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Why Chinese soldiers get an upper hand in Galwan border fist fighting aganist Indians

17 injured Indian soldiers died the next day were actually due to exposure to the cold weather and lack of medical support and treatement, which should be taken care and provided by the Indian government and army, so strictly speaking Chinese soldiers didn't killed them, they were killed by their own government's negligence and incompetence.

Hyperbaric oxygen is fine for healthcare/wound treatment facilities in a high altitude location, however, to pump additional oxygen into every living facility might be counterproductive. I would presume that it is better to adapt the PLA soldiers to high altitude by exposure to thin air and indeed, exercising in thin air. This is how gurkhas and some tribes in south America become acclimatised to high altitudes. Indeed, certain races are better adapted in general and they should be favoured for mountainous operations.
As many as 12 soldiers died of hypothermia (a condition where the body loses heat faster than it can produce) and asphyxiation (a condition of being deprived of oxygen).

"Around 17 soldiers had extreme violence marks on their bodies. The officers present in the hospital and Army base were directed to not click pictures of the bodies," a senior official told

https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...ezing battlefield,,” another official told ET.
Glad someone else said it first.

That's a different issue. Watching those fur hats in action is another issue altogether.

There are two kinds of mis-statements (the diplomatic wording for what was just read). Suggestio falsi and suppressio veri. We have both here.

Suggestio falsi - lack of medical support and treatment. There was no lack of these; there was, however, something else, that is defined under the other heading.

Suppressio veri - their lying wounded in an ice-cold stream undetected and unrescued throughout the night while Chinese soldiers were retrieved by their own teams.

Strictly speaking, according to rapists and murderers being victims of social inadequacies school of criminology, it was not Chinese soldiers that killed them, not their own government's negligence and incompetence that killed them, it was the collision of the Indian plate with the Asian plate that caused the crumpling up of the Himalayan range, high altitudes, mountain streams running off ice melts and extremely cold, and the very low temperatures.

So, nobody at fault, CERTAINLY not the Chinese wielding nail-studded clubs. No, Sir, no way.
The post mortem of a intellectual sanghi brain ^^ :sarcastic:
Who said that? :D

A: "My child was snatched up by aliens in a spacecraft and has been missing since yesterday."
B: "It is unlikely that aliens in their spacecraft exist."
A: "Are you saying that my child is not missing since yesterday?"
India army suffers over 100 casualties along the Chinese border every year due to terrain, weather conditions, do you blame China for those losses?
PLA Tibetan garrison's smart clean energy movable container baracks sitting on the very edge of Chinese Indian borders.


PLA Tibetan garrison smart container barracks, fully operated on solar energy, fully air-conditioned, able to work normally even below 30 degrees celsius, indoor temperature can be adjusted between 16-30 degrees celsius.

Highly digital and with good ventilation, can have up to 6 soliders live in each one, highly movable with the movement of the troops.












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3 of them including colonel Sabu were indeed killed by shovel on head by PLA soldiers.
The colonel attack negotiator of Chinese side first and he deserve to die.

Why would a colonel attack the other negotiator? I thought he was kill for leading his troop on a human wave suicide charge, not for acting like a Karen on a negotiation table. So what flipped him out, the Chinese manager refused to see him?

How are Chinese troops treated within the army by their seniors?
Man this is wrong question. Ordinary citizen are obedient (no choice). Forget about PLA members. I heard chinese expat are also don't raise voice against CCP on fear of family back home.

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