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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

We in the West have to deal with this Moslem jihadist terrorist shit occasionally, and when something big happens like the Paris shootings it gets worldwide coverage, even the piddling hostage drama by some lone lunatic in Sydney got worldwide media coverage, while in India, people are killed in terrorist attacks frequently, possibly daily, anyway far too often from an Indian point of view, no doubt.

I wish the world's media would give much more attention to what happens with terrorist attacks in India and elsewhere on the Indian subcontinent. It would help place terrorist attacks in the West in perspective. Only today did I learn about this Bodo terrorist attack in Assam last month, December 2014, here on the PDF website. See the article below. 62 people gunned down and absolutely nothing about it in the Western media! That's amazing!

How many armed conflicts are in progress on the Indian subcontinent at this time? 5? 6? 8?

Bodo miltants gun down at least 62 adivasis in Assam

Bodo militants gunned down at least 62 adivasis, including women and children, and injured several others in orchestrated attacks across two districts of Assam on Tuesday evening, police said. The attackers belonged to the anti-talks National Democratic Front of Bodoland (Songbijit) faction, according to police officials. All the victims were adivasis, who along with migrant Muslims have been the target of sectarian violence in areas sought under Bodo tribal rule.
The mass killings were carried out in the districts of Sonitpur -- most of them in a village named Moitulabasti -- and Kokrajhar.

“The attacks could have been in retaliation to counter-insurgency operations leading to neutralisation of many rebels in the past 30 days,” Assam police chief Khagen Sarma said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the attacks, tweeting that he had spoken to Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi and home minister Rajnath Singh. “Rajnath ji will travel to Assam,” he wrote. Singh also confirmed on the microblogging site that paramilitary forces had been rushed to Assam.

The NDFB(S) pledged revenge after a combined team of the army and the police killed two of its top leaders near the India-Bhutan border on Sunday. On Monday, suspected rebels lobbed grenades in western Assam’s Chirang and Kokrajhar districts, injuring three people.

Gogoi, who asked six of his ministers to visit the militant-hit villages, termed the attacks on unarmed villagers cowardly. “The operations against them will continue,” he said.

District officials said the random strikes in remote areas made it difficult to assess the damage done by the militants. “There are bodies littered everywhere,” an army officer said from Sonitpur district.

Locals said NDFB(S) rebels had issued eviction notices to the villagers besides extorting them for months now.

Following the attacks, several adivasi organisations called for a shutdown on Wednesday. Adivasis, categorized as ‘tea tribe’ in Assam, were brought by the British from central India to work as tea plantation workers more than 150 years ago.

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Bodo miltants gun down at least 62 adivasis in Assam - Hindustan Times
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That should have been taken up seriously. If it wasn't, too bad. I'm against disrespect to any religion. And if they didn't do anything about it doesn't mean no one will. Let me give you an example, lets suppose you and I work at the same place. everyday I come up to you and abuse your parents for no reason. What will you do? Ask me nicely not to do it then abuse me to my face, and if I don't stop eventually you'll end up hitting me. That's human nature. The sooner people realize it the better.

You see this is the threshold where many Muslims differ from others. You say 'that should have been taken seriously' - according to Christians they have already taken things seriously. They have protested and tried to win people over- which is the max they have the moral sense to do. Under no circumstances can the more fundamental law of expression of free speech and personal security be scuttled. While in your case scuttling that for proving a point and punishing people who 'blasphemed' is considered ok. That is the reason why so much violence is seen- you say it's ok to violate those norms.

Your analogy is flawed. The realm of belief is in the subjective plane, so don't equate it with your parental relations. And saying 'my belief is just as important as that' proves nothing. Many people don't subscribe to your beliefs, find it flawed and actively oppose it. To them you can keep repeating that 'my imaginary friend is just like my real friend' a 100 times and it don't mean anything at all. In any case even in the case of the guy who abuses your parents, I might be convinced to look the other way as you give the other guy a thrashing, but under no circumstances will I look the other way if you try to kill him.
I wish the world's media would give much more attention to what happens with terrorist attacks in India and elsewhere on the Indian subcontinent. Only today did I learn about this terrorist attack in Assam last month, December 2014. See the article below.

