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Why CPEC is haunting Guardian Newspaper? At least I don't know

Spot on! It has been calculated that the cost of transportation along the CPEC to Kashgar will be far more than the cost of goods being transported. And what is Pakistan going to export to China that China doesn't have already? Probably just ready-made garments!

And there's another problem the Chinese are facing - building infrastructure in disputed territory of GB which is against international law.

For circumventing this problem, Pakistan is planning to integrate GB as a province of Pakistan! What then would happen to the so called UN resolutions on J&K that Pakistan continuously harps about?
1: If that was the case than all sea-land-land trade transportation would be more costly than the goods. Goods dropped off at Gwadar will go through a smooth motorway or railway to Kashgar.

2: CPEC is not meant for trade between Pakistan and China. Its meant as a shortcut for China - almost all trade routes from the Eastern Hemisphere that is heading to the South China sea will be diverted to Gwadar. It'll put Pakistan in the center of international trade - countries like Singapore and Brunei became rich because they were in the middle of trade between China and the Eastern hemisphere. Gwadar will significantly reduce value of the Gulf ports and South China sea ports. This will draw in a lot of jobs and investment. Overall around 70-80 billion dollars have been invested and perhaps even more.

3: Building dams to divert water to the Indus was also illeagle and was against the Indus water treaty - what did the UN do? Nothing. So dont even talk about international law.
Of course not.... Mr Smug!!!

.. the American invasions from South East Aisa, Middile East and Africa bring the elements that seem to work in tendon & take over once the Americans have "won" another war.
Al Shahab in Africa, Daesh / Al Qaeda in Middle East & Afghanistan and TTP in Pakistan.
all coming into being After American interventions, bombings and invasions.

all these organisations consider Uncle Sam as their indispensable Ally and cant thank you enough.

You are very welcome Sir. After all, the toys that your beloved military wants and enjoys come with a price. ;)

almost all trade routes from the Eastern Hemisphere that is heading to the South China sea will be diverted to Gwadar. It'll put Pakistan in the center of international trade

More BS hype. Please stop such fraudulent claims, Sir.
First of all, please tell me which of the hundreds of said specialists are claiming that "CPEC will be a major trade route however as all the goods coming from Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa will have to go through CPEC. That means the goods of around 100 nations will have to go through Gwadar"?
you are loosing your touch buddy.
better ask Haqqani Network at Hudson Institute To write something more .(shall we say) "authoritative and appealing" for the (right audience).

compared to Uncle Sam's war on the world.. we or anyone else should take this opportunity of CPEC any time no matter how much "some" people rubbish it.

And please do elaborate your 'geography and trade patterns assessment'. You surely must be more knowledgable and smarter than the hundreds of specialists around the world who designed this 46 billion dollar project.
you bet he is. in the league of Haqqani Network and Ahmed Rashid . if its about rubbishing Pakistan.. he is the go to guy for anyone.
you are loosing your touch buddy.
better ask Haqqani Network at Hudson Institute To write something more .(shall we say) "authoritative and appealing" for the (right audience).

compared to Uncle Sam's war on the world.. we or anyone else should take this opportunity of CPEC any time no matter how much "some" people rubbish it.

Sir, CPEC represents a very good opportunity for Pakistan to develop economically. Such progress can only help Pakistan's stability, and therefore is being supported by both China and USA, regardless of the intentionally misleading rhetoric conspiratorial poison being spread by those who benefit from Uncle Sam's largess.

CPEC is good, and it is important. But not the trade center of "100 countries". Nope.

you bet he is. in the league of Haqqani Network and Ahmed Rashid . if its about rubbishing Pakistan.. he is the go to guy for anyone.

Et tu Brutus? Please read my signature. :D
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First of all, please tell me which of the hundreds of said specialists are claiming that "CPEC will be a major trade route however as all the goods coming from Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa will have to go through CPEC. That means the goods of around 100 nations will have to go through Gwadar"?
You think China is going to risk 46-90 billion dollars? No - years of design, survey and negotiations were put into this project. Hundreds of geographers, economists, investors, and other experts were all and still are inducted in for this project. Your stance on this is laughable - if you know nothing about CPEC other than baseless personal thoughts and opinions then I suggest you stop polluting this thread of your 'knowledge' that supposedly far supersedes the hundreds of experts and many head of states. Please research about Singapore, Dubai and other ports who are in the middle of Chinese trade.
Sir, CPEC represents are very good opportunity for Pakistan to develop economically. Such progress can only help Pakistan's stability, and therefore is being supported by both China and USA, regardless of the intentionally misleading rhetoric conspiratorial poison being spread by those who benefit from Uncle Sam's largess.

