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Why China Will Lose the War It is Planning

I respect your own point of view.
thank you, but thats not just my opinion.

JSDF is not military. the role of JSDF is for japan's defense only. the JSDF is designed to support the US military.

this is how the mutual defense treaty works. if japan is attacked, the US is supposed to defend japan. the JSDF would complement US military forces.

actually i dont agree, I think the Nimitz class of the US 7th fleet are there to compliment and provide air support for the ASW capability of the JSDF.

Japan has did not develop strategic capabilities as US will have all missiles ready at the order of Abe.

abe has no control of US military, it cannot order missile strike from the US military.
thank you, but thats not just my opinion.

JSDF is not military. the role of JSDF is for japan's defense only. the JSDF is designed to support the US military.

this is how the mutual defense treaty works. if japan is attacked, the US is supposed to defend japan. the JSDF would complement US military forces.

abe has no control of US military, it cannot order missile strike from the US military.

To whom you represent for ?
Yawn, another attempt for insult that will only backfire. :lazy2::lazy2::lazy2:

Try again, Chicom. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

That's only an insult if you are developed, since we are the richest developing nation, that's not an insult, that's just hilarious.

Since we are, what was your word, "Chicom," you should be better than us, what with your democratic and western values, instead, Philippines is a hole.

Looks like I was right in what you were planning in that sea... and I guess I was right that a billion and three screaming Chinamen is hungry for fish. What's next, turn that sea into a large sewage disposal where you can kill more non-Chinese? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Try harder than that, you're boring me to death :rofl::rofl:
If he's boring you to death, why are you ROFL, do you understand the meaning of boring, or are Filipino schools are not developed, oh wait, what am I saying, of course it isn't. Maybe Chinese schools are not developed and that's why I asked.

Let's all take a step back from personal tirades, take a deep breathe, and relax.


it's just getting good.
it's just getting good.

I spent a good hour of my time researching the Chinese environmental risk assessment thread , even provided an answer to your queries there and you didn't even respond. What's up with that? And i see you here enjoying personal tirades? Come on Gen.

I'll see you in the other thread. Be there or be Square.
I am aware of what boring means but if he can't provide better insults, then he is boring me.

And I never proudly stated in any of my posts in this thread that the PH is a democracy because we are only in name but not in practice.
Logically there is no single claimant in SCS dare to fire the first shot, it's suicidal move, even for the Chinese who is the most strongest claimant there. Even they will trying with the utmost efforts to prevent such accident to be happened in the first place

i hope i am wrong, but history is full of accidents and stupidity..... so everything can be happened out of blue
China is certainly not planning a first shot in SCS, instead, she is accumulating strenght to strike back deadly after somebody's first shot at China. It doesn't matter if it'd be from Viets, Pinoys or Japanese. Otherwise how can one understand China's ever growing military development?
The Chinese past humiliation growing strong in them. They thirst seeking for revenge and demand world recognition. However, despite the size the U.S. still remain strong and disrespect the Chinese wishes. Then come Japan, Vietnam and Pinoy follow the U.S. anger them more. See how the Chinese in here jump up and down angry, make it like they wann eat people alive with their empty threats. :partay:

The end of the day, they isolating itself like the past. Another alliance similar like 13 countries alliance of the past formed. U.S. and Japan they can count on Vietnam fight along side as the article mentioned.:D

Japan-U.S.-Vietnam alliance will be brutal that Chinese can handle.
The Chinese past humiliation growing strong in them. They thirst seeking for revenge and demand world recognition. However, despite the size the U.S. still remain strong and disrespect the Chinese wishes. Then come Japan, Vietnam and Pinoy follow the U.S. anger them more. See how the Chinese in here jump up and down angry, make it like they wann eat people alive with their empty threats. :partay:

The end of the day, they isolating itself like the past. Another alliance similar like 13 countries alliance of the past formed. U.S. and Japan they can count on Vietnam fight along side as the article mentioned.:D

Japan-U.S.-Vietnam alliance will be brutal that Chinese can handle.

We already got the Scarborough shoal in 2012 and the Paracel islands before that. :partay:

Nobody cares, when was the last time you saw America even mention either one? Never. :P
We already got the Scarborough shoal in 2012 and the Paracel islands before that. :partay:

Nobody cares, when was the last time you saw America even mention either one? Never. :P
The game is not over. The chinese want to take over scs. Want to be dominant power in asia. U.s ddraw no line to share with china. Vietnam and japan support u.s. Seem ur chinese will not have easy time. Its only the beginning, winner take all. Unless you win the game.
The Chinese past humiliation growing strong in them. They thirst seeking for revenge and demand world recognition. However, despite the size the U.S. still remain strong and disrespect the Chinese wishes. Then come Japan, Vietnam and Pinoy follow the U.S. anger them more. See how the Chinese in here jump up and down angry, make it like they wann eat people alive with their empty threats. :partay:

The end of the day, they isolating itself like the past. Another alliance similar like 13 countries alliance of the past formed. U.S. and Japan they can count on Vietnam fight along side as the article mentioned.:D

Japan-U.S.-Vietnam alliance will be brutal that Chinese can handle.

