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Why China Will Lose the War It is Planning

How come you refuse to address @Chinese-Dragon's point? You scream about "Chinese humiliation", but it seems you are the only getting humiliated. Despite your screaming for US and Japanese help, they haven't lifted a finger to abet you in snatching the Paracels. You keep screaming about some fanciful grand alliance that will swoop in to save "damsel-in-distress" Vietnam, yet as far as anyone can see, nothing like that is forthcoming.

We can play the waiting game and be very patient, but from your threats and screams, it's very clear you can't play the same game - you demand action and military escalation now, because your position is inching towards collapse everyday.
That's why your animal instincts, animal rage and animal despair have surfaced and exposed you as a screaming fool :).

LOL America abandoned their "mutual defense treaty" with the Philippines when we seized the Scarborough shoal in 2012. They didn't care at all. They still don't.

So why would they care about Vietnam and the Paracel islands, lol. Have you seen American movies, they always have Vietnamese as their enemy! :lol:

Even John McCain when he was running for US president, he openly referred to Vietnamese with racial slurs (he called them "gooks") and no one even cared.

The US media has taught Americans that Vietnamese are their enemies. Just watch any of their movies to see.
I don't. But anyway, you shouldn't use your propensity for rape as a bargaining chip to extract concessions from others. Just don't do it - it's highly immoral.
Well I don't have a propensity for rape, if statistics are to be believed it is more a American speciality but if I do come across any rapists I'll be sure to pass the message.
You think you can take advantage that this thread is not relate to India, so you can keep insult and bashing China and expect to get away with impunity??? :lol:
Yes. Also the fact that emojis are a option on this forum doesnt mean that it's a requirement to use them in every post.
Then why did you promise to stop only if I fulfilled a condition? How can you stop something you don't do? :what:
I was humouring you, much like a teacher would humour a joke made by a child with autism.
These Chinese are bringing up India out of nowhere!!! Is there a deep mix of hatred and obsession that I am not aware off?

Well my friend, to be fair, you did bait and attack them too didn't you? I do think however that individuals should never be labeled as rapists as a 'comeback' in an argument. That was a low blow and not called for.

Did you by chance ever post on PDF saying you thought that pelicans were eating to many fish? Or that Tigers should be let loose in big cities to kill dogs because there were to many of them?

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