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Why Democracy is Shirk and When Can It be Used by Islamic Parties

Oh You **** off,throw yur retarded jokes for all i care,but dont use India's name.

INDIA :woot:

Whatchu gon do? indian?

Smell more? :D

All kidding aside, i was being palyfully rude. Now you had to go make my joke smelly. :crazy:
I did not say everything is haram. I said that we are Muslims and we can only rule by what Allah SWT has given to us. Ruling with something other than his laws is like ascribing partners to God i.e shirk/polytheism
Then why did you go to Australia? :lol:

Typical **** trait. Does every non-religious thing himself but tries to enforce religious law on others. Scum.
I did not say everything is haram. I said that we are Muslims and we can only rule by what Allah SWT has given to us. Ruling with something other than his laws is like ascribing partners to God i.e shirk/polytheism

You swore to the Queen, you know that right? :D
If these are the points to be noted then why did you write all that for.

Points to be noted:

  • Democracy is a man-made system
  • Whoever rules by other than the rule of Allah is committing kufr/shirk
  • Whoever supports or promotes this man-made system is also committing kufr
  • Therefore voting is also haram and kufr
  • However Islamic parties can participate in the democratic system in order to bring Shariah in
  • It is obligatory on Muslims to vote for Islamic parties which will bring shariah.

Second getting tired of these retards taking what Qur'an says out of context to make their own ridiculous ideas look genuine and real.
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I was not given a choice. I was born here.

By the way if a Muslim has freedom of religion in Dar ul Kufr, then leaving it is merely recommended and not obligatory.
You can obviously correct the wrong (that you were born in dar-ul-kufr) now by migrating back to Pakistan, but will you do it? I bet you wont. Your last sentence is a hogwash and utter hypocrisy, sorry to be blunt here, but did not mean insult.
You can obviously correct the wrong (that you were born in dar-ul-kufr) now by migrating back to Pakistan, but will you do it? I bet you wont. Your last sentence is a hogwash and utter hypocrisy, sorry to be blunt here, but did not mean insult.

We have More than enough HALWA eaters we don't need palao eaters he can stay in Australia or immigrate to GCC nations.
I know, mate. We still need to maintain the decorum or else what are we if not mental-Talibs like the OP?
I see you moderated my comment, but man these rejects think that they are the revolutionaries. These fools think they are some hot shit, infact they are nothing but social rejects who live an awkward life with no friends in school.

Hadd hi hoti hai in jahilon ki.
Its easy for the OP to say that while he is busy sitting in a glorious country (which I want to really visit some day) where democracy is practiced and freedom of speech is allowed. It is quite comfortable to be able to give your opinions in a free country eh??? If you weren't in a free country you would have been locked up for having such BS opinions....just remember that. The reason why your kind is even allowed to exist in those countries is precisely because of freedom of speech.

How pathetic do you have to be...to be born in a country and then not integrate to that society....you have a very utopian view of Islamic societies because you have never lived there. Australia is a very safe place so its easy for you to say such BS when people without democracy suffer and die every single day. People right now are fighting for their rights to vote and you sit in your comfortable seat....if you really believe what you say forfeit all that Australia has given you...no free education...no healthcare etc...and go to Iran or something.
Its easy for the OP to say that while he is busy sitting in a glorious country (which I want to really visit some day) where democracy is practiced and freedom of speech is allowed. It is quite comfortable to be able to give your opinions in a free country eh??? If you weren't in a free country you would have been locked up for having such BS opinions....just remember that. The reason why your kind is even allowed to exist in those countries is precisely because of freedom of speech.

How pathetic do you have to be...to be born in a country and then not integrate to that society....you have a very utopian view of Islamic societies because you have never lived there. Australia is a very safe place so its easy for you to say such BS when people without democracy suffer and die every single day. People right now are fighting for their rights to vote and you sit in your comfortable seat....if you really believe what you say forfeit all that Australia has given you...no free education...no healthcare etc...and go to Iran or something.

Rubbish. No one is dying because of democracy. They are dying due to poverty and the greedy capitalist sustem. They are dying of colonialist terrorism. But no one, at least no Muslims, are dying for democracy.

And as a Muslim it is our duty to enjoin the good and forbid the evil wherever we may be, no matter what the consequences-even death-for everyone's fate has already been written. I would say all that I say if I was in Pakistan and there are people like me in Pakistan who say the same thing. Muslims must speak the truth. The Prophet saw told us to speak the truth even of it be bitter and displeasing to people (Hadith- Bayhaqi)
Rubbish. No one is dying because of democracy. They are dying due to poverty and the greedy capitalist sustem. They are dying of colonialist terrorism. But no one, at least no Muslims, are dying for democracy.

And as a Muslim it is our duty to enjoin the good and forbid the evil wherever we may be, no matter what the consequences-even death-for everyone's fate has already been written. I would say all that I say if I was in Pakistan and there are people like me in Pakistan who say the same thing. Muslims must speak the truth. The Prophet saw told us to speak the truth even of it be bitter and displeasing to people (Hadith- Bayhaqi)

Dude.... democracy is good....go look at Australia and then look at Pakistan. In democracies we have the right to do whatever we want...like if I ate pork products in pakistan I would be in big trouble but here in Canada no one gives a crap when I eat pepperoni pizza or when I drink alcohol. Its a personal matter........ The government allows all religions to practice and as a result no one is getting into fights over their religious rights. You can prey however you want etc and it creates stability.

In undemocratic nations...usually one group is favoured over another and that creates instability. Its in the nature of humanity to be free and that is why democracy works better than the system you are proposing (but then again your proposing nothing... just distraught that you couldn't integrate into Australian society)...

Don't you see people in the middle east fighting for democracy????
Points to be noted:

  • Democracy is a man-made system
  • Whoever rules by other than the rule of Allah is committing kufr/shirk
  • Whoever supports or promotes this man-made system is also committing kufr
  • Therefore voting is also haram and kufr
  • However Islamic parties can participate in the democratic system in order to bring Shariah in
  • It is obligatory on Muslims to vote for Islamic parties which will bring shariah.

1. Man is made by allah and democracy by man . .. so where is the conflict! its like saying printing press is man made . hence printed copy of Qoran is shirk!
2. Well allah is not gona come to rule on its own..so it has to be man/woman right!
3. refer 1.
4. who will determine ?
5.refer 4.
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