Come from a viet to talk about humiliation:rofl:,China's rise has no need to revenge or seek world recognition because when we become strong, we will get automatically the respect without begging anybody...and not only that we inspire fear :devil:to nations that want to create problem for China. We will reshape the foundation of this world whether US like or not.

As for you viet. keep your day dream of your fictive alliance, a weak coations that we can sort them out one by one and even you famous General secretary Nguyen Phu Trong come to China to negociate an exit and to save Vietnam's a$$, do you think He care about commun interest of your fictive coalition? nothing but vietnam's interest...LMAO. Same for Japan despite of the Island issue, China/Korea/Japan form an north east Asian free trade organization...how this gonna serve your wet dream coalition or isolate China?

As matter of fact, we're very calm and secretly do our own business such reefs reclamation, it was Vietnam, Philippine and US are jumping up and down & begging us to stop the reclamation. And the end of the day, nothing will happen to China, we still continue with our business as usual which having trade surplus with Vietnam and US...while you Viet keep dreaming of Isolate China with your fictive coalition;)


The game is not over. The chinese want to take over scs. Want to be dominant power in asia. U.s ddraw no line to share with china. Vietnam and japan support u.s. Seem ur chinese will not have easy time. Its only the beginning, winner take all. Unless you win the game.

Yes continue your fictive coalition and have your day dream that US will come rescue Vietnam if that can comfort you but nothing US can do about this contested SCS but encourage and push Vietnam and Philipinne to confront China while Americans themself are hide behind and rip the benefit of selling weapons and yelling out loud about China's threat as they cowardly done in Cremea, dare not to have a direct confrontation with Russia...

And If you Viets think you're man enough to face China in SCS, you must be ready to gamble all your fortune, unlike 1988 this time you will have to bet all your reefs, winner will take all.
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Logically there is no single claimant in SCS dare to fire the first shot, it's suicidal move, even for the Chinese who is the most strongest claimant there. Even they will trying with the utmost efforts to prevent such accident to be happened in the first place

i hope i am wrong, but history is full of accidents and stupidity..... so everything can be happened out of blue

Words of wisdom.

Chinese always say that they are waiting for VN and PH to fire the first shot, but they also forget that USA is also waiting for China to fire the first shot.

When a certain country bullies others (such as island blockades, etc) and operates with recklessness, accidents can happen very easily.

The game is not over. The chinese want to take over scs. Want to be dominant power in asia. U.s ddraw no line to share with china. Vietnam and japan support u.s. Seem ur chinese will not have easy time. Its only the beginning, winner take all. Unless you win the game.

The game is far from over, the climax of the game will be after Jan 2016 when UNCLOS issues their resolution, that's when things are going to get interesting.
Words of wisdom.

Chinese always say that they are waiting for VN and PH to fire the first shot, but they also forget that USA is also waiting for China to fire the first shot.

When a certain country bullies others (such as island blockades, etc) and operates with recklessness, accidents can happen very easily.

The game is far from over, the climax of the game will be after Jan 2016 when UNCLOS issues their resolution, that's when things are going to get interesting.

:rofl::rofl: US is also waiting for China to fire the first shot in Viet's dream. And No the game is not over yet...not untill we reclaim all the reefs stolen by Vietnam...we're eager for your UNCLOS resolution to relclaim what's belong to us.:big_boss:
The Chinese past humiliation growing strong in them. They thirst seeking for revenge and demand world recognition. However, despite the size the U.S. still remain strong and disrespect the Chinese wishes. Then come Japan, Vietnam and Pinoy follow the U.S. anger them more. See how the Chinese in here jump up and down angry, make it like they wann eat people alive with their empty threats. :partay:

The end of the day, they isolating itself like the past. Another alliance similar like 13 countries alliance of the past formed. U.S. and Japan they can count on Vietnam fight along side as the article mentioned.:D

Japan-U.S.-Vietnam alliance will be brutal that Chinese can handle.

How come you refuse to address @Chinese-Dragon's point? You scream about "Chinese humiliation", but it seems you are the only one getting humiliated. Despite your screaming for US and Japanese help, they haven't lifted a finger to abet you in snatching the Paracels. You keep screaming about some fanciful grand alliance that will swoop in to save "damsel-in-distress" Vietnam, yet as far as anyone can see, nothing like that is forthcoming.

We can play the waiting game and be very patient, but from your threats and screams, it's very clear you can't play the same game - you demand action and military escalation now, because your position is inching towards collapse everyday.
That's why your animal instincts, animal rage and animal despair have surfaced and exposed you as a screaming fool :).

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