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why Chinese culture can always absorb other cultures and India not

neither of them can really change a country's culture,it's the big picture this article is talking about.those religions changed face of many nations,but hardly make a dent to Chinese culture,even China accepted them ,they are already sinonized and became something of China's own.

Chinese culture took lots of element from Indian culture, same way Indian culture took lots of elements from the Persian culture.
Chinese culture forces people to accept it,

actually China was conqured a couple of times by barbarians and they willingly accepted Chinese culture 100% and gave up their national identities,no once can force them to do so.
You have freedom only on net not in real life
China bans Uighur Muslims from fasting during Ramadan | ummid.com
China tolerate every one by force :lol:
since you talk about freedomhere.i got a question about it.
this morning i saw a thread in a chinese forum sharing a bad experience in India.a Chinese and his India friend who drove the car bought 5 boxes of wine ,and reluctantly caught by the police.now they face huge fines(500000 ruppi) or jail, my question is: is it so free in India?
Chinese culture took lots of element from Indian culture, same way Indian culture took lots of elements from the Persian culture.

of cause,that's what cultures are all about,we also take some from US even Japan,but the foundation of this culture never tampered.
actually China was conqured a couple of times by barbarians and they willingly accepted Chinese culture 100% and gave up their national identities,no once can force them to do so.

Your still ignoring most of the post, don't pick and choose. And India has has many migrants through time. The Synthians, the Greeks, the Turks etc. How many persecuted religious or ethnic groups have ever took refuge in China?
Your still ignoring most of the post, don't pick and choose. And India has has many migrants through time. The Synthians, the Greeks, the Turks etc. How many persecuted religious or ethnic groups have ever took refuge in China?

When you are a conqueror,you don't have to.India was conquered again and again by many foreign invaders.go and check your Kashmir issues,they are not all rosy either.
of cause,that's what cultures are all about,we also take some from US even Japan,but the foundation of this culture never tampered.

On what basis you claimed Indians lost it. :cheesy: When most of our customs can be traced back to ancient India even further back to Indus valley civilization.
What a stupid claim. Lets see who posted it... oh ok then.

In any case this can be interpreted differently than meant by the serial troll. We can say that Indian culture DOES absorb from other cultures and hence we have a syncretic culture today whereas some other rigid cultures DO NOT absorb from other cultures and hence are required to force others to adopt their culture.

In any case Chinese wear western clothes and follow western pop culture same as everyone else. Fcuk knows where this jerk gets his wet dreams from.
When you are a conqueror,you don't have to.India was conquered again and again by many foreign invaders.

Lmao, please tell me when the Parsi's, Bahai's and Jews conquered India? They never did, they asked for refuge in India because they where being persecuted. There communities still exist today and they are infact very affluent communities. And all the conquerors ended up accepting Indian culture and integrating. The sycthians were Iranians but over time became known as Jats. Can you say the same about China?
On what basis you claimed Indians lost it. :cheesy: When most of our customs can be traced back to ancient India even further back to Indus valley civilization.

Not me ,it's the author of this article and I had the link at the bottom of the post.

Lmao, please tell me when the Parsi's, Bahai's and Jews conquered India? They never did, they asked for refuge in India because they where being persecuted. There communities still exist today and they are infact very affluent communities. And all the conquerors ended up accepting Indian culture and integrating. The sycthians were Iranians but over time became known as Jats. Can you say the same about China?

yes,they were the people used to live in both China and India's immediate neighborhood,the only difference is that later on they all became Chinese.
since you talk about freedomhere.i got a question about it.
this morning i saw a thread in a chinese forum sharing a bad experience in India.a Chinese and his India friend who drove the car bought 5 boxes of wine ,and reluctantly caught by the police.now they face huge fines(500000 ruppi) or jail, my question is: is it so free in India?

Drinking wine in not a crime in India but Drinking n driving is.

Your Chinese friend or his Indian friend might have broken some rules, maybe unknowingly but rules r rules.

I m not saying that Our Police department is 100% corruption free but yes they don't throw people in Jail without any reason.
Not me ,it's the author of this article and I had the link at the bottom of the post.

yes,they were the people used to live in both China and India's immediate neighborhood,the only difference is that later on they all became Chinese.
But more Scynthians took refuge in India and that's fact. And you are still ignoring the main point. How many persecuted communities took refuge in China? If anything China created more persecuted communities. Also Chinese culture is weak, it fails to hold on to it's youth. Look at how many Chinese in the west still have traditional Chinese names. They all have western names. Also a study on British Chinese found that over half have never been to China. This contrasts to Indian and Pakistanis in the west who still have traditional names and follow the religions of their forefathers while still integrating into western society.
The thread title and the post says opposite..
OP you have agreed in your post that Indian culture is a mix of many cultures, how did that happen without absorbing other's culture..
Drinking wine in not a crime in India but Drinking n driving is.
Your Chinese friend or his Indian friend might have broken some rules, maybe unknowingly but rules r rules.
I m not saying that Our Police department is 100% corruption free but yes they don't throw people in Jail without any reason.
no they didnt drink.the reason is they bought too much....
but, is it much? only five boxes...
correction: 5 boxes of beers,they are in a place called masha,punjab
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