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Why did a soldier’s son join the Taliban?

You are now comparing apples with oranges.

In case of British troops, Sikh and Muslim soldiers both on one side fought the Arabs/Iraqis outside Baghdad, and later on against Germans in W. Africa.

During those times, Sikhs would shout Sat Sari Akaal, and Muslims Nara Takbeer. While both curshing Italian+Iraqi army.

Was it for Islam? Heck no.

As you my dear refuse to listen, you will remain stuck with your hateful religious idiot-ology.

peace to you

It shows how the germans and British were manipulating the Turks into believing it is a religious war.
Sitting down bro. sip some coffee. you are losing it big time.

you are now talking about Turks.

and not Pakistanis.

May god help you with your mental issues.

Read through my posts oh enlightened one. I was referring to turks and mughals in my previous posts and was just proving it. And a little less arrogance would be much appreciated.
Read through my posts oh enlightened one. I was referring to turks and mughals in my previous posts and was just proving it. And a little less arrogance would be much appreciated.

you proved nothing my dear.

Just regurgitating religious $hit.

I wonder why an Indian settled in USA will talk $hit like a typical Islamist.

I just wonder why.
you proved nothing my dear.

Just regurgitating religious $hit.

I wonder why an Indian settled in USA will talk $hit like a typical Islamist.

I just wonder why.

What is your beef against islamists and islam?. Are you pakistani hindu or christian or qadiani?
The military should accept its complicity in creating the jihxdi Frankenstein and should recognize it was wrong to do so, and show enough spine to the kill the monster it created.
That isn't an option. After all, Kayani and Co still consider these terror organizations like the LeT, JeM etc as 'strategic assets' - a tap that can be opened or closed depending on the situation - to fight the Army's wars by proxy. But the problem is, there can be no 'good' or 'bad' terrorists. They are all intertwined at various levels and provide mutual support to each other. The PA would therefore need to wipe out ALL these groups whether nurtured by them or not across the board. But that is easier said than done.

Will the PA/ISI ever dismantle this network? Not by a long shot, as now this 'strategic assets' concept has been deeply woven into military strategy which would need a paradigm shift in doctrine.

It will therefore be more of the same, the killings will continue with the Army fighting a seemingly endless war in the West. Now, deployment of forces and fighting this war against the TTP, BLA etc costs a lot of money and thus one of the reasons for the need to hike the defence budget.
With time, it has come to surface that most people within Pakistan's Jamaat-e-Islami, an organization similar to the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, have close relations with anti-state elements including the notorious Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan. A new evidence adding to the list of revelations is the arres...t of Abdullah Omar, son of Lt Col (ret) Khalid Mehmood Abbasi. His father was once Director of the Orphan Care Program for Al Khidmat Foundation of JI and was court-martialled for his links to a group which tried to sabotage former President General (ret) Pervez Musharraf's aircraft in a failed assassination attempt.

If one remembers, CIA stooge Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was arrested in 2003 at Rawalpindi from the residence of Ahmad Abdul Qudoos, Jamaat-e-Islami's member and brother of Major Adil Qudoos of Signals Corps (he was found to be in a nexus with Al Qaeda).

The Pakistan military must take stringent measures to make internal surveillance more effective and thorough in order to prevent more such officers from getting radicalized and later on in alliance with terrorists, which is a very disturbing development.

Zaki Khalid, DG Terminal X
With time, it has come to surface that most people within Pakistan's Jamaat-e-Islami, an organization similar to the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, have close relations with anti-state elements including the notorious Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan. A new evidence adding to the list of revelations is the arres...t of Abdullah Omar, son of Lt Col (ret) Khalid Mehmood Abbasi. His father was once Director of the Orphan Care Program for Al Khidmat Foundation of JI and was court-martialled for his links to a group which tried to sabotage former President General (ret) Pervez Musharraf's aircraft in a failed assassination attempt.

If one remembers, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was arrested in 2003 at Rawalpindi from the residence of Ahmad Abdul Qudoos, Jamaat-e-Islami's member and brother of Major Adil Qudoos of Signals Corps (he was found to be in a nexus with Al Qaeda).

The Pakistan military must take stringent measures to make internal surveillance more effective and thorough in order to prevent more such officers from getting radicalized and later on in alliance with terrorists, which is a very disturbing development.

Zaki Khalid, DG Terminal X

Agreed - JI is a known supporter of TTP and takes orders from the Salafis in Saudi. In addition to the examples above, most people know that Siraj ul Haq, the current senior minister in KP, has been known to attend funerals of slain TTP militants.

During the war in Swat, military discovered that the Al Khidmat Trust was busy providing medical supplies to TTP militants.

The attack on the Parade Lane Mosque was also aided and abetted by members of a JI splinter group.
I got my figures from exactly the same place you got yours! :D

0.01%, isn't that right? :laughcry:

You want to say 35% Pak army officers are against the state of Pakistan and in favor of Islamist Talib@stards?

How did you get to this figure? Pulled out of from place known to create hot gasses?

