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Why CPEC is haunting Guardian Newspaper? At least I don't know

With Chabar Miles away this port will only serve Chinese interest nothing more and

Pakistan fate seems to be cruel..................... with China struggling over the next decade all the port and so called super project nonsense will come to a big zero

Even if it only used by China, we are talking about sustaining billion plus population economy who happen to be filthy rich and who American owe 1 trillion $ is bonds. Charbahar is a joke nothing more, a distraction, it will never be a alternative to Gawadar. Who is going to use Charbahar for? trading with Afghanistan? You can trade plenty of heroin from that country at this point in time though. And if someone is living in cocoland that they can use charbhar to central Asia using Afghan territory, always remember its the southern Pakhtoon belt they have to traverse through and you know who rule that part of Afghanistan. If you are clever you would know what I mean. Iran own stability can be brought into question as Charbahar lies in sistan provence with its angry sunni population.

Dont worry about our fate, its seems you just concocted your GPD figures out of thin air, India is living on borrowed time. One word of advise though, next time you go to loo, check your underwear, it might have "Made in China" written over it. Silly and insignificant ones dont boost, they just watch events unfold.
The extras are not an option Sir. It is a package deal. :D

Raw nerves? Me? Nope. I am just a vegetable. :lol:

The CPEC is a good chance to head off any Greater Baluchistan Project for Pakistan. But the way things are being managed, the situation is not exactly stellar, I am sure you will admit. If the local population is not part and parcel of this project, the situation will only grow worse.

Of course. CPEC is the latest sop to keep the nation dreaming of better times to come, so that they forget their present plight. 100% reliable trick.

Please read my signature. :D
Don't post your one-liner opinions...Prove it with facts what you are stating...Otherwise an opinion of a guy sitting in america whose track record is happen to be anti-pakistan always not needed here..!
no sir

View attachment 291919

mine is more relevant

Unit, Code God Country and now CPEC

But that is the point that I was trying to make earlier Sir. The Army can only do so much to help the CPEC progress, particularly with security. The devil lies in incorporating the benefits into the lives of the locals, since that is where the civilian authorities fail miserably. Shades of East Pakistan? That is the real danger here.
But that is the point that I was trying to make earlier Sir. The Army can only do so much to help the CPEC progress, particularly with security. The devil lies in incorporating the benefits into the lives of the locals, since that is where the civilian authorities fail miserably. Shades of East Pakistan? That is the real danger here.
completely agreed.
reminds me of Gen Musharraf who says something similar when talking Iraq or Afghanistan and failure to convert military victory into a political success by Yanks.
coming back to current timeline
political scene in America is getting interesting. wonder how the results will play out for our region and beyond.

although I do note (and agree) that most of the content from election speeches is just a front .. its hard to see any policy difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to opening new war fronts and relations with say.. Iran and Russia.
completely agreed.
reminds me of Gen Musharraf who says something similar when talking Iraq or Afghanistan and failure to convert military victory into a political success by Yanks.
coming back to current timeline
political scene in America is getting interesting. wonder how the results will play out for our region and beyond.

although I do note (and agree) that most of the content from election speeches is just a front .. its hard to see any policy difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to opening new war fronts and relations with say.. Iran and Russia.

The difference between Afghanistan and Baluchistan is that the Yanks get to go to a peaceful and prosperous home, but the Pak Army has no where else to go to if Baluchistan deteriorates.

The election here gets interesting only after the two sides makes their nominations. No matter who wins eventually, US foreign policies will not change for this region significantly.
One very major event that happened today which is very much related to the CPEC.

Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal signed in Auckland - BBC News

In Obama words:

"Partnership would give the United States an advantage over other leading economies, namely China," he said in a statement on Wednesday.

"TPP allows America - and not countries like China - to write the rules of the road in the 21st Century, which is especially important in a region as dynamic as the Asia-Pacific," he said.

Game is on, infact now out in open. American is playing very well in our hands. This will only increase the importance and fasten the CPEC.
One very major event that happened today which is very much related to the CPEC.

Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal signed in Auckland - BBC News

In Obama words:

"Partnership would give the United States an advantage over other leading economies, namely China," he said in a statement on Wednesday.

"TPP allows America - and not countries like China - to write the rules of the road in the 21st Century, which is especially important in a region as dynamic as the Asia-Pacific," he said.

Game is on, infact now out in open. American is playing very well in our hands. This will only increase the importance and fasten the CPEC.

TPP has nothing to do with the CPEC.
The corrupt Pakistani government must make sure that the common man of Baluchistan benefits from these projects, otherwise what's the point??
TPP has nothing to do with the CPEC.

You need to understand the geopolitics, tunnel vision will not allow you to see the bigger picture. From Chinese perspective, their main compulsion for proposing CPEC was to avoid the chock which is Pacific rim and Strait of Malacca and bypass all that cr@p for its trade. Americans in their bravado, by creating the TPP has only reinforced Chinese concerns, and American military ingress recently near Chinese Islands are icing on the cake. Just look the language of Obama as if America is on war path with China.

I would say GOD BLESS AMERICA, thank you Uncle Sam, you are doing us plenty of favors.
You need to understand the geopolitics, tunnel vision will not allow you to see the bigger picture. From Chinese perspective, their main compulsion for proposing CPEC was to avoid the chock which is Pacific rim and Strait of Malacca and bypass all that cr@p for its trade. Americans in their bravado, by creating the TPP has only reinforced Chinese concerns, and American military ingress recently near Chinese Islands are icing on the cake. Just look the language of Obama as if America is on war path with China.

I would say GOD BLESS AMERICA, thank you Uncle Sam, you are doing us plenty of favors.

Sir, CPEC represents an outlet for the very west of China, where is there is only a small proportion of the population and industrial output. That is it. The vast majority of Chinese industrial activity will remain on the coastal belts and harbors.
I'm afraid anything remotely positive is going to be hurtful to these colonial thugs. Pakistan and China should continue to solidify their relationship and mutual interest. CPEC is one huge thorn in the Anglo-Saxon world and they don't hide their frustration and disappointment under a rug so to speak. They cannot bear positive developments in this part of the world. If they feel threatened or have issues it is their problem and we don't care on tiny bit. We will go from strength to strength and we would like to see who can do anything to stop this.
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Sir, CPEC represents an outlet for the very west of China, where is there is only a small proportion of the population and industrial output. That is it. The vast majority of Chinese industrial activity will remain on the coastal belts and harbors.

Why are you arguing with me? I am just telling you a well documented Chinese perspective. They have seen this coming long ago, America have not be very secretive about their Asia Pivot policy either. Regardless where their industrial base is, they are planning on one belt, one road, which is "look west" policy, for which they are extending their links from eastern China to western. Where their industrial base is located is irrelevant once all the links and connections are established to which CPEC is the main focal point.

I am expecting Chinese to barge into Nawaz office, telling him to speed up and get that lazy *** moving. :-)
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