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Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

I agree 100%. :tup:

Being a superpower is not the goal. The goal is development.

Boss, there is something called the law of equilibrium that is always maintained. With USA it was Russia...and when China becomes a Super power it will always find a competitor. It may be India, USA, Brazil, Russia or any other country but there will definitely be a counter force.
Boss, there is something called the law of equilibrium that is always maintained. With USA it was Russia...and when China becomes a Super power it will always find a competitor. It may be India, USA, Brazil, Russia or any other country but there will definitely be a counter force.

Russia was never a super power.
I always admire our Chinese brothers for their emotional maturity. We Indians have lost it somewhere along our 1000 year slavery which finished our elite. Hopefully we will recover.

I think already change is happening in both India and China . We faught for freedom to get rid of corrupt and Abuse of Power. But its still going on. Never ending story . We are next genration. So hopefully we will recover ourself from this trap.

Russia was never a super power.
Soviet was.
Even today russia is big brother to India and China
I think already change i happening in India and China . We faught for freedom to get rid of corrupt and Abuse of Power. But its still going on. Never ending story . We are next genration. So hopefully we will recover ourself from this trap.

Soviet was.
Even today russia is big brother to India and China

Its not that. You cant build a real elite on alien, European theories. One has to develop a unique, national worldview along with a civilizational mission. The Chinese never gave up their traditions, ethos and language. Thats why they survive as an unbroken civilization...while we have largely turned into wannabe whites.
Russia was never a super power.

Today Russia may not be a superpower, but USSR was the only force countering the US. And to some extent now China is doing the balancing act in coalition with Russia.
Its not that. You cant build a real elite on alien, European theories. One has to develop a unique, national worldview along with a civilizational mission. The Chinese never gave up their traditions, ethos and language. Thats why they survive as an unbroken civilization...while we have largely turned into wannabe whites.
I agree Omtatsat . But i can see young people are now getting back to our Culture . Leave cloths,Language etc its not possible to wear monk dress while shopping or work,. Thanks to internet and Social media more and More young Indians are getting to know Why Indian Civilization is still strong even after 1000 years of Invaders rule. Still we are 85 hindus which is not the case of many countries like Iran, Egypt Europe etc. They all converted in to another religion in just 1 or 2 decades. So some thing is there with Indian people ! Wish its stays long !:smart:
I agree Omtatsat . But i can see young people are now getting back to our Culture . Leave cloths,Language etc its not possible to wear monk dress while shopping or work,. Thanks to internet and Social media more and More young Indians are getting to know Why Indian Civilization is still strong even after 1000 years of Invaders rule. Still we are 85 hindus which is not the case of many countries like Iran, Egypt Europe etc. They all converted in to another religion in just 1 or 2 decades. So some thing is there with Indian people ! Wish its stays long !:smart:

Yes, I m hopeful too.

Today Russia may not be a superpower, but USSR was the only force countering the US. And to some extent now China is doing the balancing act in coalition with Russia.

US is set for self destruct. Only question is whether it will go alone or take the world with it.
Can't Agree More...!!!

+Their leaders are not as corrupt as our's.

+They always give priority to National Interests First.

+ Their leadership has will power and vision to see their country as prosperous and wealthy nation.

+ And most Importantly, Their leaders don't do vote Bank politics over Terrorists.They Kill Them.

India can't catch up with china, in fact the gap which is already widening at a very fast rate between us will keep increasing by many-folds, unless and until we the people of India stop electing Corrupt/Thugs and Power Hungry Bastards as our Leaders.

Like it or not, This is reality..!!
if both countries could manage to completely eradicate the povery and provide a better standard of life to all its people then it will be a great favour on mankind...and will be a bigger tag than Superpower!

Nexus Ji you are right. We are really Killing our own Growth. Corruption in Communication,Railways,Infra ,Defence ,Poverty Program ,Schools What is left :undecided:

China already there ! It will take few years to over take USA. If there is no democracy like India's . Communist party is good for China but am not quite sure about people freedom . Yet as whole China is right there... !

1) thing railways and 2) discipline Chinese peoples have discipline but Indian don't have.
this is not the first time we execute corrupt officials, in china corruption of over a million rmb is a serious crime ,any official caught with that amount of money can be expected to get a long jail sentence or a death penalty.

And we have our 2G scam worth $40 Billion; Ministers are roaming free:hitwall::hitwall:
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