CPEC is good, and it is important. But not the trade center of "100 countries". Nope.
Is there any one else investing right now, NO.Will other invest after success of CPEC, YES. So plz instead of here plz spend more time with Hussain haqqani he will be missing you
With Chabar Miles away this port will only serve Chinese interest nothing more and

Pakistan fate seems to be cruel..................... with China struggling over the next decade all the port and so called super project nonsense will come to a big zero
Chabahar is nowhere close to Gwadar in terms of infrastructure, geographical value, facilities, and will never be until Gwadar is bombed into dust. The only revenue Chabahar will gain is from Iran specific trade which will most likely pass through Gwadar first.
You think China is going to risk 46-90 billion dollars? No - years of design, survey and negotiations were put into this project. Hundreds of geographers, economists, investors, and other experts were all and still are inducted in for this project. Your stance on this is laughable - if you know nothing about CPEC other than baseless personal thoughts and opinions then I suggest you stop polluting this thread of your 'knowledge' that supposedly far supersedes the hundreds of experts and many head of states. Please research about Singapore, Dubai and other ports who are in the middle of Chinese trade.

China has NEVER claimed what is being said about CPEC by Pakistanis. That actually supports what I am saying, and not what you are insisting upon. Besides, much of that "investment" has pretty harsh terms, rates and sovereign guarantees for good reasons too.
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Amin!! People forget that writs of history can't be changed. InshaAllah this CPEC will be the catalyst for the transformation of Pak to a different league. Only 14 years back Turkey was begging at the doors of IMF so much so that they sent an agent of theirs as her Finance Minister who was beyond law. Only after 10 years of a Muslim government loans were fully paid. Go ahead at full speed!!

Your enemies have already figured it out and it's giving them sleepless nights..

i would like to read more about the story of Turkey.. how and what changed its economy.. any link plz ????
People putting every bit of hope in CPEC should also know that Pakistan sits 9th in shale oil and 3rd in shale gas reserves! if we can import this tech

There is more to this country than CPEC only.
First of all, please tell me which of the hundreds of said specialists are claiming that "CPEC will be a major trade route however as all the goods coming from Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa will have to go through CPEC. That means the goods of around 100 nations will have to go through Gwadar"?

so you are assuming China is a nation that don't know what is good and what is bad for them,.. and if a friend(Pakistan) asks them to invest 46billion USD in some bs project, they'll just do it without even doing their own research ????
so you are assuming China is a nation that don't know what is good and what is bad for them,.. and if a friend(Pakistan) asks them to invest 46billion USD in some bs project, they'll just do it without even doing their own research ????

Yes, they did their research, and they set terms and rates, backed by Pakistan's sovereign guarantees to protect their money, based on the risks that they found. Wise people, them Chinese.
You are very welcome Sir. After all, the toys that your beloved military wants and enjoys come with a price. ;)
we paid for them ONLY... "NOT" the extras
Sir, CPEC represents a very good opportunity for Pakistan to develop economically. Such progress can only help Pakistan's stability, and therefore is being supported by both China and USA, regardless of the intentionally misleading rhetoric conspiratorial poison being spread by those who benefit from Uncle Sam's largess.

CPEC is good, and it is important. But not the trade center of "100 countries". Nope.

Et tu Brutus? Please read my signature. :D
Hit a raw nerve didnt I?.. aaaa Haaaa

on topic .. whatever the haters say. I will pick CPEC any time over the Greater Baluchistan project
we paid for them ONLY... "NOT" the extras

Hit a raw nerve didnt I?.. aaaa Haaaa

on topic .. whatever the haters say. I will pick CPEC any time over the Greater Baluchistan project

The extras are not an option Sir. It is a package deal. :D

Raw nerves? Me? Nope. I am just a vegetable. :lol:

The CPEC is a good chance to head off any Greater Baluchistan Project for Pakistan. But the way things are being managed, the situation is not exactly stellar, I am sure you will admit. If the local population is not part and parcel of this project, the situation will only grow worse.
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