Strange if not down right weird post.
Again the same thing.A minority group of people are doing all this. But tell me why the majority of people remained silent. Let me give you an example.
Suppose my family has ten members out of which one is bad. he usually goes out and fights with the neighbour. he also fights with other family members. So is not it my duty to first stop him then ask him why he is doing this. When he started a fighting with neighbours, i remained silent. But when the same fighting with me, i start saying " oh, he is just one member. he does not represent my family." Why double standards ? when LeT killing Indians, its halal, but same group killing your people he is a terrorist ? why so ? why not call him freedom fighters ? I am yet to see a Pakistani who condemns the killing of Indians including women and children various terrorist attacks. I am yet to see a mard-e-momin mourning for kashmiri pandits.

and regarding britishers calling Bhagat Singh, terrorist, I dont care for that, because they said the same thing for Ashfaqullah Khan. They dont see it in terms of religion. But your fellow pakistanis, they consider every non-muslim freedom fighters as terrorist and islamic terrorists as mard-e-momin freedom fighters. and no, they are not in minority, otherwise, there would not be any cry when a chowk was named after Bhagat singh. so cheers.

And really, I am yet to see a the majority in mard-e-momin clan, who mourns for non-muslims in any where in the world, including your country.

If you think people who have the slightest bit of influence from religion are so retarded as to consider Osama a mard-e-momin then its you biased approach which to prove you would have a rare minority of people to quote who are truly retarded enough to think so. Not to mention your freedom fighter was a terrorist by Bristish standards even if he didn't have four wives so you can very well see that the terms can be easily twisted to suit one's purpose.
Pak army was never meant to be a secular institute. They successfully used religion as a powerful tool to fight their enemy. Muslim armies from the Moghuls to the Turks have historically used religion as the most important motivation for fighting wars.

Form the pictures , a significant number of Pak soldiers are extremely religious with their full beards. So their loyalties are divided when they fight against a group that claims it is fighting for islam.

What is common among all of these "religious armies" is that they used irregular warfare which came at high human cost and atrocities and eventually engulfed the same societies they intended to establish.
II Corps is in Multan, so why would an officer deputed to II Corps HQ be living in Pindi?

And secondly, I remember this case of these officers being arrested. All the media and other folks started crying and were actually criticizing this decision, saying that the Army let go of terrorists and blah blah blah.

But now people ask why didn't the Army arrest and jail those folks? I remember when the families of these folks staged a protest in front of the Parliament house, everybody was taking cheap shots at the Army!

We have really short memories, we just can't make up our mind. 10 years ago people were crying that why are they arrested, and now in 2013 they are crying why weren't they jailed! 10 saal main itna bara U turn...from heroes to villains? From demanding release to demanding arrest?

This is exactly what is happening now with the missing persons case, right now media is crying that why are they arrested? After 10 years they will cry why weren't they jailed? Just like the above case.

This also further shows that the MI and ISI aren't all that sleepy contrary to public opinion. I've often heard people say, agencies aur fauj soyi hui hai, koi kaam nhn kartay.

One attack happens and people go on a tirade that the agencies are doing nothing to counter terrorists. And when they do something, media and judiciary makes a ruckus!
How agency can justify its innocence ? ....Supreme Court and media every minute scrutinize the role of agencies, specially in Baluchistan issue and terrorism inside the country.
That isn't an option. After all, Kayani and Co still consider these terror organizations like the LeT, JeM etc as 'strategic assets' - a tap that can be opened or closed depending on the situation - to fight the Army's wars by proxy. But the problem is, there can be no 'good' or 'bad' terrorists. They are all intertwined at various levels and provide mutual support to each other. The PA would therefore need to wipe out ALL these groups whether nurtured by them or not across the board. But that is easier said than done.

Will the PA/ISI ever dismantle this network? Not by a long shot, as now this 'strategic assets' concept has been deeply woven into military strategy which would need a paradigm shift in doctrine.

It will therefore be more of the same, the killings will continue with the Army fighting a seemingly endless war in the West. Now, deployment of forces and fighting this war against the TTP, BLA etc costs a lot of money and thus one of the reasons for the need to hike the defence budget.

You are very wrong as Kiyani has never wanted these groups to be strategic assets. He is one of the few chiefs to publicly state that the enemy is now within Pakistan and not on its border. However disarming all the groups in one go will lead to a chaos in society and hence I think over a period of time they will be disarmed.
What is your beef against islamists and islam?. Are you pakistani hindu or christian or qadiani?

no "beef" against an egalitarian religion like Islam. How could it be there anyways. This is one of the most beautiful concepts ever, to have been made available to man.

Islamists on the other hand are the goons not too different from the medieval Christians.

And thus the forces of Shaitan,

Ever ready to kill, maim, and suppress enlightenment among men, the very opposite of what Islam's message is.

Hope you understand.


Quit that $hit shoveling by accusing others Muslims of being Christian Qadiani etc. You are now talking like a typical. fundoo islamist bneardo.
Ancestors (British Indian army) of the same Pakistani soldiers were shouting the same slogans even back in 1940s when they fought Germany and its allies throughout the Middle East and Africa.

it is funny that some jawans were in Cairo, and when the procession of Shah Farouk came along, they started shouting Nara Takbeer Allaho Akbar. Shah was quiet amused as he couldn't figure out the meaning of these shouts.

They were not propagating Islamism back then, and they are not doing so now.

they are sons of soil who are ready to defend it against the Indians or the TTP.

Nothing more nothing less.

But you won't know, or won't accept if you do know their history.


During WW1, the pashtun/pathan soldiers (from tribal areas) in british indian army refuse to fight against turks due to religous reason.
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