my time and yours, and move along.

Yes we know there is no image of him but the hadiths which describe the features of Prophet Muhammed Pbuh are authentic hadiths and no one can deny it.
well flags in germany are on half mast. people worry and leaders tell to stay clam. PEGIDA and AFD gain much support. Recent polls show that muslims in germany are isolated and basicly outcasts. People try to avoid them.
Nobody cares in what you believe. Your just an odd person with odd views and don’t forget the counter protests against PEGIDA were much bigger and you know who are more of an outcast? The people who are part of such groups. Who are just a bunch of football hooligans that are trying to be political which always ends up in an amusing manner. It won't be too long before they go back to beating each other up over football something they are actually good at.
People dont get murdered in europe for a cartoon. And we will not accept this. Why should we bow to this primitive behavior? You say it yourself...Muslims kill Muslims...Muslims kill non muslims...Muslims are at war with europe. usa, china, russia, india, australia, nigeria...In the end you might notice one thing in common of all this conflicts...

Your first name isn't Adolf by any chance, is it ? :unsure:

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