Did you crack your head open, when you were a child? Did you even read the article properly, before pointing fingers at Muslims. The Bodo militants which massacred those innocents civilians were Christians....you really are a muppet:)
The law is very clear about it :

" Your freedom of expressions ends where my nose starts "

Utter nonsense...
Just because your Islamic laws forbid you from criticizing and depicting Muhamed, it does not mean that you can tell others to dont do it as well.

A person in a free nation is allowed and entitled to criticize ANYONE he/she wants to.
You see this is the threshold where many Muslims differ from others. You say 'that should have been taken seriously' - according to Christians they have already taken things seriously. They have protested and tried to win people over- which is the max they have the moral sense to do. Under no circumstances can the more fundamental law of expression of free speech and personal security be scuttled. While in your case scuttling that for proving a point and punishing people who 'blasphemed' is considered ok. That is the reason why so much violence is seen- you say it's ok to violate those norms.

Your analogy is flawed. The realm of belief is in the subjective plane, so don't equate it with your parental relations. And saying 'my belief is just as important as that' proves nothing. Many people don't subscribe to your beliefs, find it flawed and actively oppose it. To them you can keep repeating that 'my imaginary friend is just like my real friend' a 100 times and it don't mean anything at all. In any case even in the case of the guy who abuses your parents, I might be convinced to look the other way as you give the other guy a thrashing, but under no circumstances will I look the other way if you try to kill him.
Now you're just pretending to be a noble guy. Fine with me, I wont burst your bubble.
So don't tell us about what being hit by terrorism feels like. No sane person endorses terrorism, similarly, no sane person should endorse a human's religious sentiments getting hurt no matter what the excuse be.

No, if I think that a person has done/said things which are wrong in my eyes, I have EVERY right on Earth to criticize him. And it does not matter how "holy" or how forbidden it is in your eyes to do so.
Now you're just pretending to be a noble guy. Fine with me, I wont burst your bubble.

You're quite free to come to your interpretation. But ultimate fact is, if you don't decide that after protests and editorial you gotta ignore the affront, you're gonna be considered with hostility the way you are now.
Is this for real? We should bow infront some emdival barbarians and their bullshit? Whats next? Their "god" demands us to not eat Spaghetti anymore?

Good thing is that now all european big media prints mohammed and allah comics. The Postillon did print a picture of Mohammed naked from behind.

Der Postillon: Terroristen haben gewonnen: Wir sagen nicht, welchem Propheten diese haarigen Arschbacken gehören

The Charlie newspaper usually was only printed with 60.000 each month. This month will be one million.

The german Berliner Zeitung made a mohamed caricature its front page today:

You dont bow infront islamists, you crush them. Muslims must understand one thing. Their prophets means nothing to the majority of the world. We don´t care about your believes ad if you chose a war against humanity, you will be destroyed.

I´m catholic like most italians. There are many cartoons that make fun about christianity. Some anger me. And thats it. I´m angry and look away. I will always defend others right to speak.

And i dont see this as the work of islamists alone. Islam itself creates this.

No. Freedom of speech is far more important than your religion.

Funny part is no one knows what the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) looks like, so for all I care the cartoonist could have drawn any arab looking person.
Funny part is no one knows what the Prophet mohammed looks like, so for all I care the cartoonist could have drawn any arab looking person.

and the majority of people on the world couldn´t care less about their "prophet."
and the majority of people on the world couldn´t care less about their "prophet."

Good, because we all have our own cares and worries. As the Swahili phrase goes " Hakuna Matata".
No, if I think that a person has done/said things which are wrong in my eyes, I have EVERY right on Earth to criticize him. And it does not matter how "holy" or how forbidden it is in your eyes to do so.
Those are my views about the attackers and the people who initiated it, both. That's what I've been doing.
you know all the anti islamist movements and protests? PEGIDA

well flags in germany are on half mast. people worry and leaders tell to stay clam. PEGIDA and AFD gain much support. Recent polls show that muslims in germany are isolated and basicly outcasts. People try to avoid them.
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